You're probably thinking that this is an extremely quick sequel to Everything Is Significant, but I've just recently discovered that I missed coming on the computer and writing fics. I also write stories anyway, so I thought I'd just make a start and before I knew it I was ready to post! So thanks for reading, please enjoy! xxxNTxxx

Everything was hunky-dory. Ray and his new love interest, Carly, were getting along quite well and managing to convince the station that it wasn't just another one of his 'birds'. He actually liked this one – it had been at least 2 months. Chris had finally admitted to Alex in private that the money he was saving up wasn't for a boat like everyone thought (even though they also thought this highly unlikely and stupid). It was for something much more important and Shaz-related. As for Alex herself, her new relationship with Gene was suiting her just fine.

So apparently love really was in air for the coppers of Fenchurst East.

Although, on a day like this, no one would've known. Everyone was snappy (especially the Guv) and tired (especially his DI). It had been a long night interviewing suspects and collating statements concerning a recent drugs-bust. According to these particular suspects, no one knew who was in charge, who organised it or where the drugs had come from. And, of course, they were ALL 'at the wrong place at the wrong time'. Stupid puppets putting on a show. Gene wasn't having any of it. He'd done plenty of banging heads together; his way of policing never failed – if only he was able to do so. But Alex had kept complaining about 'ethical issues'.

"Bolls, I don't give a shit as long as we get a result." He sniped as they exited the interview room.

"And I don't appreciate you calling me Bolls, but there you go." She muttered under her breath. "When you're in a cell being charged for the murder of one of our detainees, I hope you'll reflect on this little conversation of ours, hmm?"

With a grunt, the Guv forced open the CID doors and headed straight for the comfort of his office. After all, that was where the whiskey was kept. Alex suppressed a sigh and moved towards her desk, trying to configure happier thoughts. In fact, she could think of happy thoughts right now. She sunk her head down on her desk, a little smile crawling onto her face as she remembered how her morning had started…

A rather pleasant dream had left Alex in a cold sweat as she awoke with sudden gasps for breath. Just another nightmare about Layton that ended with the bullet heading towards her and her daughters voice coaxing her back home. But she had made her choice, and she was sticking with it. These… these dreams were just her imagination telling her to come home, but she knew as well as anyone that it was impossible. No one survived a bullet to the head. No one. So, calming herself down, Alex ignored the clown in the corner of her eye as it yelled her name in an impatient grate. The first thing she'd noticed as her eyes had whipped open so suddenly was the ceiling. Now she found herself staring at it, trying to remember everything that had happened before. It had all started such a long time ago – the murders; the insane cop-killer; Gene Hunt – and now everything was over, she'd finally made a decision. She would battle her problems. As usual. To do this, though, she had to give in to the one that was staring her right in the face. Alex turned for comfort in her bed. There it was again, that problem, staring her in the face.

He was asleep, probably having nice dreams about the night before. Alex was surprised that she hadn't as well, but nightmares followed her round. She tried to creep out of bed without disturbing him, he only murmured and stirred slightly but returned to his soft snores. Alex smiled. When she'd first arrived here, she never would have pictured this. The rest of her early morning was spent staring at his face. Watching his lids flicker until finally they fluttered open almost angelically. He frowned, looked about, then nodded, lifting himself slightly and propping his weight up by his elbows.

Before going to work, they watched telly together. They ate breakfast and did all of the couply things that couples do. So strange. And all the time, Alex could see in the corner of her eye – she was being haunted by the image of Molly, stood with clear disappointment on her face. But Alex smiled. How could she not? This was so surreal and magical. Then he broke the spell.

"Time we were off."

Alex snapped back into reality as she heard Gene yell his throat sore at Chris. The poor DC backed out of his office and practically ran to his desk, making gestures with his hands. Shaz giggled, giving him a playful slap on the wrist. Ray sniggered, but other than that it was silent. Alex stared mournfully at the Guv's domain. Why was he being like this? Everyone was annoyed, everyone wanted a result but he had to take it to the next level, he had to blame it on everybody except himself. She guessed, that's what stress did to you. Being the team leader for so many years, there was to be a moment of complete weakness. But everything they'd done this morning, the chatting and laughing and kissing, where had that gone? Where had Gene's love for life gone? Did it vanish as soon as he opened the station doors? It was so easy to go from 0 – argument with him. They had to be careful what words they used; one slip up and suddenly it's no longer playtime.

Although it didn't help that the suspects were being difficult either. Ten interviews and not one breakthrough. They'd all be charged with wasting police time, especially if they did know what was happening. The drugs-party CID had raided yesterday was only small, something bigger was on it's way. It was only a matter of finding out the culprit and hitting the target before it's even out.

Shaz walked over to Alex at this point.

"Hey, ma'am." She smiled soothingly. "You look tired, you want some caffeine?"

"Oh, yeah, please." Alex nodded approvingly. "That'd hit the spot, thank you Shaz. Umm… before you go, I would like a word please."

"Sure." Shaz looked baffled but pleased as she grabbed a chair from a nearby desk and pulled it up beside Alex. "What you wanna talk 'bout?"

"Men." Alex waved a hand randomly. "I mean… who understands them? One minute they're giving you hugs and telling you that you're all theirs. The next… they're ranting and raving about the place, causing all sorts of commotion and upset."

