A/N: At last! A new chapter! Unfortunatly, this is the last chapter. Sadness. The sequel will be out soon though! - Xox Sunny

Discalimer: Elizabeth Goudge died in 1984, 10 years before I was even born. I do not own the rights to the book or movie.


"So, does this mean we're friends?" I asked, looking at Maria.

"Yeah it does."

End Flashback

Maria and I hung out all day. We talked and laughed and had tons of fun, but there was still something nagging at me. Sure, Maria and I were friends, but I was still in love with her. Every minute with her, I hid my true feelings. I knew she didn't hate me, but she sure as hell couldn't love me. Could she? "No. Don't even think about it" I berated myself "You're friends, isn't that enough?"

"What was that?" Maria said opening her eyes and looking at me with her head tilted.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head.

"Are you sure? You seem a little uncomfortable. Is something bothering you?" Maria asked worriedly. Damn her and her perceptiveness.

"No. Nothing. Everything's fine. Don't worry about me." I stuttered.

"Sure." Maria said with a knowing look. "When you're ready to tell me, I'll be waiting." With those final words, Maria left, waving over her shoulder as she ran across the yard towards the manor. I repeat, damn her and her perceptiveness.

I considered going back to visit Loveday again, but then I remember what she told me. "Don't come back until you've told her how you feel." Yeah, so not the time to tell her. Visiting Loveday was out, so I just went back to the castle. I was too late for dinner, so I just grabbed some food from the kitchens.

I went to my room and fell asleep. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I went for a walk outside. I wandered through the woods, thinking. As I walked I thought about Maria, as usual. I kept thinking how glad I was at being friends with her, and her not hating me, but also how uncomfortable I felt keeping such a huge secret from her. I finally came to the conclusion that, even if it ruined our friendship, I had to tell her. I couldn't go back to the castle, so I went to Loveday.

"Loveday!" I shouted, banging on her door.

"Robin? Why are you here? It's the middle of the night for God's sake!" Loveday said, finally coming to the door. She rubbed her eyes. "Did you tell Maria?"

"I'm doing it now! How do I get into the castle without Sir Benjamin or anyone else seeing me? More specifically, into Maria's room?" I asked her desperately. I wanted to get the confession over with before I lost my nerve to tell her. I walked into the room and started pacing. Loveday caught my arm and led me to one of her chairs. I sat down, and Loveday sat down in a chair opposite me.

"Go in the passage around the back of the manor. It's behind the statue in the arch by the fountain. The passage will take you up the tower by secret stairs." Loveday said, beaming at me. "When you reach the top of the stairs, pull the lever shaped like a horse's head. The lever will open a door in the wall. The door is a bit small, so you might have to duck your head. To get back out without being seen, pull the lever shaped like a horse's head by the fireplace. The same door will open." Loveday stood up and gave me a hug. "Good luck" she whispered in my ear before letting me go.

"Thank you!" I said before turning and running out the door and towards the manor. I ran, pushing through the trees and the bushes. I reached the manor grounds, but didn't stop running. I turned the corner and slowed, searching for the fountain. I finally found it – it was shaped like a horse, with water escaping and pouring in a waterfall around its feet like the sea. I turned around and found the statue. The statue was of the first Moon Princess, holding her hand out towards the fountain.

I slid behind the statue o find a small, hidden doorway. I pushed open the door and found myself in a stairwell. I climbed the stairs, carefully so as not to make much noise. There were no windows in the stairs, by there were a few candles to light the way. I reached the top of the stairs and found the horse's head. I was about to turn around and run away, but I forced myself to pull the horse's head. The door swung open.

I stepped into Maria's room, ducking my head to fit through the small doorway. I looked at Maria's bed, expecting her to be lying in bed asleep. Instead, she was sitting up, looking at the door where I was standing.

"Robin?" She asked incredulously. I flushed, but walked over to her bed. She threw off the covers and grabbed her bathrobe, pulling it on as she stood up.

"Yes, it's me." I said.

"What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night!" She exclaimed.

"I know. Remember earlier when you thought I had something to tell you?" I asked her. She nodded. "Well, it's true. I do have to tell you something, but not here. Come with me." I said, grabbing her hand. I pulled the horse's head lever by the fireplace and stood back as the door swung open. I pulled Maria through the door and down the stairs. I ran towards the forest, and Maria followed me. We reached the tree that we had been talking under earlier. I slid to the ground, pulling Maria down with me.

"Robin!" she squealed, yelping with laughter. "Just tell me already! I'm dying to know what was so important that you had to wake me up in the middle of the night. How did you even get into my room, anyways?"

"Loveday told me how to get up to your room. But that's not important. I have something to tell you. Something important, but I have no clue how to do it."

"Do it quick, like ripping off a bandage." Maria suggested, her eyes dancing with laughter.

"Fine. Maria. ..." I mumbled something unintelligible.

"Robin, I couldn't understand a word you just said. How about you do it a little bit slower?"

"Maria. I know that this could, and most probably will, ruin our friendship, but I still want to tell you because I can't bear to lie to you. I'm in love with you."


"I love you. I have ever since I first saw you, even if I only just figured it out. You are beautiful and amazing, and I know you could never love me, because we just finally became friends and not enemies. I'm happier than I ever have been at just being friends with you, and that's fine with me. I don't expect you to love me back - I just wanted you to know how I feel about you." I said, looking at the ground. When I finished, there was silence. Maria just sat there, saying nothing. "You know what? Never mind. Just forget I said anything. We can go back to being just friends. I'll never mention how I feel again, and-"

"Is that really what you want?" Maria asked me. I finally looked up at her and my heart sank at the look in her eyes. She looked heart-broken, as if just the idea of me being in love with her was enough to make her burst into tears.

"No, of course not, but I'll do it. I know I'm nowhere near good enough for you, and that I will never be. You deserve better." I reassured her, rushing to explain.

"No. No, I don't." Maria said suddenly. "You are exactly what I deserve. And exactly what I need." As soon as she said that, my heart started beating faster and I felt myself starting to hope for something that I had not allowed myself to entertain the possibility of.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I mean that I love you. I've loved you ever since you helped me find the pearls. Ever since you risked everything to help me, even though you knew what your father would do. I was your enemy but you helped me, and I loved you for it. I was so glad when we became friends – it gave me an excuse to be near you." Maria said. She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I turned my head and kissed her softly.

When we pulled apart, I whispered in her ear. "I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered. I smiled. I loved the feeling those words gave me. I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. The girl I loved was in love with me too!


"Yes Robin?"

"Marry me." I whispered in her ear.

"What? We're way too young to get married!" Maria said, jerking away from me.

"I know that!" I said, pulling Maria back into my arms.. "But promise me that when we are old enough to get married, that you will marry me. Please."

"Yes. I think I will." Maria said, leaning in and kissing me again. "When we're older."


: Chapter 13! Hope you liked it! The sequel will be out soon! In the meantime, keep a look out for my new fanfiction. It's a fanfiction for the Agent Angel series, also known as the Angels Unlimited series, by Annie Dalton. - xox Sunny