Disclaimer: This goes for this chappy to the last, okie dokie? I do not own any of the awesome characters (that you recognize) in this story, and if I did, I would be swimming in my pool of money in my backyard after uploading my photography using my Canon EOS 450D in my nice laptop.

By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if you recognized some of the parts of this story. ;) I've written something like this before, sort of with the same plot.

Chapter One

Dear DracoLucius Malfoy,

I hate you. You should know why.

All my love, you know who


Dear you know who,

I'm sorry, okay?! Hahaha. Mother saw your letter and she was all panicky, "Draco, what did you do this time?!" Thanks, kid. Oh, and another thanks for the love, by the way. Anyway, now that I am writing, how are you? When are you coming back? Will you be in Hogwarts this year? How's your vacation? Are people hospitable? Do you miss me – wait, of course you miss me. I'm me! I'm not even kidding.

I miss you. Write back soon. No boys.

Just as much love or maybe even more, Draco


Hermione? Where are you? We've been looking for you; your house isn't where it was before. McGonagall says she doesn't know where you are either. Hermione, we're worried. I miss you, Hermione. I really do. Wherever you are, we – me and everyone else – send our love. Write back as soon as you get this, please. We're really worried.

- Harry


You ask too many questions and you have a large ego.

Haha. I have one with me right now on my bed. Mmm…


- You know who


Thank you.



You know who is damn irritating. She freaked me out! I wrote her a letter telling her no boys then she suddenly writes back telling me there's one right now on her bed. Then she writes, 'mmm…' then tells me she's kidding! Can you believe that girl?

But that's not entirely the reason why I wrote. I want to play Quidditch. See you later in ten.

- Drake


Hermione, were you the one who sent Harry a letter that said, "Thank you"? Where are you Hermione? I miss you, love. And you know me when I miss you. – Ron


Hahahaha! You're so funny. Anyway, when will I see you? Blaise and I went to Malfoy Manor yesterday for them to play Quidditch and –oh, wait! Your brother was there too - since I didn't have you, I sat on the stands alone while they played. We ate pie after and Drake kept on rambling on how he thought you were serious about the guy. Hahaha! Well, I MISS YOU and I LOVE YOU, babe. Take care, okay?

Love love love, Pansy


Hey beautiful,

I miss you, well I know you've read that a million times already from others but I do. We all do. Mum's writing to Hogwarts soon. I'm excited for the upcoming year, we all know why. How are you? I haven't talked to you in five days! That's our longest so far, huh? Well, I'll see you when I see you. I love you.

Reach me when you get this, okay?

Your brother


Yes, mum. I'm taking care of myself. And how did that joke get to you?! That was just some joke, why is everyone making a big deal out of it? Pfft. Stupid Draco. I'm not joking, he knows it anyway. You should all know that and the fact that he's the one I love. (I'm smiling, can you tell?) I love you more, mum.

I'll see you soon.

Love, your son's twin. HAHA!


*tap* *tap* *tap*

"What the hell? Oh." Draco got up from his bed only in green with black stripes boxers and walked to the window. He let the owl in and got the piece of paper that was tied to his leg. Before opening it, he went to the shelf that was near the window and got a treat from one of the bowls and gave it to the bird. Next, he opened the letter. After a few seconds, Draco ran to his mother's bedroom like he was seven-years-old again and entered shouting, "She's coming home! She's coming home and going back to Hogwarts! She's coming home!"

He hadn't noticed that Narcissa was not lying on her bed but she was getting out of the bathroom in one of her everyday clothes in the manor. "Yes, Draco dear. I know she is. Her mother came over last night to talk while you were asleep."

"Mother, I went to sleep at two in the morning…" Draco said thinking.

"I know. But you know how Victoria gets when she's excited. She came here at three in the morning." Narcissa said, following it with a yawn. "She woke up your father and I. Can you believe that woman?"

Yes, folks. You can see the resemblance.

