Chapter 6-(Blessed be the loving fiancé')

From here on I will just be doing an (Insert Disclaimer here) because everyone knows who the real creator is and I am just a fan who loves anime.

Remember-flashbacks and thoughts are in italics

"I heard someone but I don't think it was you. It sure is good to hold you-having my brain stuck on sleep was scary. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't." Ryoji said as he smiled back at his daughter.

"Dad what do you mean by. . . uh . . you heard someone but you didn't think it was me?" Haruhi asks as she wipes her eyes.

"Well now don't quote me 'cause I'm still kinda out of it, but I think that Kazuma boy was in here before you got here. I remember someone saying -if you leave her now she'll be by herself, don't leave her. She needs you.- That's all I remember dear."

"Kazuma. . .said that to you? Why would he even bother if he was already coming to get me?" Haruhi asked as she looked to her dad. She started to think.

"Does he . . . Care?"

Haruhi thought as she continued to hold her fathers hand". . . . He. . .stayed with dad."

"Haruhi that Kazuma boy was in here talking to me while I slept. It had to be him, I'm sure of it." Her father said as he gripped her hand lightly.

"Dad the important thing is that your awake and feeling better. Dr. Ayame must be taking very good care of you."

"She certainly is, but then again she and her staff is the best that money can buy." Ranka says with a grin.

"Dad please don't joke like that, this is a good moment and your ruining it." Haruhi says as she reprimands her fathers bad money joke.

"Honestly Haruhi dear, I feel a lot better now that I'm awake. I could really use a make-over though, I know it."

"Oh, I forgot to call the guys and let them know what's going on." Haruhi says as she reaches for her cell phone. She feels around in her pocket and can't seem to find it.

"Haruhi, is something wrong dear?", her father asks as he looks to her.

"Oh, its my phone, I think I left my phone back at the house. I was in such a hurry that I didn't grab it before I left."

"Not to worry dear." Ranka says with a wide smile. " That Kazuma boy made sure that I had a working phone in case I needed to contact you or anyone else. I can make calls internationally if I wanted to, as well as make calls to the hospital."

"That's very convenient dad. Now let me call back Dr. Ayame and then I can call the guys and let them know what's going on." Haruhi says as she begins to reach for the phone.

Ranka hands his daughter the phone and she makes the call. As Haruhi called for the doctor, Ranka grabbed a brush from the stand and began fixing his hair-(I must ask the twins to fix my make-up as soon as I get better)he thought as he continued to straighten his hair. While he was giving his hair the last few brushes, the door opened. First the doctor and then Kazuma Yukiro entered the room. At once Ranka stopped brushing his hair and stood up straighter in bed. The doctor smiled at him and he smiled back at her while Kazuma stood a fair distance from him. Haruhi noticed the tension in the air and was about to cut her phone call short.

". . . no you guys don't have to come here, dad is fine right now Tamaki-sempai. . ."

". . .its alright hani-sempai, I'm fine and so is dad, please stop crying. . . "

". . .no Tamaki-sempai, Kazuma-san did not try to force himself on me-why would you ask that?. . .(Kyouya can be heard in the background telling Tamaki not to ask such a stupid question and to hand him the phone, Tamaki refuses so Kyouya steals the phone from him.)

". . .thank you Kyouya-sempai, Tamaki's questions were really annoying. . . and stupid. Really though I'm fine and yes I will call if I need a ride back. . .sure he can talk, here he is. . ." Haruhi handed the phone to her father.

"Kyouya-sempai would like to speak with you dad." she says as she hands the phone back to her father.

"Kyouya-kun!" Ranka sang happily into the phone while Dr. Ayame took his blood pressure." Very nice to hear your voice Kyouya-dear!"

Haruhi watched her father talk to Kyouya while the doctor did her job. Kazuma came closer to her and handed her the water.

She took the water and thanked him with a slight smile.

"I'm glad to see that your father is doing better, Ms. Fujioka." Kazuma says as he takes a seat a little closer to Haruhi.

"Yes he scared me for a minute but he came through and he even looks a little better now. He's got more color to his face." Haruhi answers as she looks to her dad.

