Quick A/N: Okie, I know no one really, truly reads these, but, as a formality I'm just gunna say this real fast. New fic, all in first person of Chelsea, some minor language, possibly adult themes… Enjoy and stay cool. ;D

So, here I am, totally ready to rip this guy's head off just for being such an idiotic buffoon, the same guy, that, for the past… oh I don't know… FOUR YEARS has been my supreme rival in like, everything, and he- he's just standing there, as if he hadn't just said that – like he hadn't just thrown my world upside down and sent his little chaos minions out to torture me. Because he has; and it's just totally not fair.


Okay, time to rewind to about… two years ago. Sunny Island was still in the making of its grand debut. Sure we had the Inn and the new Hotel was just upgraded recently, but there definitely wasn't as much traffic as there is today. So anyway, it's been a little over two years since I took over the ranch here and to be honest everything was really boring. I hadn't really tried much except for planting crops and raising a few animals (they're cute, but can be a real hassle, I swear). So, today marks the first day of me trying to entertain myself with something new.

Just the other day Taro had come to my door with a surprising gift: a fishing pole. Now that I think about it, I probably didn't look too pleased, but accepted it anyway, Taro… he just doesn't take no for an answer. So of course I just shoved it in my toolbox and forgot about it – until today that is.

It's a beautiful Wednesday afternoon, late spring, not a single cloud in the sky, nor a thing to do, what with all my chores finished and no one of real interest to talk to. My restless mind drifted back to that old, beat-up rod. Wasn't fishing for old men that liked to wear those dangerous tackle hats that could, most likely, take out an eye or two? So why was Taro giving it to me? Maybe he thinks I'm lame or something and would get a kick out of sitting around for hours staring at water… even though that's pretty much what I'm doing right now, just not staring at the water, I'm staring at the wall here at Luke's little place.

Heck, I don't see why not? Maybe I'll like it or something, or maybe I'll hate it and I'll just toss the rod into the bottom of the sea, whose goin' to know? So I get up and head for home, pausing at the door for a brief moment.

"Thanks Luke," I say with a big ole cheesy smile, "I'll catch ya later."

"Come back anytime, Chelsea!" he practically shouts back, a cheesy grin of his own. Seriously, if he didn't cook such damn good food, and if I didn't pay for it nearly every day, I don't think we'd get along this well. And well we get along.

So anyway, I'm on my way home, passing by Elliot and Julia hanging about between their respective homes, chatting and doing whatever those two do. Honestly, I don't want to know. I had read Beauty and the Beast as a kid and they kinda reminded me of that story, though, you'd have to fix up the title a tad to Super-Mega-Whore and the Geek/Nerd, I don't know the difference… Sounds like a good read to me. I give them a friendly little wave, faintly hearing Julia call out that it's such a beautiful day and that the animals will love it. Whatever.

When I get home I grab my newly acquired rod and fix my bandana, double and triple checking that it's on nice and tight, I don't want it to fall off or be carried away in the wind or anything, because to be honest, I totally didn't brush my hair this morning and I'm not going to bother doing that now. The bandana is on! But yeah, even so, my hair's just frizzy and stuff, it's not really gross or anything… whatever, it's not like I care. Feeding Bobert the cow on time this morning was way more important. She likes her fodder at exactly six thirty every morning, I know this because she always has this cute little moo when I do feed her on time… and I'm rambling again, to myself… oh goodie. Time to head to the beach.

With my luck, I'd get down there and Charlie and Eliza will be there, running around playing and screaming and doing all sorts of annoying kid things, and I'll wind up getting a sunburn instead of a tan, and I'll find fishing to be really stupid and just as boring as doing nothing at all.

And I was right about the first one. Charlie and Eliza were running around, well at least Charlie was, Eliza was yelling something like "Charlie! No fair, you can't be a knight and not protect the Queen from sand crabs!" Yeah.

