Chapter One: Goodbye's and Hello's


I was only three when it happened. The accident. But I can explain it to you as best I can, simply because there won't be much of a story if I don't start from the beggining…


…the windshield wipers went back and forth in a rythmic motion, making noises that made my foot tap. Small ice crystals danced in front of the window, and then disapeared as quickly as they had come as the wipers ran their dull blades over the glass.

My stomach growled hungrily. "Food, mama?" I asked, my vocabulary not big enough yet to ask with grown up words.

My mom nodded, but didn't say anything. She had this weird thing about always being silent when she drove. She said it had something to do with concentration, though at the time I didn't know what that meant.

My father began to mess with the radio dial, and received a scolding from my mother when he turned it up to loud. "Maybe I should drive, Anne." He said, a begging look on his face. He didn't want my mother to be stressed.

She shook her head. He sighed and continued to look out he window, seeing nothing but his own reflection in the darkness.

Then my mother screamed. My father jerked up from his postion of a daydream, and he let out a hollar so loud I remember my ears ringing afterwards.

And all I remember is crying. I remember red vision because blood was falling painfully from my forehead and landing in my eyes.

Then there were people. I perticularly remember one. He was pale and he had bronze hair. His eyes were a beautiful golden color. I remembered thinking about how beautiful he was.

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart." He said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Mama?" I asked shakily.

He shook his head solemly and turned to look at the other people. Three girls, and three other boys. I couldn't remember how they looked to save my life, though I can fit their descriptions with who they are today.

"I'm not your mama." He said sweetly.

"Where is she?" I croaked.

"She's in a better place." Was all that he said.


Today I live with those same people. And they're not just normal people, either. They're vampires.

There's Edward, the first person I saw, and the one who was there for me at first. There was Alice, the very sisterly like one, whom as I grew up I always looked up to. And Jasper, the one who would always make me feel better, even when I always thought I would cave within myself. Carlisle, the one who was most fatherly like. Rosalie, the one whom I wished to be like, beautiful and yet independent of herself. Emmett, the biggest and yet the funniest. And then Esme, the one who was always like a mother to me. The one who I probably needed most of all.

All of them made up my life as I grew. Even now.

So I am going to share with you basically my life story. Even the parts that I choose to stay away from. And the parts that are most secrete and cherished to me. You'll know all the thoughts that ran through my head at the time. I'll take you to present day.

I hope you enjoy all that I have to tell. But, I will not be able to refrain from being my normal sarcastic self while telling you. I have barely managed to do so while starting this.


It's short, I know! Just be patient! But I swear to god that if any of you review me and complain about how short it is, then I will never ever work on this story again! (Yea right!) And don't worry, the Flock will come in soon! There's gonna be a different past to the School and all, but it wil all soon be peiced together! Don't worry peepz!

Luv you all!