"Ranka-san it looks like everything is checking out alright but I want to run another scan on you to see if the medicine we've been administering is working." Dr Ayame says as she puts her pen to her chart." Now please keep in mind that we will be trying to see if you'll have to have surgery or not-hopefully you wont have to have surgery."

"Well then I guess that I'll have to pray that I don't start to glow in the dark from that blasted scanner." Ranka says as he leans back into the bed.

"Dad I can stay here until you get back so don't be in a hurry." Haruhi said as she started back over to Ranka's bed.

"I would love for you to stay Haruhi but you look a little tired and . . ."

"Dad let me rephrase what I said- I am staying until I know that the medicine is working. I'm not leaving until I know that your doing well enough to leave here." Haruhi said as she stood over her father.

"Well then I'll see you when I come back out dear." Ranka said as he was being rolled away from his daughter for a second time.

"Ms. Fujioka the scanner takes about two hours to complete its reading, are you sure that you want to wait that long?" Dr. Ayame asks as she readies to leave with Ranka.

"Yes doctor, I'm sure. I wont be leaving here again until I know that my dad will be alright." Haruhi says as she sat back down next to her fathers vacant bed.

"Very well then we'll see you in two hours ms. Fujioka. Good evening Mr. Yukiro." At that the door closed behind the doctor. This left Haruhi and Kazuma alone in the room the rain still can be heard outside tapping at the outside of the room window. While neither party said a word. Soon though the silence started to eat at Haruhi's sanity.

"You don't have to be here anymore, I'm gonna be fine here by myself." Haruhi said as she looked to the window.

"I know you'll be fine but I brought you here and as a gentleman I'll be escorting you back home." The Yukiro heir said as he looked to Haruhi who was looking out the window. She turned her head to stare him down.

"I'm sorry maybe you didn't here me. I said that I don't need an escort. When I decide to leave I'll call one of my friends for a lift home." Haruhi says as she turns her head back

"No you wont." Kazuma answered.

"What?" Haruhi asked

"Your not going to bug them for a ride home this late at night and you now it. You would probably call a cab or do something stupid like walk home-granted your house isn't that far from here but still it is late and there are a lot of idiots who have nothing better to do than to cause trouble late at night around your area." Kazuma says as he stands in front of Haruhi looking down to her with a stern look.

"I will do my best to keep my voice down but listen well. If I want to call for a cab then I will, if I want to call my friends for a lift then I will do that too. If I want to walk home late at night then I will do that as well- but lets get one thing straight, I have my own mind and I will do as I see it. Now if you'll excuse me I have some thinking to do. Thank you for staying with my father. " Haruhi said as she turned her head away from her would be fiancé'.

With nothing else to say and Haruhi looking out the window again, Kazuma stood for a split second at the girl who just told him off-while thanking and dismissing him. He left the room without another word. As he left and looked to the door of the elevator he made a mental note to apologize for what he said at the dinner party next weekend.

The doctors and nurses were all a buzz in the hospital at this time of night. Kazuma Yukiro wanted to take his leave as soon as humanly possible. He didn't want to draw anymore attention than he had already done by showing up late at night without his father. Especially to visit someone he had barley known. He exited the hospital and entered his limousine. The driver of course knew of the goings on and had been a personal driver for Kazuma ever since he was allowed to leave the mansion unattended. Katsuhiro is his name and he is the only person in the world besides his cousin Mayuri that Kazuma trusts wholeheartedly.

"Kazuma-san, you look like you've been through a hectic day, may I ask how it went?" Katsuhiro asks as he rounds the corner.

"Well first of all I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut when I get upset. I made Ms. Fujioka angry by insulting her better judgment about going home." Kazuma contemplates as he looks out the window of his moving limo.

"Well what did the young woman say to you.?" the driver said as he rounded a turn.

"It started with me telling her that she should let me take her home- she refused of course and then I opened my mouth and put my foot in it.(sigh) I'm just glad that her father is alright for now. She still doesn't know about the cancer and how far it has spread, neither do I. I promised that she wouldn't have anything to worry about though and I'm keeping that promise." The Yukiro heir says as he continues to look out the window.

