
Oz massaged Willow's neck as he peered over her shoulder at the computer screen. "Well, that's different. Giles?"

"Giles," agreed Willow fervently.


Willow paced across the floor of the Watcher's flat, trying not to babble. "I was downloading this game for Oz on my new computer and… and... that happened. She motioned towards the laptop, which was glowing an eerie shade of green. "I've tried everything - I've run spyware and virus removal programs, I've unplugged it. I even removed the battery, and it's still got power. How do we get rid of it?"

Giles pinched his nose to stave off a growing headache and asked the inevitable question, "And what precisely was the game called?"

"Um, 'Call of Cthulu'?" she answered sheepishly.

Oz smiled up at her from his position sitting cross-legged on the floor. "That's sweet, babe. Thanks." 

At which point Giles snatched his glasses from his face and began polishing them furiously on his shirt. "I shall never understand why you people insist on making up silly little games about the most dangerous and vile demons ever to have walked the Earth."

"Giles, calm down," soothed Buffy. "What's the upshot here? How do we get rid of it?" 

"Well," he considered, "as of now the demon itself is not actually manifest. I see no immediate danger to the public, as long as the … virus ... isn't allowed to infect any other computers on campus. We simply need to destroy the device "

"Easy enough," agreed Buffy, who proceeded to bring a large axe down on top of the laptop. A brief shower of sparks followed by a plume of acrid, billowing smoke marked the end of another apocalypse.

"Cool," Oz observed. "So, is that covered by the college's warranty?"