
So Long, Farewell


"I'm gonna miss you," Gabriella murmured.

"Me too, baby," Troy said hugging her tightly and kissing the top of her head. "I promise to call you every day and visit as much as I can."

"I will too. And, I'm going to Berkeley in October for a college visit with Kelsi. I'll see you then."

"I can't wait," Troy smiled. "Oh and I'm sorry."

"For?" Gabriella asked looking up at him.

"For waiting so long to be with you."

"Troy it's okay. I treasure every moment with you, especially those before we got together. Those were the moments in which I fell in love with you and I'm holding on to each one. The last four months have just been reinforcement."

"I guess you're right," Troy said with a small smile. He placed a small kiss to her lips. "This time apart is gonna suck," he said, a phrase that had been repeated time and again by him.

"It is but you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder and the reunion sex better," Gabriella said cheekily.

Troy cracked up at her words. "I fucking love you."

"Back at 'cha, babe," she winked him before placing a fierce kiss to his lips.