As the driver pulls into the lot in front of the main gates two women can be seen in the doorway. Kazuma makes out one of the two to be his cousin and the other is unknown until the Katsuhiro parks the limo and exit's the vehicle to let out Kazuma. A tall woman wearing a very elegant dress steps forward.

"Mother? What are you doing out of your room so late?" Kazuma asks as he steps toward his mother and wraps a shawl around her-handed to him by one of his many servants.

"I should be asking you the same thing Kazu." His mother says as she hugs her son. At the nickname his cousin giggles and Kazuma blushes.

"Mother please don't call me that, I'm not a child anymore." Kazuma says as he takes his mother back into the mansion.

"I know, I just like to call you that every now and then. I missed you at dinner and so did your cousin Mayuri." His mother says as she wraps the shawl tighter around her frame.

"Mayuri has her own house why is she here?" Kazuma asks as he stops in the hallway.

"Kazuma don't be rude, she's here to keep me company and as a matter of fact we needed to talk to you about this . . .situation of yours." Kazuma's mother says as she motions to the living room.

" We?. . . . who else needs to talk to me and what is going on?" Kazuma asks as he is motioned to sit down.

His mother continues to stand while Mayuri sits next to him.

"Kazuma when I had first heard of this . . .plan of yours, I was disappointed that you would play with another persons emotions like this. Do you even realize what you've done to that young lady. You bought her fathers health and in turn she had to sell herself to you. What were you thinking?" She asks as she stares at him in disbelief.

"Mother I didn't want you to find out this way. . "

"When were you going to tell me about this, on your wedding day? Were you even going to tell me that this was an arrangement?"

"Yes mother I was, but not this soon. . .please don't be angry with me."

"It's hard not to be, but I'm more disappointed than angry with you right now." Kazuma's mother says as she shakes her head. "Mayuri wouldn't tell much because she didn't want to upset you so I hired a private investigator to follow you. Who was terrible by the way."

"You didn't have to do that mother." Kazuma says solemnly.

"Didn't I? You will tell me everything that's going on, starting from when you first found out about that young woman's father to when you came up with this irresponsible idea of yours to coerce her into marrying you." His mother ordered.

As Kazuma began to tell his mother his plan and how it came about, Kazuma's mother began to show a series of emotions from anger to disbelief-and the disappointment all over again. He continued to tell her who the real master mind was behind the idea that Kazuma set into motion. She sat down on the single seat chair in front of Kazuma. She didn't know whether to hug him or hit him when he was finally done. Mayuri felt that she needed to say something but for once was at a loss for words.

"So it was your fathers idea then, he just let you carry it out and change whatever you wanted to change." His mother says as she gets up.

"So this dinner party that we're having is basically to introduce her as a potential daughter in law?" His mother asks.

"Well not potentially a daughter in law, she will be our daughter in law." a figure says as he comes forward.

"Father?. .", "Uncle Kazuya?"-Kazuma and Mayuri questioned.

"Yes and since we're all current as to what is going on, I won't hold anymore secrets." The head of the household said as he came from the shadows of the doorway.

Kazuma's father came into the room in full view and stood next to his wife. The two youngest members of the Yukiro family stood stalk still as the tall slender gentleman before them began to speak again.

"Things are looking well for our sons' future aren't they?" The young head of the family said with an all knowing grin.

"Its late and I need some sleep." Kazuma says as he goes towards his bedroom for the night.

"Goodnight mother " he says as he reaches to give her a kiss on the cheek ,he bows to his father and Mayuri.

As his mother looks to Kazuma's retreating form, she then turns her head to her husband. "Kazuya I hope that this plan doesn't come back to haunt you or our son."

"My dear, I am only making sure that our only son has the most fortuitous future." Kazuya Yukiro says as he smiles at his wife and niece.

"I don't agree with this one bit Kazuya. I pray that you know what your doing." The mother says as she gets up to leave the room.

