Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, I'd be rich...I'm not..

Well! I haven't updated for a long time! I've been quite naughty haven't I? Well I'm getting back into this story since I took time off from it for a month or 2 and I did some other projects as well, which I will be posting. This is a Harry chapter for all you wondeful Harry lovers out there! The next chapter will be a Draco one. Sorry it's so short.

And to all the wonderful people who make me smile...

Voldyismoldy-Aww thanks! Of course I'll continue it! I just took a vacation...

ConstantSnow-Get ready! There's some serious fluffy chapters coming up!

animeangel088 -I'm trying! Thanks for reviewing!

lady foxzy - Much love for you for reviewing!

Nekosblackrose- Thanks for all the excitement! You made me smile immensly when I read your review! So sweet!

Imarriedmalfoy- Oh alot more is in store for Harry! Thanks for reviewing

Cutechipmunk87 -Hahaha thanks so much! Keep reading! Alot more is coming up!

kitteh lova -I'm so sorry for the late update! Hopefully in the future I can get off my lazy butt and write a few more chapters this coming week.

Fantabulous Fushia - Thank you sweetie! I love the reviews you give me! Like cookies you baked all for me! Hopefully you'll like this chapter..it gives you alot more insight on what goes on in Harry's cute little head! Much love!

Harry leaned back against the hay where the prince had left him. He could hear the prince's boots ring as the sound hit the pavement as his royal highness left the stables.

He couldn't belive what had just happened! The prince, THE PRINCE, had left him untouched. He knew not all the men at court like to fuck boys, but the way Harry looked and how small he was, he looked too much like a bloody girl to threaten thier sexuality. he looked too much like a girl! So why hadn't he used him?

But then again, He was the royal prince. Maybe he didn't want to have a quick tumble in the hay, where it was dirty and would soil his fine clothes. Clothes that costed more than Harry was even worth. He would probably want to use him in one of the bedrooms in the palace, where it was clean and comfortable. Of course it was only for the prince's benefit, but Harry would get to relish the softness of the bed for a little while, even if he would be sore later. And maybe the prince would be so kind to let him use the shower! It had been so long since he had actually had more than a few seconds of a bucket of cold water thrown over his head.

Who knows? If Harry did well in pleasing the prince, maybe he would want him more than once. What a dream that would be. Hopefully Harry wouldn't mess this up.

He could just imagine living in he palace for a few years if the prince found favor with him. Harry would have a warm blanket and a thin cot in the slave quarters', a very place of his own. The though was very ideal. He would also get fed at least twice a day and a good bath once a week if he didn't cause trouble. The thought of living in the palace was so blissful, so unstressful.

But then Harry had thought back to what everyone had always told him. How he was so clumsy and wasn't worth anyone's time.

The clumsy part was too true. Everywhere Harry walked, he seemed to trip over something. And he would always brake something in the process, he had the marks to prove it on his back.

Punishments were strongly instilled in the stables and the fields. It was part of the reason why it was such a fear to work outside. All the slaves knew that punishments were often doubled if you didn't work inside the palace walls. It didn't matter what age you were and how good you did your job. All the overseers were much too happy to beat you within an inch of your life if you made a mistake. It was simply not allowed. All of slaves called the overseers deatheaters behind thier backs, they wouldn't dare say it to thier faces. Tales were told inside the palace that they were called that because when they were slamming an inch wide leather strip into your back, it felt liek they were eating the death right out of you. Harry couldn't disagree with that.

Almost every servant in the palace had been turned into a slave and they were owned by some rich noble, or if you were lucky, royalty. Being a slave offered you were owned by a noble that meant no one could touch you except them. If you were a field or stable slave, that meant anyone could beat or rape you, and no one would say anything against it. That was why Harry lived in constant fear.

He wanted so badly to have a master. Someone to call his own. He knew he would never be so lucky as to have a kind master, but that was all right. At least he would know what to expect and he could wake up every morning only knowing that he had to service olnly one person, and not however many showed up at the door. He would be given his very own special collar, that was made just for him. Even the most beaten slaves in the palace got gifts too. Of course most of the time the gifts were decorations put on the slave's body to show off, but at least the slave wasn't being ignored. That was the worst part. Knowing that at any time you could be sent right back where you were before you came into all this bliss.

If Harry ever got a master, he would show utter devotion to him. He would lay down his life for his master's, in hope that his master would love him. Harry would accept his punishments with happiness if it meant pleasing his master.

The second part was true too though. Harry really wasn't worth anyone's time. If he had friends maybe, but he didn't even see Poppy anymore and that was the only person he had been close to. No one wanted to be friends with him. He got picked on to much. What he wouldn't do for a bodyguard.

Harry was a stableboy, plain to see. The way his clothes looked, the obvious skinniness of him, and the simple fact that no one cared if he lived or died, reflected on who he was. It was almost enough to make him cry. But he wouldn't. The last time Harry had cried, he had attracted others with his noise that had resulted in a sound beating and a rough rape. It really wasn't fair.

Looking around, Harry suddenly realized that he had a long way to go in his chores. If he didn't finish them he wouldn't get fed and it had already been a while since his incident yesterday. Maybe the prince didn't like overly starved slaves. Hopefully he could get his chores done in time.