Once again I am starting with an apology - I am really sorry for not updating for so long even though I promised it wouldn't be that long! I won't give you any lame excuses because this wouldn't change the time that has gone by - I only hope that you like this chapter!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed on the last chapter - you guys are the reason I am continueing - I just want you to know that and this chapter is dedicated to all of you - you are the most awesome people in the whole world (I hope you will all get a boyfriend like Caspian xD) - enjoy reading!

ps: I am sorry but it's not beta-read again - hope that there aren't too many mistakes!

Cora remembered the conversation she had had with Peter at the exact same spot as she rode along the way towards the forest. They had talked about her brother and she had told him a lie, another lie. She remembered the ache she had felt in her heart when she had lied to his face. She remembered the pity she had seen in his eyes and the sympathy. And then she remembered the expression on his face when he had found out who she was and what she had done.

But now that she thought about it she had not lied to him. At least not the time he had asked her about her brother. The brother she knew was dead, he died loosing the fight against evil, he died failing to protect himself from the Calormen. The Calormen had taken his life from her. And she wouldn't rest until she had managed what he had failed to do.

The only question was how she could do that without letting anybody down. She thought of Lucy's words, "You have to find Aslan... He will know what we have to do... Trust your instincts... have faith in Him and in yourself!" Cora racked her brains over the meaning of them when Susan's words came into her mind, "Our place is here ... here with our people."

And all of a sudden she knew what she had to do.

The soldiers from Archenland were recovering. There was a bad mood in their camp. Their spirits were down. They had just fought in a war most of them did not agree with. They had lost many lives of brave soldiers who had not been supposed to die and many of those who had survived had been wounded quite severely.

The soldiers from Archenland were recovering from a war that had not been supposed to be theirs, a war that had been forced on them. And as they were treating their wounds, burying the bodies of the dead and commemorating their fallen followers, a heroine appeared at their camp, a heroine that offered them redemption.

She rode in on a white horse gaining everyone's attention immediately.

"People of Archenland, I have come here today to offer you a chance to make up for what you did today!" Cora shouted as the soldiers were gathering around her, "My brother, Prince Cain, guided you into this war, a war that was never supposed to happen and now every single one of us has blood on his hands! This day can go down as the day that Archenland was guided by greed and ignorance and did Narnia wrong... or it can make history as the day when the people of Archenland stood up against the force of evil! It can go down as the day when the people of Archenland fought for freedom, not only for their own but for the freedom of their followers, friends and families!"

Cora unsheathed her sword and looked into the eyes of her people, "People of Archenland, I offer you redemption! What do you say?"

"That is Cora!" Lucy shouted with a smile on her face. Cain stopped surprised when he heard his sister's name and looked back up at the balcony. The guard next to Susan was distracted for one moment too, so Susan took the opportunity to grab the dagger Edmund carried in his right boot and stabbed him. The way to the stairs was now free and Susan grabbed her younger sister's arm and dragged her towards them.

"Peter! You need to open the gates!" Susan screamed as she ran down the stairs.

Peter exchanged a glance with Caspian, "You go and get them! I will take care of the gate!" Caspian nodded and started to fight his way through to Susan and Lucy, with Eustace and Trumpkin at his side.

Just as Peter wanted to blaze a trail through the crowd, Glenstorm appeared next to him, offering Peter a hand to help him up onto his back and the young king took the offer thankfully.

Cain watched Peter riding on Glenstorm through the crowd. Most soldiers backed off, afraid of the centaur's hooves.

"Do not let them get to the gate!" the prince from Archenland screamed, running after the centaur, but it was already too late.

The high king and his companion had already reached the gate, enabling more than a hundred soldiers from Archenland to ride into the courtyard.

The young prince watched as his own men, the people he had trained with for years, the people he had fought side on side with, went into battle against him instead of at his side. And what hurt the most was the sight of the person who was leading them. It was the one person that had always had his back, the one person that he thought would never abandon him, the one person he trusted most in this world and the one person that had never betrayed his trust up until this moment. And as she rode past him, their eyes met and it was as if he was looking into a mirror when he looked into her green eyes filled with guilt.

After a moment of hesitation he turned towards Peter, the man who was the reason for his sister's betrayal.