"In do time my love you'll see that this was the lucrative choice to make for our son." Kazuya says as he reaches to kiss his wife goodnight. He looks to his niece. " Mayuri, you have been very quiet tonight about the situation. Do you not have anything to say?"

"Uncle, I know that you are the head of this family and I know that normally the decisions that you make are for the good of the family. . .so. . . "

". . . So. . . " Kazuya commented.

"So. . . I don't see much of a reason for this plan. Manipulating your own son to carry it out, and telling him that he can execute this scheme of yours using his own methods. Your pulling the strings and he's your puppet." She said as calmly as she could without looking towards the Yukiro Patriarch.

Kazuya looked to his niece and calmly stood in front of her. He continued to smile down on her while she could not look into his eyes. "You would do well to know that I heard of your little visit with Ms. Fujioka. I distinctly remember telling you to stay away from her. As a matter of fact my exact words were to keep your distance from her at all costs. You have nothing to do with her and her family. Did you actually think that no one would find out about that? You do remember that Dr. Ayame and I go a long way back. She actually introduce your father to my sister. At any rate, since you seem to like involving yourself in my affairs I need you to do something for me."

"I won't betray Kazuma, if that's what your asking." Mayuri says defensively as she looks into her uncles eyes.

Kazuya waves his hand to her. He remembers that Mayuri is one of few people that Kazuma trusts completely. "No, no I know how much you care for your cousin. I wouldn't ask such a thing from you. What I need you to do is. . . . . .

The next day. . . . .

As the sun rose over the horizon the hospital was busy as usual-saving lives and helping bring new ones into the world. While people were being helped and otherwise a daughter was waiting for her father to return to her.

When Dr. Ayame decided to take one more look at Ranka's head she was right in thinking that the he would need surgery. The cancer that had spread through his brain had caused a tumor to form and it was pressing into a major brain nerve-this was causing his sever headaches. If it didn't get removed Ranka would have been blind, a vegetable or even . . .well let's not think of the last permanent scenario. It was decided that he get the surgery and the operating room is where he was sent. When her father came back into the room she was relieved that he looked better. Dr. Ayame was by Ranka's side noting that Ranka was going to make it and that's what counted. Haruhi thanked the Doctor and yawned. She needed to go to the restroom, she had slept at her fathers bedside and the position she was in wasn't kind to her neck. She rubbed her sore neck as she went to the restroom. When she returned she watched her father continue to sleep. Haruhi immediately called back the guys and told them what had developed. Her father was going to make it. They all gave they're best and told her they were rooting for her father's full recovery all of the way,(you would think that they would rush to her but they are still respecting her decision for them to stay put)

"Haruhi, you're a really devoted daughter to your father." The doctor said as she saw the girl retreat from the bathroom. "I know that you have been his rock and you've really stuck by him."

Haruhi blushed as she sat back down next to her father. "My father is my everything, he's so special to me and I know that he would do the same for me."

"You know it baby girl", a groggy Ranka said as he turned his head to his daughter.

"Dad your awake. . And do you know what else?" Haruhi says as she kisses his forehead.

"Let me guess, I'm going to make it through this." Ranka asks as he sits up in bed.

"Yeah, you are." Haruhi says as she stifles another yawn.

Dr. Ayame comes back into the room and raises a finger to her eyeglasses. "Well Ranka-sama you gave us quite a scare but it looks like you'll make a full recovery. Let me give you the details." She flips through the pages that she has on Ranka's progress and starts from the beginning. "When you first came here you had a headache and chest issues, your allergic to sesatis-which we didn't know of until we administered it to you. Sesatis is a form of morphine primarily given to patients in the beginning stages of cancer. Of course you wouldn't know of it because you never had the need for this type of medication. We had to use a milder morphine called alanyde. This morphine was the one that helped with your pain until we found what type of caner you had. Then after you slipped into a comatose state we had to take you off the Alanyde and proceeded to monitor your progress. When we found out what type of cancer you had, we put you on the appropriate medications. You remember the nausea that you felt right?"

"All to well doctor." Ranka says as he sticks his tongue out. He remembered how much of his breakfast he had emptied on the floor.

