DISCLAIMER: I don't own Rose, Scorpius, or the drinking game.

The Extra One's.

Blurb …

It may have taken Rose and Scorpius a long time to get anything right, but there are unfinished stories to tend to … :Compaion peice to 'Getting it Right' you need to have read that first Scorpius/Rose postDH NextGen:

Note: This story is the companion peice to my other story, "Getting it Right". These are missing moments from that story, and you do need to have read that first to understand what's happening. This moment takes place during the events of "The Intoxicated One" after dancing, but before the snogging behind the couch. This is also from Rosie's POV.

To fans of GIR, enjoy!

CHAPTER ONE: Hands in the Middle!

I was going to murder my brother. If I actually remembered to in the morning.

This firewhisky was good, I'll give him that. But if dancing with Malfoy for hours on end is what's going to happen every time someone cracks open the alcohol … well actually, I think I'd rather just stay intoxicated …

"Where did you learn to ballroom dance?" I yelled over the music. Malfoy was leading me around in a waltz, which probably looked a little strange compared to the upbeat music. However mostly, I just worried about getting the right feet, not spilling anyone's drink, and trying to not enjoy being in Malfoy's arms so much.

"My Mum forced me through lessons," Malfoy said cheerfully, turning me under his arm. "I hated it back when I was eight, but I guess it's proven itself useful in the end! Who would've thought I'd be dancing ballroom with you at a party?"

It's funny, but a few hours ago, that sentence probably would've gone along the lines of 'I can't believe I'm dancing with you at all'. The Firewhisky was getting to my head, and rational judgement was definitely out the window. Especially since for one, I was this close to him, and not caring at all about what he might think. I didn't even consider the possibilities to throwing my arms around his neck - I just did it. I didn't think about what might happen.

The mad thing was, that I think it was the fact that I was completely intoxicated that made me think like this.

We laughed and twirled for about 10 minutes more (or it could've been a few hours, my time-keeping skills are pretty shot right now), when loud raucous laughter came from the other side of the room. I recognised Libby, Jo, Geraldine, Toby and Trevor, playing what seemed to be some sort of game, as well as Al and Bea (who were somehow managing to snog whilst playing at the same time).

I pointed this out to Malfoy.

"We should join them!" He said, and without a second thought, we'd both grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and joined my fellow Ravenclaws (plus Al), who were all standing in a circle.

They were all completely off their faces, that much I could tell. They were laughing when Libby hiccupped loudly, trying to get attention.

"Right, right," She said, clutching her own bottle of Firewhisky. "Hands in the middle!"

"HANDS IN THE MIDDLE!" Everyone else roared, throwing their arms out in front of them. I exchanged a look with Malfoy, who grinned at me.

"… Toby's wearing robes!" Libby said after deliberating.

"TOBY'S WEARING ROBES!" Everyone else yelled. Bea noticed I was there watching, and she waved hi before Al captured her lips again.

"And the aim of the game is … Rosie!" Libby suddenly exclaimed, seeing me standing next to her. Unfortunately Jo, who was on Libby's other side, seemed to think this was a part of the game, as she yelled, "Rosie!" and pointed her bottle at Toby next to her.

"Rosie!" He also yelled, pointing his own bottle at Trevor. Trevor flung his non-bottled hand into the air and yelled,

"Rosie that crap up!"

"Pardon?" I said, but everyone was laughing as Toby scowled and downed his entire bottle in one go. "What the hell are we playing?"

"I believe it's called, 'Hands in the Middle', Weasley," Malfoy told me as everyone cheered for Toby. "It's a drinking game! My parents played it once at a New Year's party! You basically repeat whatever the leader says, then pass the 'aim of the game' around the circle, until someone stops and makes the person before them down their drink. It's bloody pointless, but bloody amusing!"

"Let's play then," I said, shrugging. I quickly drank some Firewhisky from my full bottle. "Who goes first?"

"Toby, he drank last time." Malfoy said.

"Rosie's going to play!" Libby yelled excitedly.

"And Malfoy!" I pointed out.

"And Scorpius Malfoy!"

Everyone cheered for us as we both moved forward into the cirle. No one seemed to care that a well known hated Slytherin was in their midst. No one seemed to care about anything, except for the Firewhisky in their hands, and what the leader was yelling.

Was it wrong to like having no worries, no prejudices? No one questioning motives, or asking why the hell I was with Malfoy in the first place?

