A/N Alright so here's the deal, I really thought this was a good one shot and I still do, but quite a few people have asked me to expand it so I'm making it a two shot, but there's really not much left to write besides the after-incident reactions as far as I'm concerned, so hopefully this will satisfy everyone.

Disclaimer: Still don't own anything


I woke up and reached for the clock on the nightstand only to discover that it wasn't there. Opening my blurry eyes for the first time I took in my surroundings. Huh. I was in Edward's room. That's strange; I guess I must have fallen asleep at his house; except, I don't remember actually going to his house.

And then it hit me. The previous day's events crashed down upon me. I was rushing and tripped over Charlie's tackle box at the top of the stairs. After that it's pretty unclear, but then, I remember Carlisle, except my memory of him seems strange somehow. It's like I am seeing him in someone else's memory. It's…wait. OH MY GOD! I remember! I…NAKED…BOOBIES!? "Oh my God." I breathed jolting myself up in bed. I heard a tinkling laugh in my doorway and turned to see Alice.

"You, missy, owe me a day of shopping for that outfit you destroyed in the bath." Alice said pointing an accusing finger at me as she sauntered into my room. I stared at her completely horror struck. "Oh come on Bella, it's not that bad."

I gave her a disbelieving glare, before hiding my face in my hands and muttering, "I jumped into his lap naked and basically told him to feel me up."

"Yes. Yes, you did." Alice said rubbing my back and trying to keep a serious face, but failing miserably and rolling off the bed in a fit of giggles. I groaned and let my head fall back onto my pillows. How was I supposed to face him after that? My self pity didn't last very long, as soon enough Alice's laugh was joined by a loud blasting one that made me hide even further under my covers and pull a pillow over my blushing face. Emmett.

"That was the most action you two have ever gotten together!" Emmett boomed coming into the room with Rosalie trailing behind him. However, I noticed that her usual glare was not on her face. In fact, it looked as though she were trying not to laugh. To round out obnoxious siblings Jasper came into the room.

"I think we were all quite surprised that your action for the evening wasn't limited to men either." He smirked, before collecting his still giggling wife from the floor. At this Emmett laughed even harder.

"Well you can't blame her can you? Rose does have nice boobies" Emmett said before poking Rose's chest in imitation of me last night. Rose playfully swatted him away.

"Yes Bella, in the future, please try to refrain from touching without asking." Rose said smiling. She actually smiled, well at least something came out of this epidemically bad experience.

"Bella," Alice said, finally recovering from her fit, "It's really not that bad, I mean, sure we all saw you naked, but it's not like we have photographic memories so we can watch it clearly over and over again for eternity and never forget to hold it over your head for blackmail purposes…oh wait." Alice grinned evilly and I pulled the pillow over my head again as they continued laughing.

"Alright that's enough!" I heard Esme say. I peeked out from under my pillow to see her shooing the others out of my door, but even she had a small smile on her face as she did so. Jacksonville was starting to look really good right now.

"Bella?" I heard the voice of an angel and then my own personal Greek God poked his head around the door frame, cautiously making his way inside.


I could hear my siblings up in my room with Bella, but for some reason I couldn't make myself move. I was simply frozen on the couch. I wanted to see Bella, but there was a nagging in my mind. What if I couldn't look at her the same way? Or worse what if she didn't want to see me? The image of Bella's naked body pressing into me once again entered my mind and I had to physically shake my head to remove it. Well, I couldn't put it off forever.

I unwillingly dragged myself up the stairs and down the hall to see my laughing siblings leaving my room, being ushered out by a slightly chuckling Esme. As everyone passed by me I caught slivers of their thoughts.

Boobies…HAHA, priceless –Emmett

Poor Bella, she must feel so embarrassed ­–Esme

She's feeling awfully insecure and embarrassed right now, I should probably try to calm her a little ­–Jasper (I gave him a grateful smile as he passed)

She's taken this pretty well so far, maybe I underestimated her –Rose

Edward, she needs to know you still care about her. Don't mess this up. –Alice

I took a calming breath and peered into my room to see Bella hiding under a mountain of pillows and blankets. "Bella?" I said leaning a little further around the doorway. I slowly entered the room. I could see her eyes and nose peeking out of a blanket in the most adorable way and I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me. That was a mistake.

Bella shot up and glared at me. "Don't you dare laugh at me Edward Anthony Mason Cullen!" Before she could continue I swept in beside her and held her in my arms. She fought me at first, but eventually just turned her face into my chest. "Oh Edward. I'm so embarrassed. Everyone saw me, and then I…" She started to sniffle and I rubbed her back a little.

"It's okay love," I whispered, "It wasn't your fault. You were sick. It's okay baby." I cooed loving words in her ear until she calmed down. Still clutching my shirt she looked up at me.

"Edward, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing." I smiled at her.

"Of course love, I know. You don't have anything to apologize for." We lay on the bed with her back curled into my front in silence for a few minutes. I discovered that I didn't feel any strangeness at all, to my relief. She may have been acting like a toddler, but her body, was most certainly a woman's.

"Edward?" Bella said softly.


"Did you like what you saw?" She asked turning around to face me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I just looked at her shocked and speechless. I hadn't been expecting that! How fickle the emotion of embarrassment is!

"Bella you're beautiful." I stated. She sighed and placed my hand on her hip coming in a little closer.

"You've said that before. What I want to know is if you liked my body? Do you think I'm…sexy?" She whispered this last part with a full blush coming over her face. I kissed her on the lips quickly and tilted her face up to mine.

"Bella, you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen." She snorted disbelieving me, but I was ready for it. My Bella needed to know how much I wanted her, even if I couldn't show her. "It's true Bella. The whole night I …" I wasn't sure if I could tell her, but I felt that she needed to know this more than I needed to keep from being ashamed or embarrassed. "Last night after you went to bed, I kept seeing you on my lap from earlier, and I confess, my thoughts were far from gentlemanly, even though I knew those were not your intentions with those actions. I found myself unable to keep from feeling these urges toward you even when you weren't completely healed yet. You're the only one who can do that to me Bella."

I had been avoiding her gaze, ashamed at my thoughts, but when she crashed her lips to mine, I could hardly ignore her. Pushing aside my better judgment for a minute I rolled on top of her enchanted by her swollen lips and beautiful brown eyes as I looked down at her. She smirked at me, and before I could come out of my dazzlement, she had taken my hand and placed it on her breast.

"Boobies Edward?" She asked playfully, but in a low sultry tone, very unlike the one she used last night. Oh no, This Bella was definitely all woman.

A/N alright folks, that's it. I hope you liked it, more importantly I hope you thought it was at least a little amusing. If you need to know, Emmett will obviously use the picture in his mind to irritate Edward and consequently Edward will chase him around the house. I thought about writing that, but I really liked ending it here. Since I was so nice and wrote an extra chapter, please review :) Thanks!