I decided to head the opposite direction of the two children, towards the seaweed covered boulder, harvesting some for myself. I'd have to thank Gannon again for showing me this. Did I ever mention how cool he is? Gannon is probably the most awesome carpenter walking the face of this planet. That's the only reason I put up with Eliza. Sometimes that girl is just too much… girl. But whatever, at least she's out of her 'tell me all your deepest darkest secrets' phase – for the moment.

With a slightly angry moan I cast sloppily into the sea and sat down with a thump. Well, now this was exciting. I went from sitting around doing nothing in a diner to sitting around doing nothing waiting for sunburn. This was such a stupid idea, so stupid, in fact, that I don't even know why I'm still sitting here. Now, when the rod suddenly jerked out of my hands, I was in for quite a shock. I scrambled to regain the rod, yanked hard, and worked up a sweat reeling that sucker in. Okay, I know I sound like a big fat fanatic or whatever, but there's just something about ripping a poor innocent creature from its breathable habitat and poking it. Although I did throw it back in, I mean, I had nothing to put it in for starters, there is no way in hell I'm putting that wet, slimy thing into my rucksack. Besides, I'm just putting nature back in its natural habitat and all that wonderful hippie jazz.

Either way, it was pretty fun. You just sit back and relax for awhile, wait until you get a bite, and you get about five to ten minutes of thrill and anticipation. No wonder old men liked it so much; it was all their hearts could handle.

I decided to continue fishing for the day, throwing back all my catches and relishing the silent moments after the children left.

"Are you fishing?" there was that familiar snort. I was dreading this conversation already.

"And what's it to ya, cowboy?" I shot back to the sea. I didn't want to turn around and face him, no way no how.

"Don't you have more important things to be doing?"


"Taking care of your animals, for one."

"Vaughn…" I say his name slowly, to ease the burning acidic feeling on my tongue. "What do you think I do in the mornings? Curl up in bed with a juicy novel until well into the afternoon?"

"I wouldn't put it past you." He kicked up some sand near my backside as he treaded along the beach. "You don't seem like the… reliable type."

Oooo, that man just burns me up! And not in a good way either! I mean sheesh, it's like he's trying to make me prove him otherwise. Stupid, stupid, albino cowboy with a social complex! It's not my fault no one likes him and they don't talk to him, that doesn't mean he has the right to piss me off like this every single Wednesday and Thursday! Along with the occasional festival that he feels is necessary to show his mug at. Grrrr.

Go to hell. "Whatever." You don't know squat, bastard. I mean really. Me? Unreliable? If he's basing this off instinct again… well I don't trust his instinct as far as I can throw him, and hell, I doubt I could pick the bastard up.

"Hmph." Oh, and right there is the conversation ender. He just hmph's and everyone assumes that he won't talk anymore. So little do they know. That 'hmph' is just an indication that if conversation continues, he'll get more vicious. Too bad I've always been a bit of a risk taker.

I pulled in my line and slung my rod over my shoulder before standing up and brushing the sand off my rear. "You know, it's not my fault that I can find time to do other things than pamper my already spoiled farm animals."

"Just go away, Chelsea." Ooo, he used my given name, there's warning sign number one! I just want to see how far I can push him today; I still have all tomorrow to avoid him.

"Why? So you can sit here and pout the rest of the day knowing that I was right? Hmm?" Ahaha! I love calling him a pouter, just because well, he probably never does, but can you imagine it? Ha! That's rich. Although I think I might've pushed him a wee bit too far, I can tell by the way he's clenching his hat. I should probably run now.

He took a small breath and blew it out harshly. "Chelsea, just fuck off."

Okay, now I was pretty much stunned. Vaughn has never cussed like that before; I mean he's cussed, but never at me! It was just such a shock! And well, it kinda sucked, because my heart's beating like mad and my flight instinct is screaming to run and yet, I feel too bummed out. "Yeah, whatever." I manage to mutter before dragging my sorry behind home.