"That was from the medication, which was a temporary side affect. At any rate, the medication brought down the size of the cancer and we were able to operate. Which was successful. Ranka-sama, I'm glad to see that you have your color back. Now I do want to make sure that your well enough to leave, so I want to run a couple more scans and then you can go home." Dr. Ayame finished with a smile on her face and gave Haruhi a slight grin. She was glad that she could give the young lady some good news and this was the best.

"Dad, you can come home today," Haruhi says as he hugs her father.

"Yes my precious girl, but only after those scans are done." Ranka says as he hugs back.

"Oh I'm just so glad. I can't wait to get you home and cook for you." Haruhi says as she looks to her dad.

"That's so weird," Ranka says as he looks to his daughter with a knowing grin.

"What do you mean dad?" Haruhi asks.

"Your mother said the same exact thing to you when you were born." He starts.


"Yeah, she was holding you and she looked into those big brown eyes of yours. You looked back at her and smiled. She held her finger out to you and you gripped it. At that moment while I was looking at the both of you thinking-how could I be so lucky- she says -Oh I'm so glad, I can't wait to get you home and cook for you-you two are so much alike in so many ways."

"Ranka-sama, I'm back and were ready for you." The doctor says as she comes in with the nurse. Haruhi moves to the door so that the nurse can roll the hospital bed to the neuro-scanning room. She takes his hand and gives a light squeeze just before he's whisked away for hopefully a final time.

Dr. Ayame and the nurse rolled away leaving Haruhi to herself. She sat at the window and looked towards the sky. The sun was coming up but it was still a little cloudy due to the rain that had recently stopped. She began to think of what a week this had been for her and her father. She leaned forward and put her knees to her chin, no longer able to keep her head up and began to dose off. Sleep soon took hold of her as she dreamed of her father and his amazing battle with cancer. She sighed . Everything was getting better and that was all she could really ask for.

Back at their respective houses, the boys were all thanking the heavens that Haruhi and her father were doing better. Tamaki couldn't sleep however and had all the boys on speaker phone. The others however couldn't sleep either and so didn't mind the really late night call.

"This was one of the most worrisome times that I had ever been involved in, and I'm glad that its over." Tamaki says as he looks to the portrait of Haruhi he had made of her. Which was hanging in his room at the main house.

"Hold on Tamaki, remember that there is still another set of tests that Dr. Ayame has to perform before Ranka-sama can come leave the hospital." Kyouya points out bluntly while tapping on his laptop.

"Geez Kyouya sempai," Hikaru starts, "You could think a little more positive."

"I want Ranka-sama out of that hospital as much as the rest of you but I'm being realistic." Kyouya says as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He notices that he has been doing that a lot lately.

"Well more positive thinking and less realistic thinking sempai." Kaoru says as he takes the phone from his twin.

"Haruhi must be so anxious right now." Hani-sempai pipes in as he hugs his bunny closer to his chest. "Right Takashi."

"She almost lost someone she cares deeply for. None of us know how that feels. Everyone that we care for is alive and well. She needs all of our support and we owe her that. We 're her friends and that's what we do for each other." Mori says as he looks to the clock. It was really early and he wanted to get some shut eye at least. He stifled a yawn over the phone. This didn't go unnoticed by the other host members.

"Mori-sempai is right, I think its time for everyone to get some well deserved rest. We meet at the hospital tomorrow." Kyouya says as he begins to yawn himself. At once the host members bid each other a goodnight and the lines go silent.

"I'll go to bed as soon as I'm done here." Kyouya says to himself as he continues to type on his laptop. "What is your whole story Kazuma Yukiro?"

As he continued to type he found something amazing Haruhi's forced fiancé. "Oh my god,. . . he's related to Kotoko Fujioka."

BUM-BUM-BUM! I've been gone for a minute but I'm back. Sorry about the long wait to all of my readers, this story is almost to it's conclusion but another twist has risen. How is Kazuma Yukiro related to Kotoko Fujioka? You'll have to keep reading to find out. Remember that reviews are always welcome and keep em' comin'.