"Where is father anyway?" Draco said sitting down on the bed, still only in boxers.

Narcissa called for Dobby with a snap and the elf appeared.

"The madam called Dobby?"

"Dobby, would you get your young master a pair of jeans and a t-shirt please? Thank you." Narcissa smiled at herself in the vanity that she was sitting on as she fixed herself up.

Draco rolled his eyes as Dobby came back with the clothes. "A pair of shoes too, please." Draco stood up and wore the pair of jeans. "So where is father?"

Narcissa brushed her hair as she answered, "It's a secret. Fix yourself."



"I'm going to get breakfast." Draco said as he stood now in a black shirt, a pair of blue jeans and black and white Vans. Draco never showed it to the students in Hogwarts or other people but he was very much into teenage muggle boy clothing.

"Wait!" Narcissa demanded just as he was about to get out of the door. Draco looked at her expectantly and he knew what was going on. She was checking if he looked right. "Okay, go."

"Thank you." Draco said and went to the kitchens.


"What time will she be here?" The boy in a muggle Italian football team jersey and black jeans asked his mother.

"Well, let's see. It's two PM, three, four, five… She'll be here at six."

"Oh. Lucius, where's Draco?"

Lucius was sitting down on the sofa nearby and answered, "Manor. Sleeping when I left."

"I'll pay him a visit. I'll bring him over by five o'clock."

"Okay, dear. Please tell Narcissa to come over when you get there." The son's mother answered.

The handsome looking boy entered the fireplace, already with the dust and said, "'kay, sure. See you." He threw the dust at the same time he shouted, "MALFOY MANOR!"

The middle aged woman sat on the chair close to the couch just as the elf came into the room. "Mika would like to announce the arrival of Mr. Marcus and Mrs. Rufa Zabini, and the arrival of Mrs. Madison Parkinson." After that, the couples and wife of David Parkinson entered the living room.

Everyone greeted each other and after a few moments, the elves served two pitchers of lemonade and a plate of small cucumber sandwiches that were shaped into triangles. Everyone was talking when Narcissa appeared in the fireplace and she greeted everyone and sat beside her husband.

"What time is she arriving, Vicky?" Rufa asked.

"Five o'clock."

Lucius looked at her. "I thought you said-"

"I want to keep my daughter to myself first. I want to talk to her before our children ask her so many questions."


"What time is your sister arriving?" Blaise asked, sitting down on one of the chairs in Draco's room.

"Must you all be here every time?!" Draco asked as he came out of the bathroom in new clothes – a black button up shirt, a different pair of blue jeans and a pair of white Vans.

"Yes, Draco. And she's arriving at six, according to my mother." Said the other boy.

Pansy sighed. "I miss her so much."

Draco fake coughed and said, "Uh, what more me?"

"Hey, I miss her too!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Everyone loves my sister too much." And the other three in the room grinned.

"I love her more!" Draco said.

"Yeah, you better."

Draco grinned.


She was walking in the airport, with her luggage and her iPod in her pocket and earphones in her ears. She had big black sunglasses on and she was looking everywhere for any sign of brown hair like hers.

"C'mon, mum. Where are you?" Hermione mumbled to herself. Then she saw the familiar blonde hair. "Narcissa!" Hermione ran over to Narcissa Malfoy then she saw her mother.

"Hermione, dear!" Victoria hugged her.

Hermione smiled. She definitely missed her mother. Her mother finally let go and hugged Narcissa.

"Two months and already you look so different!" Narcissa exclaimed as she hugged Hermione.

When they let go of each other, they walked to the exit of the airport. "Good or bad different?"

"Let's just say you look more beautiful – if that's even possible." Hermione saw Lucius Malfoy and grinned. He took her luggage and kissed the top of her head. "And how are you miss?"

"I'm fine. Excited to see your son, thank you very much." Hermione smiled and Lucius rolled his eyes.


