first Ranma story! I made Akane a Pisces just because I'm one and I'm
too lazy to check to read the other ones.
I do not own Ranma 1/2, nor the horoscope used (I got it off Yahoo!).
"Hey Akane, you're a Pisces, right?" Nabiki cleared her throat and began to read her sister's horoscope out loud with what could only be described as amusement. "'Love and romance bring idealistic energy your way this year. You enjoy being in touch with the spiritual and mystical part of your nature, so you need a romance that encourages self-discovery, and intimacy that allows you and your lover to connect with each other's soul on a deep level. It's not just anyone who dares to travel as far into the unknown as you do, Pisces!'
Akane now stared interestedly at her sister while Ranma stared contemptuously at Akane.
Nabiki continued. "'Your dreams will be ignited as you attract someone (or reach a deeper place in an existing relationship) who is willing to dream with you, and who loves and cherishes you for exactly who you are right now. You refuse to abandon your sense of self in your relationship, so it is crucial that your dreams and visions are supported in your love relationship. In the springtime, you're eager to further explore your commitment with your partner, and to truly understand the practicality of balancing your energies, and maintaining that equal energy. This will be a huge growing opportunity for you. Dramatic shifts in the way you relate to each other are inevitable as you learn more practical ways of growing and sharing.'
The youngest Tendo daughter blushed, but chuckled shortly and bit her smiling lip.
Nabiki still wasn't finished. "'In the fall, communication between you and your lover will become even more romantically satisfying. This will lead to an even deeper commitment -- marriage perhaps -- as romance becomes more about caring for each other and being sensitive to each other's needs.'" She finally finished and looked up to smirk at Akane. "Pretty good."
"Wow," Akane breathed contently. "That's . . . that is good."
"Oh, please," Ranma scoffed. "Don't tell me you actually believe that stuff Akane?"
She began to glare at her fiancé, but suddenly smiled benignly. "Nope, you are not going to ruin my good mood."
Akane didn't really believe in horoscopes, actually. She read them if she had nothing else to do, if she finished her magazine too quickly, if she was waiting in Dr. Tofu's office. She didn't take them that seriously, especially if they said something she didn't want to take seriously, like Your huge ego will prevent you from achieving your goals this week. But the good ones . . . She thought that maybe those ones were worth considering.
The fact that Ranma found them completely ridiculous made liking them even sweeter.
It was rather amusing, now that she thought about it, that her fiancé had room to call things ridiculous.
"I mean, everyone knows all horoscopes are bullshit," she heard Ranma finish.
At this, Akane had to struggle not to laugh out loud. It was most likely due to her years of martial arts training that she kept herself collected as she took Nabiki's glass of water and walked over to where Ranma was absently watching some TV show. Maybe Nabiki knew what was going to happen next – she didn't protest at the beverage theft, after all – but the reluctant fiancé surely did not.
"You're right, Ranma . . ."
The glass was upended and promptly revealed a soaked, sputtering, busty redhead.
Akane's smirk wasn't helping the boy/girl's sudden annoyance.
". . . horoscopes are bullshit."
Ranma really seems like the type to think
mystical- or astrological-type things are stupid, even after he fell
into a magical spring. Hypocrite. You know who Jax