"Hands in the middle!" Toby yelled.

"HANDS IN THE MIDDLE!" I screamed along with everyone else, indeed thrusting my arms into the middle of the circle. I could touch Bea's hands as she laughed. Her hair was on end, obviously from the humidity in the air as she stood opposite to me in the circle.

"Uh … Trevor's a girl in pants!"

Everyone laughed before yelling, "TREVOR'S A GIRL IN PANTS!"

"And the aim of the game is … ugh!" Toby couldn't think of anything to say as Trevor smacked him, before pointing his bottle at Bea and yelling, "UGH!"

"Ugh!" She yelled, pointing hers at Al, who passed on the "Ugh!" to Geraldine.

"Ugh!" She yelled, pointing at Malfoy.

"Ugh!" He again yelled at me.

I passed on the "Ugh!" to Libby, but instead of passing onto Jo, she threw up her hand and yelled, "UGH THAT CRAP UP!"

"What?" I asked.

"You have to down your drink!" Libby cheered.

I looked wide-eyed up at Malfoy, who raised his bottle in a mock toast. I rolled my eyes at him before downing the rest of my Firewhisky. It burned my throat, but the resounding cheers distracted me from any pain.

"You start now, Rosie!" Malfoy said, putting his arm around me in an obvious triumphant gesture. I caught Bea's eye, and she grinned at me.

"Hands in the middle!" I yelled.

"HANDS IN THE MIDDLE!" Malfoy only threw one hand in, his other still around my shoulders.

Perhaps it was the proximity of his body, or just the fact that I'd had too much alcohol. Either way, something made me yell, "I'm in love with Malfoy!"

It was quite something to hear six Ravenclaws, one Gryffindor and one Slytherin laugh hysterically before screaming out, "I'M IN LOVE WITH MALFOY!"

No one thought anything of it. Even Malfoy himself. In fact, he was still laughing.

"And the aim of the game is …" I noticed Al and Bea in mid-kiss. "Snogging!"






"Snogging that crap up!" Al yelled. Bea glared before downing her drink. It was quite a sight to see my innocent best friend, simultaneously drinking and kissing at a Quidditch Celebration. If her muggle parents knew about this, they probably wouldn't let her come back next year.

"I think your cousin hates me!" Bea yelled at me.

"Y'know he loves you!" I yelled back as Al grinned. Bea rolled her eyes.

"Like you love Malfoy?"

"Like I love Malfoy!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air. Some of my firewhisky splashed out and over Libby, but I didn't really notice. Malfoy was looking at me, and even though my mind was completely muddled by alcohol, I knew that look.

"Hands in the middle!" Bea suddenly screamed, causing me to snap back to the game at hand.


"Weasley?" Malfoy's voice said, and I turned to face him. He was smiling.


Everyone stared at Bea, who seemed lost for words.

"Uh …" She said as we all started to laugh.

"I know you love me," He said, still grinning. "And thanks."

"For what?" I asked. My breath caught as his face inched closer.

"For trying to get it right." He said, placing his non-firewhiskey hand on my cheek, and crashing his lips to mine. I kissed him right back.

"… Crap, Rosie and Malfoy are snogging!" Bea yelled, obviously noticing us.


"And the aim of the game is … Al's socks!"

"Al's socks!"

"Al's socks!"

Malfoy suddenly pulled away and yelled, "Al's socks!"

I gave him a mocking smile and threw up my hand, "Al's socks that crap up!"

He gave an exasperated groan before downing his firewhiskey as everyone cheered. Have I mentioned that I love this game?

Malfoy gave a deep breath.


A/N: And GIR World lives on for now! Yes, this is where i'll be posting my missing moments, because trust me, i have a lot. For those who do not wish it to end, here's some more GIR and R/S goodness!

I got this idea from a party i went to, where i watched a group of my friend play this game for half an hour. They were unsurprisingly trashed afterwards, but it was bloody amusing the thigns they came up with. I could just imagine Rosie and her friends playing this at the Quidditch Celebrations, so i wrote it!

So now you have your first moment. Also note the reason none of them mention this in "The Wrong One", is because no one remembers playing the game, not even Bea, Geraldine, Libby or Jo. Neither Rose or Scorpius remember playing this game, or any snogging that may've occured, therefore it doesn't come up. Juuust so that's clear.

Thank you so much to my awesome GIR readers. You're amazing, and i hope you all enjoy this moment.

Until next time-

-Moon. : D