Heeeeyyy people! Long time no see. Kinda dissapeared for a while.

It's okay...this story is not dead, I've just not had much motivation in writing for a while now. This chapter was going to be longer but you know...

Anyway, hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 9

It started later in the day when Starscream was on his way out for a short fly around. And maybe cause a bit of chaos somewhere. In short, he was bored.

He was almost at the exit when it felt like someone was watching him. He turned and almost froze when he saw Shockwave staring at him. If he had an actual face he'd have an expression of surprise upon seeing the seeker at the base. This was the one thing Starscream wanted to avoid the most. Go figure it'd happen anyway.

They stared at each other for a moment and Starscream put on his usual act of arrogance. After a few seconds of silence his optics narrowed,

"What are you staring at?"

Shockwave blinked, "I wasn't aware you have been here in the base. If I recall, you had been captured by the Elite Guard."

Starscream frowned, "You don't honestly think the Autobots could hold me do you?"

Shockwave responded with a nod, "Fair point. Though I'm sure your stubbornness had a part in it. I am curious as to why you are here at the base after you have become known as a traitor."

A smirk spread across Starscream's face, Shockwave just gave him some ammunition to play the jealousy card and end the conversation to get the slag out of this situation.

"Not that it's any of your business but Megatron is the one who wants me here. Amusing when put together with the conversation I overheard earlier. He wants me around but not you…imagine that."

Without waiting for a response from Shockwave he left. The smirk never leaving his face, sure he won that round. Shockwave just stood there for a moment, thinking. Now he knew something was up. He decided to ask Megatron about this.

Starscream couldn't stop smirking as he flew high over Detroit. He was sure he must have struck something in Shockwave and almost wished he had stayed longer to see the reaction to that little bit of news.

Meanwhile, the only answer Shockwave could get from Megatron was that the reason that Starscream is there was that it's "none of his concern." That did nothing to stop the suspicions that had been building in his head. He decided he was going to find out things for himself. And he would do so once Starscream returned.

Starscream was feeling rather smug upon returning to the base. He had caused a bit of panic around the city and was able to leave before any of the Autobots showed up. He just loved watching the humans run. He received a comm. from Megatron on the way back and landed outside the base when he saw Megatron waiting just outside.

Megatron was having suspicions of his own about Shockwave. Sure, he trusted Shockwave but he also knew that Shockwave and Starscream never got along and now that Shockwave knew the seeker is at the base, things were bound to happen.

"I want you to keep a distance from Shockwave."

Starscream said nothing at first before smirking, "Oh? Worried, are we?"

Megatron honestly couldn't say. Over the past few days all he could really say is he wanted the Seeker around. At first, it was to satisfy some personal needs, but now? He just wasn't sure.

When his leader didn't answer, Starscream mentally sighed, "Fine. But I will have you know that if he were to try anything, I can handle it."

"I don't doubt that Starscream. But you know what suspicion from Shockwave will eventually lead to."

Starscream did know, Shockwave was top spy for a reason, but he was second in command for a reason. He figured Shockwave wouldn't be too much of a problem. That was a mistake.

Shockwave hadn't been aware of Starscream's return until he heard odd sounds coming from Megatron's quarters when he had decided to report a recent development on Cybertron to Megatron. He stepped a little too close to the door causing it to automatically open and he froze at the sight that greeted him.

Megatron had Starscream seated on his lap with his spike buried in Starscream's port as the Seeker cries out in overload before falling back against his leader's chest, exhausted. While Starscream was too out of it to notice Shockwave at the door, Megatron wasn't and the glare he sent made Shockwave nervous and he quickly backed away, the door closing.

He stood there for a moment, replaying what he just saw in his head. What….what was that? Is that what's been going on? Megatron was…with Starscream...the thought made Shockwave want to cringe. Not that he would disapprove of anything his leader does…it was the fact that it was Starscream that bothered him.

He couldn't confront Megatron about anything without facing down the barrel of the fusion cannon. But he knew how he could confront Starscream and leaving without a scratch.

So yeah. I have no idea how long it will be before a new chapter will be done. I just thank everyone following this story for being so patient.