Funerals for normal people were a depressing occasion where people said there last goodbyes and mourned the dearly departed.
There was no doubting that this wasn't a normal funeral.
The idiots were trying too hard to make that possible. Every one of them were trying their hardest to give Tamaki the funeral he deserved and what he would have wanted, but he wasn't there and he would never be anywhere again and so making the funeral a light occasion had turned into a challenge that the twins weren't quite up to but they were still attempting it anyway. There was laughter and games and talk of Tamaki that made people laugh even when they didn't want to.
Haruhi stood around, talked to people and was the perfect hostess but she wasn't laughing and people noticed that. No matter when anyone did to make her laugh it didn't work. Even elephants hadn't helped but Haruhi didn't get mad about the zoo that was her fiancé's funeral. She didn't seem to notice her broken arm, but then again she didn't seem to notice a lot.
I didn't know what I was doing for the first time in my life. I didn't know how I was supposed to feel now that Tamaki was gone. There wasn't a part of me that was happy, but if I was supposed to feel something I didn't feel anything one way or another. I had gone from being a miserable person to not feeling anything. I wasn't sure if that made me not human somehow but I figured that it was just something I was going to have to contend with since it was what I felt. Or what I didn't feel.
Haruhi got away from people and went to go stand in a corner and I followed without thinking, because I cared about her and I was worried about her.
She acted like she didn't see me. "He would have wanted you to smile."
Haruhi bowed her head. "I would find something to smile about if he were here."
I shrugged off my suit coat and gave it to her because she looked cold somehow. I acted like it didn't mean anything when I really just wanted her to stop looking like she was so alone.
"You don't have to be around me right now. I really don't want the company."
"I don't really feel like company half of the time I'm around any of you but you really don't give me any choice."
Haruhi glared at me, which was shocking because she really didn't glare much. "Is it too much to ask to be alone?"
I pretended to think about it. "Yes it is."
"You're a bastard."
"I've been told." I continued on and ignored the glares. "If you think that a couple of glares and rude comments are going to get rid of me you've never been in one of my business meetings."
We stood there and no one came near us because they valued their lives and I stayed with Haruhi because even though she wouldn't admit she needed someone to be with her. How I had figured that out on my own I wasn't sure because I usually missed things such as what a person needed, but I knew that someone should be with her. I also stayed with her because it ensured that no one would even dare come near her right now.
Hikaru, kaoru, Honey, and Mori took care of the guests and I took care of the one person that we all cared about more than anyone else in the room.
Hikaru and Kaoru were trying to make Haruhi come out of the emotionless fog that she was in by shocking the mourners. No one ever really knew if the twins were really as comfortable with one another as they seemed, although if anyone asked me I would have been able to tell them the answer was no. They didn't fuck one another. People were stupid if they thought so, but from the looks from others, they thought so, that might have been from the inappropriate touching. Haruhi just rolled her eyes.
Honey tried to give her a stuffed animal and that only made her tear up a bit. Mori was just himself, and I was myself. And eventually I felt the need to go and talk to people because Haruhi kept glaring at me and I was starting to wonder if she was looking to kill someone. I would have stood there and took it, but if someone sane didn't step up soon there was going to be a larger problem to deal with then a death.
The day of the funeral was cold and wet and I woke up wanting to kill anyone who got in my way. I got dressed, picked up flowers, and drove over the Haruhi's fathers to pick her up. She met me on the stairs and she looked as dead in the eyes today as she did the other day.
"Get in the car."
"Hello to you to."
"Are you going to get in the car or do I have to carry you?"
In all honesty I couldn't tell you what was making me act this way, it might have been lack of sleep. Either way Haruhi got in the car. As we drove to the church there was silence in the car that I wanted to shatter.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Has that ever stopped you if I said no?" She said dryly.
Being nice didn't have its good points for me. "Is there a reason that you haven't told anyone that you and Tamaki were engaged?"
She didn't look shocked that I knew, and then again she probably thought that one of the maids told me. "I don't see much point. He's dead. It's not like Tamaki is going to come back and marry me."
You would think that she had lost the life inside of her now that Tamaki was gone. There was a part of me that could rationalize that this was her way of mourning, but I couldn't shake the feeling that if someone didn't knock her out of it soon she would just live the rest of her life acting like nothing mattered to her. The thought made me mad just because I had thought that she was smarter than that. Haruhi and Tamaki had loved one another but they hadn't lived for one another.
My insightfulness into other people's emotions was only slightly disturbing to my person. I didn't like it.
We got to the church and it seemed like everything went by in a blur.