"So you are the king who has been tricked by my sister?" Prince Cain asked ridiculing, pointing his blade towards the High King.

Peter kept a straight face, "And you are the prince who has been betrayed by his own sister?"

"At least I have not left one of my siblings to die!"

That's the straw that broke the camel's back. They met with a clash of steel, the prince and the king.

Meanwhile Caspian, Eustace and Trumpkin had reached the queens of Narnia, who had managed to get hold of a sword. But Susan's sword fighting skills were far behind her archery ones and one of the Calormen soldiers had wounded her badly at her chest.

Blood was streaming from her wound and the queen was barely able to stay at her feet even with Caspian supporting her.

"We need your cordial, Lucy! Where is it?" Caspian nearly shouted at the young queen, worried about Susan.

"It is in the room Susan and I had been held captive in. I will go and get it!"

"It is okay. The wound is not that bad," Susan tried to hold her off, the weakness reflecting in her voice, "I can go on fighting..."

"No, you can't!" Eustace took control of the situation, "I'll go with Susan, Lucy and Caspian to get the cordial, we'll need it afterwards anyway. Trumpkin, go and help Edmund!"

Caspian nodded, picked up Susan, who was too weak to object and followed Eustace and Lucy towards a door leading into the castle, while Trumpkin fought his way towards Edmund.

In the meantime the High King and the Prince from Archenland were still venting their anger, both of them trying to hurt the man, who they held responsible for their misery.

It was a clash of titans. Both of them two of the best swordsmen Narnia had ever seen and there was only one person in the whole universe that had ever beaten them.

But the young prince from Archenland had one advantage over Peter. He had the one force by which Peter was irritated the most in this world, his dark green eyes. And when their glance met in the heat of the battle, his heart began racing and his head began spinning. And in this moment the prince, who had learned all his life to seize such a chance to unarm his opponent managed to do something not many had done before.

He divided the High King from his sword. And now Peter was standing in front of him, unarmed, vulnerable.

Peter raised his hands to surrender, "Do you really want to kill me? There is still time to surrender, to undo your mistakes, to find redemption."

The prince of Archenland hesitated just for a moment thinking of his sister, giving Peter the opportunity to recover from the shock of losing his sword, so that he was able to escape the prince's following blow, sending him to the ground.

Peter quickly picked up his sword, "That was the wrong call!"

"You think?" Cain quickly turned around, fetching a dagger from under his coat and stabbed it into the High King's leg, who cried out in pain.

"That is not fair!" Peter yelled.

"All is fair in love and war!" Cain replied, aiming again with his dagger, this time at Peter's heart. But Peter got hold of the arm, before the dagger reached his body and twisted it behind his back.

However, the prince from Archenland was able to free himself from Peter's grip and attacked him with his sword again. The first and the second blow Peter could counter, but then his feet gave way and he fell onto his knees slowly.

Cain was standing in front of Peter with his sword pointing at Peter's chest. The High King was at the prince's mercy. But the young prince was clearly hesitating to make the last blow.

Peter, still kneeling in front of his enemy, noticed the uncertainness and the fear in his eyes, "I know you do not want to do this! There is still time to turn around... think of your father and your sister!" He tried to stand up but his feet just didn't obey.

The prince looked around, searching for his sister but he couldn't find her. He looked back at Peter, "I will not lose her as well.. I just cannot ..."

The insecurity had vanished from his eyes, leaving anger. "You will not take her from me!" the young prince screamed, striking out with his sword, to end it.

Then all of a sudden there was a loud cry, "Peter! No!" and a third person approached them, and when he realized who this person was, Peter felt his heart stop beating, he heard the silver blade knocking against flesh and he felt his body covering with blood, with loads of blood.

OMG another cliffhanger - I know I am really evil but it seems like I just can't get rid of them - I hope that you will forgive and that the next chapter will be on sooner than this one! However, slowly but surely this story is coming to an end - I guess there will be about two more chapters and I don't know if I have the muse to write another Suspian story but I will try! Afterall I really enjoyed writing this and I hope that you enjoyed reading it!

So what do you think about the chapter? As always I would like to hear your thoughts about it!

Once more thanks to everyone who reviewed - everytime I got a review my heart just jumped and I just want you to know how much they mean to me even though I haven't replied lately and even though you had to wait that long for the next chapter! Love you guys!