*~* Epilogue *~*

          "You have a lot of explaining to do," a stern voice broke through the darkness. It was slurred, and Harry could not tell if that was because of his dizziness or because the words were indeed being slurred.

          "I know, Professor, but if we could just--" Ron's voice was abruptly cut off by another, kinder voice.

          "Now, now, Severus. I hardly think now is the time."

          "But Professor Dumbledore," he cried indignantly, "They leave on the Hogwarts Express three days ago headed for who knows where, and suddenly show up seemingly out of no where! These to come traipsing onto the grounds like it had been a Hogsmeade weekend, and Potter! He miraculously shows up in the Hospital wing!"

          "Severus, I must ask you to calm yourself." Professor Dumbledore's voice had an edge to it that seemed to put all further inquiries to rest. "Poppy, if you would please."

          In another instant Harry felt something cold against his lips. A cold liquid rushed into his mouth and made its way ever-so-slowly down his throat where it spread all about him. With a shiver and a shock he jumped up, now fully awake. I think I prefer the Simurgh's way. He looked around the room to find that not only were Professor Snape, Ron, and Professor Dumbledore present, but also Hermione, Ginny, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley as well. None of the adults looked very pleased, although Mrs. Weasley's expression of worry was much harder to take in than Professor Snape's outrage.

          "Harry, how are you feeling?" Professor Dumbledore broke the silence and moved over to his side.

          "Voldemort. I--we. We thought we could get rid of him." At this Mrs. Weasley gasped loudly and threw her hands over his shoulders.

          "What were you thinking? Thank goodness you're alive!"

          "Harry, I must ask you to tell us everything. Whatever information you provide may prove invaluable for the order." The old man's eyes were alight with anticipation, and for the first time in a long time, Harry allowed himself to smile.

          "I think the order may relax finally. He is gone."

          "What?" Professor Snape took a step closer to the bed, his eyes wide. "Voldemort is dead?"

          "No," Harry's smile wavered and he looked at his mentor for support. "H-he can't die. The night of the third task, he said he had done things. Things that made him immortal in a way. When his body died, his soul was still there, waiting."

          Mrs. Weasley let out a sob and held onto Mr. Weasley closely.

          "But, you said he was gone." It occurred to Harry that he had never had a civil conversation for so long with Professor Snape before.

          "He is. He's imprisoned." He proceeded to describe, with the aid of his two best friends everything that happened. They told them about the Simurgh; about it's eggs, the feather, the little girl. He only held one thing back. He didn't tell them about his dream; he felt it was too personal. After all, it had been his future, and it had little to do with the war or Voldemort. It was a special moment that only mattered to him, his child, and the woman. As he let his mind roam over the dream, he realized that he could recall vividly every detail about the dream except for one thing: He couldn't remember anything about the woman with him. He remembered loving her deeply, but try as he might, he could not recall what she looked like, or who she was.

          "Harry," he snapped back into reality to realize that he was now alone with Ron and Hermione, who were standing beside him, holding hands.

          "I'm glad you guys are all right."

          "I'm glad you're all right," Hermione said. "I was so worried!"

          "It was all right, the Simurgh would have protected me if anything happened." He allowed himself another smile as he thought of the spunky, outspoken little girl named Tia.

          "You know, there's something I wanted to ask you, Harry." Ron leaned towards his two best friends in a conspiratorial manner. "How did you know the Simurgh?"

          Harry laughed. "Well, I didn't know I knew her of course. It was really strange. I left the hotel, as you remember because…well for several reasons. I was having dreams about Voldemort for the past month, which is why I snuck off with you in the first place, but ever since we arrived in Bulgaria they were getting worse. I could never remember them, but I knew he was near. As an owl, I could fly around the town and people wouldn't think too much of it. I could fly into windows and rooms under the pretense of looking for someone to deliver a letter to. So I set out that morning in search of Voldemort. I flew around the town, desperately searching for a clue, when I spotted Wormtail." He spit the word out like a disgusting slug. "He was dragging a little girl towards a boarded up building against her will. I had to do something. I didn't want to give myself away, but I had to help her. I tried flying around his head, hoping he'd let go of her to swat me away or something, but he blasted me with his wand and sent me flying into a wall. I was too dazed to do much else, so I quickly transformed into my human form while his back was turned and stupefied him. Then, I transformed back into an owl, grabbed the girl and flew as far into the mountain as I could before my strength gave way. Once safe in the mountain, we talked a bit, and I conjured up food for her." He smirked a bit. "I had no idea I had just rescued what he'd come hundreds of miles to find."

          "Wow." Hermione sat in a chair, still clutching to Ron's hand. "Oh! That slimy creep!"

          Suddenly, a thought struck Harry. "Wormtail! He's dead!"

          "Yeah, I reckon Dumbledore was right when he said you wouldn't regret saving his life."

          "Ron, do you think he saved Harry because of that?"

          "It's the only thing that makes sense," Harry suddenly remembered Wormtail jumping in front of Voldemort's curse in a flash of flailing arms. "It's strange, you know? The expression on his face looked like he didn't want to do it, but…but he had to. I guess that doesn't make much sense, does it?"

          "Yes, it does," Hermione put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

          "I guess now that he's dead and all…I don't suppose we'll be able to clear Sirius."

          Ron eyed him with a mischievous smile. "What makes you say that?"

          "Ron, what did you do?"

          "Let's just say there's an owl on its way to the ministry and a body safely hidden in the Shrieking Shack. I'd say Sirius will be cleared of all charges by the next Quidditch match!"

          "Ron! That's brilliant!" Harry let himself bask in the glow of the situation for a few more minutes.

          "I know!"

          "Do you realize tomorrow is Christmas?" Hermione looked up at both of them, with happy tears in her eyes. "Happy Christmas Harry, Happy Christmas Ron."

          "Happy Christmas Hermione," they both replied.

          "So now, there's something I wanted to ask you," Harry was now eyeing Ron, matching Ron's mischievous grin. "Just what on earth happened between you two in that hotel room?" He laughed as he watched the color drain from Hermione's face and Ron's ears flush red. "Never mind! I don't think I want to know!"