Oh snappp! Step back everyone, it's another epic chapter from yours truly, pshyee, you know the one. /winkink/

Chapter Four:

The moment she had stepped into her room, the happy smile that she had worn vanished without a trace. She clutched the white towel that was wrapped around her tightly and stamped a foot on the ground. She hated wild animals trespassing onto her property.

"What the hell Kukai!" Amu shouted, raging at the thought of him once again snooping through all her stuff. Honestly, there was no such thing as privacy in this home!

Kukai jumped, startled, and met her glare with a cheesy and cunning grin. "Sorry, I thought I forgot something in here." He covered lamely, hoping that he wouldn't get caught out. He had exactly one in eight thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine chance of getting caught. He inwardly cursed at the statistics.

She narrowed her eyes, "As if you would forget," she said suspiciously, "besides, I would've noticed if you left any of your worthless junk in here."

Kukai chuckled nervously, "Hey, now, let's not be childish about this."

"Childish?" Amu said, annoyed, "What the hell does being 'childish' have to do with anything, you stupid retard! Get out of my room!" She pointed at him then at the door, her blood beginning to boil. She glared at him with such vicious eyes it made Kukai cringe.

He forced himself to grin, "Okay, okay, I'm going,"

She watched as he passed her, her murderous gaze unchanging. She'd now have to go and check everything was exactly in the same place and make sure nothing had been read, stolen, vandalized or taken as blackmail. In fact, she thought to herself, she should buy her own motion detector alarm.

However, just as he was about to walk past her, he had stopped. His head turned to face her and a devilish smile formed on his face. "Oh, and one more thing," his hand shot out like a striking snake and grabbed the edge of her towel. Before Hinamori could say anything he pulled the soft material away, ripping it off her body and watched as her towel fell to the ground. His jade green eyes greedily drank the sight before him.

Amu's arms quickly went about to reflexively cover her naked body. An arm folded over her chest as the other flew to her lower half. She was going to kill him, strangle him, torture him, and skin him! Her entire body flared a vicious red that matched her growing hatred for the boy. She lifted her gaze to meet his and shot him the dirtiest of dirty looks, a violent string of curse words slipping out of her lips and filling his ears. Oh, she was beyond pissed.


Hinamori's eyes welled up with tears; she didn't understand how he could be so mean sometimes. "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her whole body shaking.


Kukai sighed and waved a hand. The whole tactic of getting her flared up with anger was just so he could cover-up for his awkward appearance in her room. He knew that if he got her angry enough she'd forget about him being there - Though he hadn't thought that she would react like that. He had already seen all there was to her anyway.

"Jeez, relax." He muttered, uncaring. He turned on his heel to leave and was about to reply to all her snappy remarks until Hinamori charged forward and slammed the door.

He sweatdropped, "Like that would be able to stop me," he called from behind the door.

"Shut up!" She retorted firmly, still putting pressure on the door.

With a roll of his eyes his foot easily kicked the door open a crack. "Like I said; no affect."

Amu, who tried with all her strength to close the door, yelled back to him, "You're such a jerk Kukai! Stop messing with me all the time! Do you really hate me this much?!"

She banged her shoulder against the wooden door, attempting to somehow, miraculously, shut it. Even if it meant he had to lose his darn foot in the process! She just wanted someone to save her from this embarrassment. He had been so nice to her when they were younger, always playing games and looking out for the other. They did everything together. But, somewhere along the lines, he had changed. He was no longer that little boy she had liked so much when they were smaller. Instead, he had grown into an annoying, self-absorbed, ego-driven and relentless bully!

"Stop teasing me like this!"

From the other side of the door Kukai heard a quiet whimper. Maybe he did go a bit too far today. He hadn't meant to, all he planned on doing was rile her up a bit, not make her cry. He felt the stab of guilt pierce him and he backed away from the door. It slammed closed again with the strength of Amu's pushing. He stood there for a moment, just blankly staring at the door before he pivoted around and retreated to his own room.

I just don't want him to have you. . .

"Ah, Amu-chan, your aura is quite intimidating today." Nagihiko said carefully, he didn't want to say anything that he'd regret. After all, that radiance just screamed 'kill, kill, kill, kill.'

Almost mechanically she turned to face him, "So what's your point?" it was obvious she was in no mood for talking. Kukai had trespassed over the line that should've never been crossed in the first place, and there was nothing she felt like doing that didn't include her and pounding his head in.

"N-nothing! It's just, you seem a bit . . ." He struggled to find the right words, how could he say it without sounding rude? A whole list appeared in his mind, there was evil, demonic, scary, frightful, monstrous—he inwardly smacked himself—all those would be the only words to match her atmosphere, but were completely wrong to say.

"Ohayo Hinamori-san," Tadase had greeted, now making his appearance.

Hinamori had perked up immediately at the sound of his voice, "O-ohayo, Tadase-kun," she stammered, blushing madly.

Nagihiko, who was standing awkwardly beside Hinamori, gave a meek smile. He found it absolutely amazing how she could change her mood so suddenly by just simply seeing Tadase. With a sigh, he turned to leave the two, thinking mildly to himself- puppy love.

"U-um. . . Hinamori-san," Tadase fidgeted slightly, his own cheeks a faint shade of red. For some reason, he felt rather embarrassed to talk to her.

"Please . . . please don't be late this afternoon!" Quickly, he bent down a little and gave her a small peck on the cheek before dashing away, his heart hammering loudly in his chest. He'd have to emotionally prepare himself for what he was going to say to her, after all, if just a small kiss got him flustered, then confessing is going to be a hell lot worse.

Hinamori was left speechless. Had he actually kissed her just then? A squeal of excitement escaped her; it was just too good to be true! Her hands clasped together as her eyes shined with the love she felt for him. He's so cute! She thought to herself, recalling his flustered expression afterwards, he's such a gentleman! Every girls dream!

But then she remembered something, 'don't be late for this afternoon'. She touched a finger to her lip, thinking hard. What had he meant? She had no plans for going out after school, and didn't make a difference whether or not she was home on time. She pondered about it a moment longer before shrugging it off, I'm definitely close to the girlfriend zone!

Kukai, who had witnessed the scene unfold before him, scowled bitterly, "Damn brat." He cursed at Tadase, hating how the boy could affect her so easily - but then after taking another glance at Amu and her smiling face, found himself cursing at her.

"Like I'd let you go with him."

A hand placed on his shoulder broke his chain of devious plots. He turned to face Ikuto.

"What?" Kukai inquired—impatient to get the wheels in motion for what was about to happen next.

Ikuto raised a brow, "I know you man, your thinking about your dense-head girl."

Kukai frowned at that, "She's not dense . . . she just . . . doesn't know how she feels about me yet."

At that, Ikuto laughed, "Whatever man. Just remember, she's a girl, don't be too rough with her or else she'll end up hating you."

Kukai scoffed, "As if I could hurt her anyway."

Hmm, wonder what happens next . . .
Also, 'Moonlight' shall be updated soon, too! And 'All The Right Reasons' will be back and running in due time. Yuhp.