This is my first Vampire Knight fanfiction! I've been playing around with the idea of this for a while. Just a note: it has some aspects that are the same as the anime, but otheres I've changed as you'll find out! I hope you like this, i'm quite enjoying writing it at the minute! Anyway enough of me prattling on! On with the fic!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight, that privilege belongs to Matsuri Hino.
italics = flashback
On a cold snowy night I wait for you.
Snow... the meaning of my name. White and pure... everything that I'm not.
I wait here, at the same place, every night. Waiting for you to show... but you never do. It snows here all the time, every night I wait here; sitting against the fountain, waiting for you to rescue me, to free me...
Snow... the meaning of my name. Cold and lonely... everything that I am.
I sit here, waiting… but you never show. Through the blizzard of snow I don't see your face. Where are you? Why won't you come for me? Sometimes I sit and wonder why I still come here… why I sneak out of the building, why I walk into town in the dark of night, why I sit out all night waiting for you… waiting for someone I haven't even met yet.
I wait for you because I dreamt you would come for me. I saw you approach me, offer me the comfort I needed… but you don't come. Sometimes I think that maybe it was just a dream… that my premonitions aren't real… that maybe all the other ones were flukes… because the only one that I want to come true won't happen. No matter how hard I wish for it…
Quietly I open the door leading out to the corridor. The smell of disinfectant reaching my nose… how much I hate that smell. Slowly I poke my head out the gap in the door, look left then right, making sure that the nurse has already finished her rounds. I put one foot out of the door, checking for the traps that Cross-san usually leaves for me. Carefully I step over them, making sure I don't touch the door frames. I look left and right again, just to make sure. Heading down the left side of the corridor I turn to the fire exit. No nurse so far. Opening the door as quietly as I can, I step out, the harsh coldness of the night hitting me. Shivering, I pull my coat tighter around my body. Climbing down the ladder I almost lose my balance. The pain in my arm increases as I accidentally jerk it. It hurts where I pulled out the IV from my arm. Regaining my footing, I continue down the rusty old ladder. Finally I hit the bottom.
Jumping down, I turn away from the building that has become my home. Breaking into a run, I head into town, anywhere away from this place. My breath turns white when it hits the cold air. Snow begins to fall around me. Another night of snow. I slow down before gradually coming to a stop. The pain in my arm is still there and my chest begins to hurt… Sitting on the ground I lean back against the town's frozen fountain. I don't remember a time when it wasn't frozen, covered in snow.
I can feel my chest rise and fall, I breathe in trying to get my breathing back to normal. Tears start to fall down my cheeks as I think of that night. The first memory, feeling, I have of a snowy night. I wipe my eyes on my sleeve, sniffling slightly, whether it was because of the cold or the tears, I don't know. I wish I could leave that place. I hate it there, but Cross-san won't let me. I look up unable to see anything through the white blizzard.
I'm about to stand up but I stop. There's a dark blur among the freshly falling snow. I squint, trying to see what it is. Before I can register anything it's coming closer, suddenly kneeling down in front of me. Arms wrap themselves around my shoulders, sheltering me from the snow. Fresh tears fall from my eyes. This person… I want to know who it is, but I can't speak. I stop shivering as I feel their warmth flow into me. I'm tired. I'm so tired. My eyes start to close as I let sleep overcome me.
"It'll be okay. I'm here now…" That voice stays in my mind as I let myself be consumed by dark.
The next morning I found myself in my bed, IV drip back in my arm. I remember thinking that it felt so real, I was convinced that it had actually happened. But Cross-san assured me that he had been in my room all night, watching over me, that I hadn't left the room. But it felt so real. I've had premonitions before, Cross-san says it's a gift, but I hate them.
I know what happened that night didn't really happen, and it was too real to be a normal dream… so if it was a premonition, what does that mean? Surely it should mean that I'll meet you, right? Usually anything I see in my visions happens in the following days but this… I've been sneaking out of the hospital for five years… but you never showed up. Never came to comfort me, to whisper those soft and gentle words to me.
It's ironic. The snow is cold and lifeless. And that's exactly how I feel.
But it is pure, untouched by darkness, beautiful.
Yuuki… Snow… the meaning of my name can be called many things. Beautiful, empty, pure, cold, lonely. I am some, but others I'm not.
I'm cold and I'm tired of waiting. Waiting for you in the forever falling snow. But no matter how many times I tell myself that this will be the last time I come to this fountain, I always come back the next night. Just in case you show up.
So I'll wait here, every night, through the cold and harsh snow. I'll wait for you to come, to rescue me. To free me.
What'd you all think? Please let me know! Ja ne :P