The twins came up to us. "Do you want to sit with everyone?" Hikaru asked her.
Haruhi shook her head and tried to take the front row seat by herself, but I followed her and sat down right next to her. Honey came up to her and gave her a flower.
"He would want you to smile Haruhi."
Haruhi smiled at Honey but it was false and she completely ignored it when Honey moved someone over so he could sit on the other side of her. And slowly the other members of the Ouran Host Club came over and did the same. Weather she wanted or not Haruhi had friends. Her father was dressed in a suit and looked very different from his usual self mostly because he was dressed as a man. He sat in the same row as the rest of us but he let Haruhi be with her friends.
Almost everyone was here.
There were a few words spoken from the priest and then it was time for people who wanted to to come up and speak there last words.
Lord help us.
Haruhi turned to me and we shared a look. I shook my head and tried to remember why no one had opted not to do this.
It started with a few words from Tamaki's father and grandmother which were both formal and heartbreaking. One was sincere while the other wasn't. They both spoke of Tamaki being a good person, they mentioned a couple of things about him and then they walked down.
And then Hikaru came up to the podium and I wondered briefly if none of Tamaki's friends were going to get kicked out of here.
"I would like to start off by saying that whatever any of us might feel today, Tamaki would want us to celebrate the fact that we all still live rather than mourn his death. He was one of the most ridiculous people anyone would ever meet. His lists of accomplishments start when he started up The Host Club. He brought people together and made people laugh. He was a brilliant person and he had people that loved him."
"He also hid in a corner and made a general pain in the butt of himself until he got his own way. He got a crush and girl and thought he loved her like a daughter. He loved his mother, who is sadly not here today, he made friends that lasted him a lifetime and he will always remember. When someone dies we talk about all of the good things about the person who's passed on but we don't like to talk about the bad stuff."
Hikaru cleared his throat, "Tamaki was a pain in the butt, who was rarely serious and he always got his friends in messes. And because of that we'll never forget him." And then he walked down.
Haruhi started tearing up and I gave her tissue and acted like I didn't notice, because that's what she wanted. Hikarui was always the more immature on of the two of them. Hearing him talk as an adult was disconcerting.
Kaoru walked up and straightened his tie. "Tamaki made hamster homes in other people's houses. He whined when he didn't get his own way. He had a stuffed animal. He thought is girlfriend was someone he loved like a daughter in the beginning. He had a big heart so that generally made him too trusting. No one is ever going to forget him. Whenever I look at coffee I think about our times in high school when we would drink nothing instant coffee because he got a kick out of it. If you ask me I always thought it was nasty but then again that wasn't the point. Tamaki was his own person and we'll always notice that he's not there when there's a silence that he doesn't fill." And Kaoru walked down.
As everyone expected Honey came up with Mori. "I would have shared any of my candy with him." And that was all from Honey and Mori. Almost nobody understood but the ones who were suppose to, did a and then it was my turn and I really didn't have an idea on what I was suppose to say so I went up there and spoke my mind.
"Tamaki made me his friend weather I wanted him to or not. I don't care what anyone thought of him as a person. I don't care if people thought he was loud or immature or stupid. I would have bailed him out of jail, I would have killed anyone who hurt him and I would have done it all without him knowing because I wouldn't have wanted him to annoy me anymore. If I had known that he was on his last days I probably still wouldn't have told him and he probably still would have known. I don't know my emotions well but that's fine because Tamaki knew them enough for the all of us. And I would only come up here and show a more emotional part of myself for this idiot."
And I walked down feeling like I didn't know what to do with myself and thinking about what whole I could burry myself into, because I did not usually say things like that, but I figured since I was in love with Haruhi I was paying him back somehow.
Haruhi walked up last. She stood up there and looked the same as she had the last couple of days. She looked like she didn't feel. "I loved him. That's all I can say that hasn't already been said. He knows why I loved him. He knows I'll always love him, and only he'll know why."
And just like that the funeral was over and although most people didn't understand Tamaki we all mourned him. And lord help his grandmother who was a still an evil witch, because no one had told his mother that her only son was dead and for that she would pay for that.
A/N: This was a hard chapter to write because I didn't know how to keep everyone in character and it was just an important chapter for the story, however I tried my best. Honestly ,it turned out a little differently then I thought it would. I think I've finally got the idea down and for that I'm glad because now I know better where things are going. I killed off Tamaki because... it was just the way things went. I didn't want to but when I had the idea I just always knew that Tamaki was going to die, which sucks... but I just went with it. Hopfully everyone enjoyed the chapter. Anyway, R/R.