This was so stupid. I mean, okay, I found out I like to fish, it's actually pretty cool, but I can't go out and fish the sea with Vaughn the Heartless vamping the place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I mean, of course I could fish there any other day of the week, but ugh, just the thought of what happened today put me out of the mood to fish there forever.

Now, I could always fish right here at the ranch, but well, I think I'm here enough hours out of the day as it is… and there's also by the river, but there's that one tourist that's always there, just fishing and constantly talking about all the fish that you can catch at the beach and he's just annoying. Well, I could always fish at the pond in the forest… I don't see why not.

Either way, that was for tomorrow. I really didn't feel like doing anything today anymore. I guess I'll just catch up on my sleep, it's not too horribly early, but I know I normally wouldn't go to bed around this time.

I set my rod on the table and pull off my bandana. Picking up my brush from my nightstand I head over to the calendar and take a look. Oh. My. Gosh! Tomorrow was Gannon's birthday! I finished tugging my brush through the last bit of knotted hair and practically flew for the door and to Luke's.

I knew my breathing was slightly ragged from sprinting from the ranch to Luke's, and I wasn't sure who that was sitting in the corner over there, but I didn't have time to look and be sure. "H-hey Luke!" I panted out and approached the counter. "I have a favor to ask."

"A favor, eh?" he looked a little more than displeased. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if I could have a dish made for tomorrow, to go?" Oh please, oh please say yes. This would be so much better than giving Gannon some material stone and lumber.

"Well… It'll cost extra-"

"Deal!" I jumped at the opportunity. I need this! I mean its Gannon's birthday, and he's really awesome! Not to mention he upgraded my house for me at a reduced cost because I came up a thousand or two gold short. I owe the man!

Luke seemed befuddled for a few moments before shrugging. "Okay Chelsea, what do you need made?" I smiled at his compliance and told him what I needed and what time tomorrow I was coming to pick it up. "Alright. It'll be done, see you then."

"Thanks a million, Luke." Even though I have a feeling that's how much it's going to cost me. Even so, it was worth it. I had heard from Eliza that this was his favorite dish, and I just hoped she wasn't pulling my leg or something.

When I got out of the diner, I was more than surprised to find Vaughn haunting about the entrance. He turned and saw me, before looking away in disinterest. "No bandana tonight?" he said in a low voice.

"What?" What the hell was he talking about? Vaughn pointed to his head, then towards myself, as if explaining it straight out was beneath him. Instinctively I reached to tug my bandana down, but it wasn't there. Oh. Well, darn. "Oh. Uh. I guess I forgot. I was uh, getting ready for bed and uh- shut up!"

"I didn't say anything," he replied with a smirk - that stupid, stupid smirk that I hate so much.

Of course you didn't! Your evil gaze says it all! "Oh, right." I scratched my suddenly naked feeling head. I mean, I always had that bandana on. It's just so important to me.

Vaughn looked a little awkward for a few brief moments, shifting from foot to foot. "It looks, well… Sorry about earlier. Didn't feel too chatty."

Yeah, yeah. You're never chatty buck-o. "It's fine." Not. "Happens all the time." Well, not to me anyways, I mean I've seen people snap like that before, just never really had a one on one confrontation with it.

"Yeah…" And then there was that awkward silence. You know those kinds of awkward silences that can't be broken by pointing out how awkward it is, like for instance saying, 'and speaking of awkward silences…' yeah, it just doesn't work. "I'll be going now."

"Yeah, you do that." I watched him walk off before following the path home. That was so random. But whatever, I was way too tired now to really think about it too much.

When I finally did get home, I pretty much collapsed into bed. Didn't Taro say that his trick knee told him it would rain tomorrow? Or was it his eyebrows? I don't remember. One thing about rain that I really love is the fact that I don't have to water my crops. And with that thought I fell asleep.


Yeah, yeah. It's short. :(

Love it, hate it? That's cool… I wanna know! I almost wanna say don't review… try that reverse psychology thing… But, I have a feeling it wouldn't go over too well. xD

Anyhoo, thanks for reading!

W/ gratitude,
