Story: Codename: Princess
Preview: Shadow, years after Rouge decides to leave G.U.N. gets a new partner…that strangely enough, reminds him of himself and Rouge. And what is the 18 year old doing at G.U.N.?
Disclaimer: I don't own shadow or the sonic crew, Beat and Lucky are mine

Chapter 1: The new partner

The commander looked over at the red head hedgehog in the room. "Are you sure you want this assignment?" he asked, swallowing.

"Of' course" The female snapped, "You know how long it took to find him, I want to be his partner" she pointed to the picture on the table in the center of the room.

The commander sighed, no convincing the red head hedgehog, "you really are their child aren't you?" he asked, chuckling.

She nodded.

Shadow walked into G.U.N. Headquarters, he had just returned from a previous mission that involved a lot of explosions.

'As if my life doesn't have enough' Shadow sighed, putting an earpiece in his right ear. "Can you hear me Lucky?"

"Shadow, you know better than to call me that on mic" a young male voice barked at him. Shadow chuckled at the youth's voice. "Now, what do you want?" Lucky asked, annoyed.

"I need to get in, sharpshooter" he sighed, as the HQ doors opened suddenly.

"You know, you don't have to call me to get the door open" Lucky retorted, "Damn it Shadow"

"I didn't do anything" Shadow grumbled at the youth, "I'm going to see you"

"Well you know were I'm at" Lucky barked again, "In the damn box I'm always in"

Shadow chuckled again, he enjoyed Lucky being angry at him everyday. Lucky the husky was the son he never had but got to raise as a G.U.N. agent.

It had been 17 years since Rouge left, it had been Shadow and Lucky ever since. Lucky was found by Shadow as an orphan and Shadow took him in as his student. Lucky was handy with guns and riffles, he was also useful with computers.

Shadow walked through the halls and to an elevator, People saluting him as he walked past. He sighed and saluted back. Shadow pushed the button for the fourth floor and waited, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You do know why you're here today right?" Lucky asked him, over the mic.

"No…I thought you might know" Shadow answered back calmly.

"Actually, the commander didn't tell me…I don't know why he wants you in" Lucky answered back as Shadow reached the fourth floor. He took out his mic and ear piece and walked out of the elevator. He walked down the hall and went into a room.

"Lucky" Shadow said, walking in and shutting the door behind him.

Lucky stood up and saluted him and then slouched. Lucky had silver fur and white hair hanging over his left eye. He had a black long sleeve shirt and a silver T-shirt, blue jeans and black and silver shoes and a black holster holding two guns.

"At rest, kid" Shadow told him as Lucky sat back in his seat, "So neither of us know what the commander wants us for?" Shadow asked.

Lucky nodded, "Yeah, I think we're getting another member to our team" Lucky sighed, "Like we need anyone else"

Shadow hit the younger dog on the back of the head, causing Lucky to move his head forward and hit his keyboard. "Don't say that" Shadow looked at him, unamused, "Maybe an addition is just what we need to do to advance"

Lucky grumbled, he forgot Shadow's main objective and how much he really wants to become chief of G.U.N. Lucky always thought G.U.N. was to unfair but kept his mouth shut, that's why when Lucky was of decent age, Shadow told him his plan and Lucky and Shadow joined forces.

Shadow turned away from the computer monitor and leaned on the table, arms folded over his chest again. He remembered the day Rouge left him alone, the mission after he found infant Lucky and claimed him as his student. Rouge left him there and ran off, not telling anyone where she was going and when she would be back. No letters or phone calls. Shadow wouldn't admit it out loud, but he missed having her around as his partner.

All of a sudden, the door opened again, reveling the Commander walking in. Both Shadow and Lucky jumped up and saluted as he walked in.

"At ease, Boys" The commander said in a stern voice, "The reason I wanted to meet up with you Shadow is because of our new recruit. You'll be doing some undercover work for a while and she wanted to join you"

"She?" Lucky asked aloud and was then hit in the head again by Shadow, "Ow…sorry" he rubbed the back of his head.

"I have Lucky, He and I can handle anything you give us" Shadow folded his arms.

"She insisted, She's Rouge's Daughter you know" the commander smirked and slightly turned his head around, "You may come in"

As soon as he said that the door opened and closed again. Shadow couldn't believe what he had just heard. 'Rouge's Daughter? But how?' Shadow thought.

The girl was a black hedgehog with red hair. Her eyes were bright blue, similar to Rouge's, and sly. Her hair covered her left eye. Her right eye had black eyeliner and red eye shadow. She had white gloves that reached her shoulders and at the top of the gloves were red. A gray strapless top and a short red skirt, with black and red shoes.

"My name is Beat" she said, her voice cunning yet sweet. It could make every and any man fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness. She smirked, "It's a pleasure to meet you Shadow the hedgehog" she walked up and held out her right hand to him.

Shadow took the hand and shook it, smirking back, he felt he could trust this girl. She had to have been no older than 17 or 18, around Lucky, who was 19.

"Charmed, I'm sure" Shadow told her, she released the hand shake and looked at the commander, "Exactly what I wanted" She smirked.

He nodded and turned to Shadow, "I'll leave you to it then, here's all the information for your next mission" The commander handed some papers to Lucky, "Good luck" he turned around and walked out.

Shadow turned to Beat, the girl was a bit shorter than he was, but an adorable posture. "So…Beat was it?" Shadow began as the girl nodded, "Your Rouge's Daughter? How so?" he leaned back on the table again.

Lucky looked over at his teacher and back at the new girl, He wasn't sure what Shadow was getting at.

Beat nodded again, "Yes, She told me all about you Shadow, That's why I asked to be partnered up with you" She smirked.

Shadow thought for a moment before getting off the wall and turning to Lucky, "Get to work on the papers he gave you"

Lucky nodded and sat down in the chair and began to type up things.

"Beat" Shadow turned to her, she straightened up, "What are your skills?"

Beat saluted to Shadow before she answered, "Beat the hedgehog, age: 17, skills include: Disguises and infiltration of enemy bases" She said sharply and then relaxed.

Shadow raised a brow at her, He could tell that she could infiltrate any enemy she wanted, she had a favored body, similar to Rouge's, she could fool any man she wanted.

Shadow shrugged, "Your in…I suppose" he sighed as Lucky finished typing.

"Shadow" Lucky looked up at him, "We have to get you in a party and find some special information that one of our enemies is hiding" Lucky looked up at him, frowning, "I know you don't play well with others…Maybe Beat should play the distraction while you get the Information" Lucky suggested.

Shadow turned to the girl, "I guess you can start proving your self with this mission…."Shadow smirked at her.

"Yes sir" she saluted.

"You can stop that" Shadow grumbled, "You know how long it took before Lucky stopped doing that to me?"

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Shrimpy: Well how was my first attempt at a Shadow fanfic???? Come on, tell me you know you want to…