another fic I've been working on . Greatly appreciate all who appreciate my work. For those new readers welcome and I hope all enoy

Read and Review plez-

Monday April 10

I woke up to an eerie quietness, strange, I could've sworn my mom came home last night. Hey this isn't suprising when your moms a mossad officer, I'm used to waking up alone. I So I drag myself out of bed and head to the kitchenette, on the table I find this note

Pereach Katan

Went into work early this morning. Don't forget you have training today so be in at normal time. Also tonight when we get home I have a suprise for you.

Love You


So I head to the shoewer, I let the warm water run over my shivering body. It's like 90 outside but like -67 in here. The phone rings and I turn the shower off and hit the button outside the shower( Don't ask why theres a phone outside my shower, moms idea.)

" Shalom?" " Hey sweet heart." " Hi mom," I reply sleeply," You ready to come to training?" " Do I have a choice?" " You know sometimes you can be funny." " I know, I try," I groan. " You know what your Saba would say if you didn't show up." I sigh," Yes, In this world,especialy in Isreal, the training from mossad could mean life or death in combat." I hear my mom chuckle on the other end," Whats so funny?" " I heard the same banter when I was your age that I memorized it too." I sigh," Mom I've gotta get ready, I'll see you later." " Bye" Alright I'm a Mossad officer in training. Some would call it crazy but ever since I was 5 I've aspired to be like my I get dressed, eat breakfast, then hop on my bike and take the ride to HQ.

My ride is uneventful so I'm going to tell you a little about myself. My name is Katan Tali David, Katan is Hebrew for flower and Tali is in memory of my moms sister,Tali. She died in a bombing long before I was even thought about. I'm 15 and my mom is Mossad Officer Ziva David. I was homeschooled and have already finished all required courses because my mom wanted to put me through training with Mossad. I was born here in Isreal but I know my mom lived in the US and worked at NCIS where she met my father. She never told me his name and I'Ve never asked. I guess it brings back memories, I don't know.

Anyway when I arrive at HQ I see my mom standing outside. She is, No, wait it can't be, SHES SMILING! Oh this must be good. So I chaon my bike up and walk over to her. " Oh I've got to here. Forever and ever Bye." My mom is radiating energy. I smile at her," Why so Happy?" "Good news." I stop and search her eyes for just a hint. She always tells me that I am the only one that could read her. I see the sparkle in her eyes and thats where I find what I'm looking for, love. "Who is he?" I question her. She stops and looks at me dumbfounded,' What are you talking about?" I smile and shake my head, "Mom your glowing and you're smiling. I can see it in your eyes." She continues to stare at me but then says," It's someone I haven't seen in a while and I miss them." I try to search her eyes but she won't meet mine. I give up and follow her up to my Sabas office.

"Shalom Aba." My mom leans over and gives my grandfather a kiss on the cheek," Shalom Ziva, Ah Katan you've decided to join us?" I look at him," I was told I didn't have a choice." He smiles," At least your mother is honest with you." I kept a stone face and felt the walls go up around me. I know better then to let him read me, if he does he won't stop interogating me. " I've decided that I want to train with my mother today." My mom looks at me and then at my Sabva," I don't care especially after whats happening. She knows what level shes at." My Saba considers and then says,"Okay just don't let her pass level 15.'

Just as some insight there are 25 levels of training,Level 15 for a teenager is really good. I've inheareted my mothers ability and quick learning. We make our way out to the 3 mile trail." Whats happening?" I ask her. " Your surprise." Shes hiding something and that makes me feel bad. We share each other. So I streach my legs and then get going. I run and run trying to rid my mind of all thoughts. I hit the last mile at perfect stride that matches that of my mother. I look over at her and shes staring at me astounded that I'm able to keep up with her. I glare at her then pull ahead. At the last few feet I slow down and hit the finish line. I grab my water bottle and take a sip. I check my time, 20min and 24 seconds,Yes I beat my best time. My mom comes up beside me and asks," Ready for the shooting range?" I glare at her again," Can I put your picture on my target?" She stares at me,' Excuse mw-?" I interupt her," You heard me, can I put your picture on my target?" " Thats it you need to go stay up in your Sabas office until I'm grounded." I look at her in amazment, she has never grounded me, we're more like sisters then mother and I head up to my Sabas office.

I walk in and my saba doesn't even look up at me," What do you want Katan?" I sit down in a chair," Mom grounded me and sent me up here.' He doesn't show it but his actions show he is just as suprised. " Normally I would tell you to continue training and forget about it but 'm not your boss-yet. also I have no wish to overthrow your mothers authority over you." Of all the times he has tried to take control of me he chooses now to be the good guy. You'd swear when you looked up 2 faced you'd see his picture., I keep that thought to myself. " I'm gonna go down and ask mom if I can go home." He doesn't give me an answer just nods and waves me away.

I head to the shooting range and find my mother finishing up. She finishes her last three rounds and says," I thought I told you to stay in your Sabas office?" I step in front of her and say," I wanted to know if I could go home and get a shower and do my chores?" She thinks about it then nods," Yes but no TV no Internet and," she grabs my cell out of my hand," No cell phone." I start to rebute but then shut my mouth not wanting to push my luck."Thank you mom I'll see you at home."

Ok I know this was long but I promise it's the longest one I've written. Yes I have more ready to type but if nobody reads then why continue? So review and tell me what you think
