I'm back. I just wanted to get something out here before I started doing my summer reading so I hope you all enjoy and please excuse the pathetic length! Thanks to all of you and your condolences it meant the world to me. Your the best! Also in my absence I've come across two amazing websites twitter and facebook if any of you have you should totally add me! My twitter is JennieSmile and my face book is under my name Jenifer Lamadrid I'm the only one :) Love you all!

Chapter Five of

There is Also Love in This World

To have Perfect Faith is to Fly

And if the night runs over

And if the day won't last

And if your way should falter along this stony pass

It's just a moment

This time will pass

U2 Stuck in a Moment

It was as if the breath had been calcitrated right out of the dark-skinned man's body. He felt a sense of falling, as the world around him seems to be shifting and he wants to cry. He hates crying. It leaves him dizzy and it takes 24 hours for his damned eyes to become unswollen. But right now that's all he wants to do; fall and cry. But he know' he's not falling he's sitting upright on the wooden floor his death grip around the blond having gone slack. And everything feels so much more real right now. Draco's so solid and his pain is so evident that Blaise wants to trick himself into thinking that it's all a hoax caused by the dim lights of the chandelier that lies above them. But it's not and he knows it. Knows it down to his core. Afterward he feels like an idiot because for Gods sake he's not the right person for this job. It should be Pansy or Theo here cradling Draco. Because dammit it all Blaise wasn't what Draco needed at the moment. He was a russet skinned god with brilliant hazel eyes a looker not a thinker. He followed his blood and that got him to trouble and made him the worst at words. And he hated himself for not knowing what to say for not knowing how to mend the scars of one of the first persons he had ever loved. Sure he wanted to wring the dainty neck of Draco but he still loved him. Would always love him.

A hiccup sounded from his throat foreshadowing of the tears that would soon come.

"I'm so sorry for not being there Dray." And that's it. He's become a blubbering mess.

Draco hold Blaise now trying to grant him some leeway. After all he wasn't Blaise's friend for no reason. He know that Blaise must be blaming himself somehow for not being able to help Draco on his wretched situation. But it's not completely wretched he got Orion after all. So he allows Blaise to sob into the long sleeved green silk shirt he's wearing not once thinking about the fact that the snot and tears would probably not come off. Bliase is more important.

"Dray?" It's a soft question and if Draco's head hadn't been resting lightly on the others head it would have probably gone unheard,


"If Orion. If he's truly Voldemort's child then why. . ." Blaise stopped himself mid sentence. Probably wondering how to word his next question Draco thought. "Why does he look like a replica of Harry."

Draco stilled and Blaise sat up looking him straight in the eyes.

"He even has the Potter tradition of looking exactly like the father but with the eyes of the mother. You might not want to see it but the second you see that boy it's seeing a blue-eyed version of Harry."

Of course Draco had always wondered if perhaps the spell had not worked. Call it fleeting hope. But he had hoped. Especially as he had held his star safely in his arms for the first time that it was Harry's. But it was not to be so.

"Blaise perhaps you didn't notice my son's face when he gets ANGRY!" Draco glared at the blatant eye roll.

"Maybe you missed the shifting of the face and the slits in his red eyes."

Blaise let out a huff and Draco gave him a rightly or so he thought deserved shove. One minuet he's crying on his shoulder the next acting like a pompous git; and yes he was utterly aware of the total hypocrisy of his thoughts.

"Hear me out you ponce." Another steely glare.

"I think that Voldemort was trying to completely rid Harry's gene but it didn't work or perhaps not to the degree it did. What if just like when he tried killing Harry the spell rebounded and just gave Orion certain traits of him just like it did Harry."

Draco's eyes did a grand impersonation of those of a fish. He felt alleviated as though he had perfect faith. But he was ever a realist though his friends would say that the correct term would have been a pessimist. And just as fast as his wings spread they folded right back.

"No it's not possible. " At these words Blaise grabbed the shoulders of the thinner man and shook him . . . hard. It was almost comical seeing Draco's head jostling around platinum strands going in every direction so he shook him a bit longer then what was deemed necessary.

"And why is that?" Draco gave himself a moment to draw the rattling of his brain to come to a close before answering.

"Because. . ."

"Because nothing did you ever perform a fucking DNA test?"

and then he was left flabbergasted and slack jawed. Cause how could something so simple occur to Bliase and have not even once passed through his mind. Perhaps it was fear of knowing the absolute truth that hindered him from coming to this conclusion. Blaise on the other hand stare shocked at the man in front of him. And he made a note from this moment on not to ever refer to himself as the dumbest one because obviously Blondie over there was a complete bird brain.


"Shut up."

And even at the sharp tone of his best friend the smirk never left Blaise's face.

"But what if you're wrong Blaise?" As they made their way towards the red bricked dilapidated department store that hid Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries Draco repeated the question for the umpteenth time. Blaise being much more mature then Draco at this current moment had taken to ignore him and immerse himself in the calamity of muggle London. If they had not been in a public area Draco would have heavily pouted. He despised being ignored. Perhaps it was roed from having been so overly doted on as being the only son and heir of the Malfoy family.

"Who exactly are you taking me too see?" Bliase hid his smirk.

"She's the brightest which of her age and someone who I can assure you will keep all information that is disclosed confidential."

Draco nodded. If Blaise could trust her then he would have to deem her fit. But still hi description of her reminded him of someone if only he could put his finger upon it.

Before he could think more of this mysterious healer Blaise was already leaning in and talking to one of the unsightly dummies. Following his example they stepped directly through the "store" and into the reception office.

Blaise walked towards one of the offices stopping in front of a door that had the number 118[1] engraved in an elegant gold cursive script.

He knocked leaning lazily against the archway of the door until a muffled answer of "Come in" was herd.

The women healer had their back to him as she looked through some files. She wore the required lime green robes of the hospital staff members and her long brown hair was pulled back in a plait. Draco's eyes then wandered through the tidy office. There was a picture of a beautiful around three years old girl with fire red hair and matching freckles on the desk. And right as his eyes struck a photo of the second Order of the Pheonix and a plaque about a organization named S.P.E.W it was much too late to run because the woman had turned.

Her honey brown widened and the hair even though tamed by the plait seemed to have caught electricity just like in their child hood. Her face spoke of no nonsense and Draco found that he was right in his earlier assumption that she would strike fear just like McGonagall with only a look

"Nice seeing you again Granger." He spoke casually not allowing an once of the panic her felt to display itself outwardly.

And then she grabbed the vine wood wand that was in her pants pocked and Draco knew that he had just royally screwed himself.

Hope you liked it.

I picked 118 for a silly buit I think adorable reason there's 3 letter's in Ron's name and 8 in Mion'es so that's 11. And then when you combine Rose and Hugo it's 8 letter's :) I'm lame