The young WPC nodded slowly, a smirk on her lips.

"Some of them…" She answered, glancing at Gene's office. "But my Chris isn't like that. He'd always sweet… well, not when he's with Ray… but he never shouts, at least."

"Hmm." Alex mused. "Yes, he is a good catch, that one. Good for you. Uh… just a question."


"How serious are you about Chris?"

Shaz looked about, making sure that no one was listening. She had a long stare at Chris and when she was finally relaxed that he wasn't ear-wigging, she leaned in close to Alex. "I think he's so amazing! I really wanna see him all the time, you know, like forever."

Alex smiled. "That's good. Off you go, I want my coffee."

Shaz moved away, the biggest grin on her face. Chris looked over, his quizzical look hovering with slight indignation. Alex shook her head and mouthed 'not said a word' and he nodded happily, continuing to listen to one of Ray's fascinating stories about Carly.


The kettle was boiling, the loud noise doing a good job at keeping Alex awake. She was so very tired, that dream had woken her extremely early but she couldn't get back to sleep afterwards. And now the station was stuck in bad atmosphere, she would've liked nothing better than to just close her eyes for a while. And then the kettle finished boiling, clicking to tell her so. She lifted her tired head and poured the water unsteadily.

"Good idea, I'll have a brew."

She was so shocked by Gene's sudden entrance and loud voice that her already unstable grip on the kettle loosened slightly and some of the water dripped onto her wrist. She cursed loudly, dropping the kettle onto the side and gripping her burn. Gene was immediately at her side, grabbing her arm and shoving her wrist under the cold water tap. His own hand rubbed her wound, as if it would magically heel it. It still stung, his gentle touch making her wince but she didn't care. It was welcome.

"What you doin', pourin' red hot stuff all over y'self?" He didn't seem snappy but still managed an annoyed tone.

"I wasn't…" Alex shook her head. "I'm just tired, I wasn't expecting you to come in here, I… you startled me, that's all."

"Right, well." He finished caressing her burn and let go. "Look after y'self, okay? We still need you for the investigation."

"Sure." She nodded. Gene looked at the red mark on her wrist and grimaced. "What?"

"You want a bandage or something?" He said thoughtfully, moving over to a seemingly untouched cupboard. "Got loads. Never need 'em."

"Oh, health and safety." She smiled weakly, trying to make conversation. "Well, at least this has cheered you up."

"'scuse me?"

"Uh, you were a little… upset earlier, weren't you?"

"And you think this has made me better?" He scrutinised her with a look, throwing the unwrapped bandage at her. She caught it and frowned.

"I didn't mean…"

"Seeing you getting hurt don't cheer me up, Bolly." He continued, walking past her swiftly and pouring himself a drink. "In fact, I might end up banning you from this room if you're gonna do that again."

Alex laughed and shook her head. "No thank you, don't want to do that again." And then she watched his face. It was hard, stony, unhappy. He was still stressed out; she had to find some way of letting him unwind. "Gene, I want to take you out somewhere tonight."
"Int that my job?" He furrowed his brow. "You know, bein' the man an' all."

"Well, yes." She nodded. "But… you need to relax for once. I think you're under a lot of… pressure." She was careful to choose the right words that wouldn't anger him. "Although if a meal doesn't tickle you fancy… I'm open to your suggestions…"

Apparently her offer didn't tempt Gene, or maybe he hadn't fully understood because he simply shrugged past her and moved towards the doorway. "What'll make me happy, is banging up these idiots and bringing in that bastard drug dealer before the city is riddled with it."

Alex nodded with disappointment and followed him out into the office, watching as everyone seemed to look up when they entered. No one had really been too fussed when it had finally come out that Alex and gene were together (it had already been rumoured after the kiss beforehand anyway). Although Shaz did tend to perk up a bit and grin at them whenever they were publicly seen together. She would look at Chris and nudge him, he would smile back and look into her eyes… very recently Chris had confided in Alex that he'd been saving up for son long to buy Shaz an engagement ring, but didn't quite have enough yet. And Shaz didn't seem to notice that he only ever had one pint of bitter in the pub at nights, sometimes none. Usually he'd drink his spends away, but he was extremely committed to this operation.

"Right, I want names and I want them now." Gene growled. "Chris, gimme the files."

"Right you are, Guv." The slow DC nodded, handing them over. "Got some right names there, some we've already copped an' that. Then there's some ugly blokes an' one bird – I mean, woman."

"Great." Gene mused. "Well they're already banged up, we've already spoken to 'em… so, Drake, anything you wanna add to enlighten our ever-learning brains?"

Slightly taken aback, Alex seemed stuck for a moment, then she finally spoke. "We should interview that Lawrence again. He seemed to be more in focus than the others, he wasn't already spaced out and his moves were that of a man who was in the know."

"Just cos 'is eyes weren't rolling 'bout into back of 'is head he's suddenly the main suspect?" Ray piped up, confused.

"Exactly." Alex smiled, feeling like she was finally back in their world and not dreaming. "He's the most focussed one, as I've already mentioned. Getting a name and source from him would be easier than speaking to a man who thinks he's batman."

"Can I be Robin?"

"Gene, take this seriously."

"I'm taking this very seriously."


"… 'Gee wiz, Batman'…"


"Alright, alright… spoil sport."