Chapter 1!
Unsurprisingly, this is a Jasper story. I know I am supposed to be writing Caramel Petals but I couldn't resist writing the papercut scene from New Moon from Jasper's perspective. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Don't own twilight... I'm not Stephanie Meyer... Sob!
Bella's birthday party began so well...
Our home was a flurry of exited movement as my family moved the furniture effortlessly to create space for a large cream table - covered with a lacy material - which they placed carefully into the centre of the room. On the table were several presents, carefully wrapped in identical silver paper. I watched the colourful rainbows of light ricochet off the presents in tightly coiled springs, hitting the walls and spiralling through the window.
My family arranged themselves into a natural looking human gathering, - suitable for a party - imitating our almost-flawless facade. This was unnecessary - of course - as Bella was perfectly aware of the despicable creatures that we were. Regardless, Carlisle still thought it to be a good idea; it was all practice in his eyes. The other reason was obvious. He was vehemently against the idea of scaring Bella when Edward had been so isolated and alone before he met Bella. Even I could recognise the change in my recently acquired brother. I contemplated how much more noticeable the transformation would be to Carlisle; the person who had known him the longest.
Alice's fingers wrapped lightly around my wrist, severing my thought pattern. "They're almost here," she whispered fluidly in my ear. I took a few precautionary steps backwards and leaned myself against a long ivory-coloured post that was several shades darker than my alabaster-pale skin.
The door opened with a muted creak and Edward walked in, followed closely by Bella, who looked incredibly nervous.
"Happy birthday, Bella!" We chorused, our voices echoing together in the wide confines of the room. Bella smiled tentatively and examined Alice's pristine decorations. She glanced at the pink candles clustered on every available surface and grimaced at the many wicker baskets adorned with roses. I felt her mounting embarrassment as she looked down hurriedly, blood rushing to her cheeks. I shook my head from side to side quickly before the longing could isolate me in it's steely grasp. My angel lightly pressed my fingertips - a silent reminder to stay in control.
"Sorry Bella, we couldn't rein Alice in," Carlisle stage-whispered.
Bella was glancing uncertainly at Emmett and Rose now. I felt her tension - border lining on fear - as she glanced at my sister's cold, mask-like face. She relaxed a little when her gaze travelled to Emmett; his face was stretched into an enormous grin which abruptly turned to mock disappointment when he looked back at her.
"You haven't changed at all," - he shook his head, still feigning the disappointment - "I expected a perceptible difference, but her you are, red-faced just like always."
"Thanks a lot, Emmett," she whispered, staring at the floor. The colour in her cheeks deepened substantially. I bit down hard on my cheek to prevent the venom from welling in my mouth.
"I have to step out for a second" - Emmett paused to give a conspicuous wink to Alice - "Don't do anything funny while I'm gone."
"I'll try" Bella said sceptically.
Alice released my hand and skipped towards Bella, her white teeth sparkling in the bright glow of the lights. I smiled too but didn't move, not wanting to risk my already stretched self control. I sent a wave of calm towards Bella before her feelings got hurt. She scrutinised my face for a long moment, before she blinked and focused on Alice.
"Time to open presents!" Alice declared, excitement evident in her tone and in her emotions. She grasped Bella's elbow and towed her to the table overflowing with roses and shiny packages.
Bella attempted to look calm, "Alice, I know I told you I didn't want anything-"
"But I didn't listen," my beloved interrupted, smug, "Open it." She took the camera resting in Bella's hand and replaced it with one of the larger sparkling packages. I didn't have to move any closer to read that it was from Emmett, Rose and myself.
Bella weighed the box in her hands before tugging glittering paper from it. Confusion swept through her emotions as she stared at the box covered in small silver digits. She opened the box hoping for further illumination and peered into it, noticing that it was completely empty.
"Umm...thanks," she was uncertain. Rosalie smiled in spite of herself. I laughed.
"It's a stereo for your truck," I explained. "Emmett's installing it now so you can't return it."
Comprehension dawned on her face. "Thanks, Jasper, Rosalie," she grinned at us. "Thanks Emmett!" she shouted, forgetting that he could probably hear her at her usual volume.
Emmett's booming laugh echoed from the roadside and Bella laughed lightly in response.
"Open mine and Edward's next," Alice pressed, the excitement transforming her voice into a high trill.
Bella glared at Edward. "You promised," she accused. Before Edward could respond, Emmett bounded in.
"Just in time!" he crowed in anticipation, pushing past me to get a closer look.
"I didn't spend a dime," Edward reassured her, brushing a loose strand of hair from her face.
Bella turned to Alice, "Give it to me," she sighed, defeated. Emmett chuckled in front of me.
Bella took the package, holding it like it contained a time bomb, rolled her eyes at Edward and jerked her finger under the tape.
"Shoot," she muttered at something I couldn't see. She held up her hand to examine the minuscule cut on her finger.
I sucked in a breath in surprise. The scent spiralled down my mouth, causing the burn in my throat to flare sickeningly as the blood dropped a vivid scarlet blob from the cut. Then Jasper was gone. Everything I was working to be ceased to motivate me at that precise second. I was the predator. She was my prey. Like adding two and two together.
My subconscious vaguely registered a deafening roar of "NO!" but it was far too late. My prey had been thrown to the floor and more blood proceeded to pulse out of the gash in an unmerciful stream. I smashed hard into the vampire that dared to try and take my prey away from me. The sound was like a rock slide but I could scarcely hear it over the grisly snarling ricocheting in my chest.
I advanced quickly on the vampire who was crouched - unbreathing - over the weak human. A growl tore up his throat - directed at me. I pushed against him violently, trying to thrust him far enough away so that I could strike. I snapped my teeth inches from his face, attempting to force him backwards whilst my gaze remained - undeterred - on the human.
Another vampire grabbed me from behind and I jerked away instinctively. Surprisingly, my violent gesture did not allow me to escape and I continued to struggle fruitlessly. I swung my head around and snapped my venom laced teeth at the perpetrator. His grip did not yield in the slightest.
Through a thick fog of bloodlust, I felt a faint prick of fear eminating from the human. I focused my snarling face on her.
I'll put up chapter 2 as soon as I finish it. Please review!