Hermione entered her room in their manor. She just finished greeting her mother's friends who were also the parents of her closest friends. She leaned her back on the door and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath then let it out after five seconds. It feels damn good to be home, Hermione thought. She smiled, still with her eyes closed. She will miss Europe. She will miss the original taste of pasta, the romantic music, the cute guys, the loud music in all the clubs she went to with her European friends.

But even though she already misses all of that, she was still excited to be home. She missed her twin, her mother, her manor, her boyfriend Draco, her friends Pansy, Blaise and her other friends –

"Hermione, dear?" Hermione's eyes shot up the second she heard her mother's knock on her door and her call.

"Yes, mum?" Hermione asked as she opened her door. Her mother entered and smiled at Hermione then hugged her. When they let go, Hermione offered her mom a seat on her bed. Her mother took a seat and patted the spot next to her and Hermione sat down.

"How did your backpacking around Europe go, darling?"

"Oh, mum. It was all I imagined it would be! It was all so great." Hermione smiled.

"That's nice. I hope it helped."

Hermione sighed. She knew it. "Mum, please, can we not talk about this?"

"Hermione, you and I will have to talk about your father's death in the war-"

"MOTHER! PLEASE, NOT NOW." Hermione stood. She did not want to talk about this right now. Her father's death and her fight in the war was the reason of her trip to Europe. She wanted to let go and move on and she knew that going away for a few months would help.

"Hermione, you and I both know you will not talk to me in that tone!" Victoria stood, too. She was only a few inches taller than Hermione. Hermione was 5'5, her mother must be around 5'7. She hated being small.

Hermione shut her eyes. She was trying to control her anger. She gets touchy easily with her mother. She loves her mother, they're close but her mother's tone could get out of hand sometimes, just like hers. "I'm sorry, mum. I just… It's just, I miss him. I miss my father. He did not have to die in the war to protect me. I could have handled myself. If he hadn't jumped in front of me and got hit by the Avada by Pettigrew, he could have still been here. It's my entire fault."

"Do not ever, EVER think that Hermione. Your father loved you, and I know that right now, wherever he is, he still loves you. Your father did that for you because he cares for you and he knows that you will live a longer life where you will be married, have children, and be very successful. He did that Hermione because he has worked so hard for you and your brother to have a beautiful life ahead of you and he does not want to throw any of that away." Victoria said.

Hermione was crying by now. Her mother was right, she knew that. But her father's death was big to her. They were best friends, Hermione has had a lot of great friends, but her father was the best. He was a father and best friend – the perfect combo. That's what people called them too. They were always together and during the summers, Hermione would help him sometimes in work and sometimes, when Hermione would be in Hogwarts and she'd have trouble with her school work, she'd owl her dad right away. They relied on each other, and now that he's gone, she felt lost.

When she sat down on her bed again, her mother sat beside her and hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "It's okay, sweetie. It's okay."

"I miss him so much." Hermione said in between sobs.

"We all do, baby girl." Hermione heard her brother. She looked up and saw him by the door. She got up and hugged her twin.

"Oh, Theo! I missed you!"

Theodore Nott hugged his little sister by two minutes and put his face into her soft locks. "I missed you too, beautiful. I missed you so much."

Behind him were Pansy, Draco and Blaise. This was their group – their group since they were in diapers. Hermione Nott, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini, they were always together.

You see, Hermione was never Hermione Granger to them and only they knew that – as in their families. Seventeen years ago, when the twins were born, the Nott couple – Andre (a Slytherin) and Victoria (a Gryffindor) Nott – they were in danger. Voldemort had wanted them to join the dark side. They had thought about saying no and since the Dark Lord could read their minds, he had threatened them that he would kill their daughter if they refused his offer. Before anything, the couple had sent their daughter to their muggle friends, Anne and Jackson Granger to keep their daughter for them. When the Dark Lord disappeared, they had Hermione back with them but Hermione still kept in contact with her second parents.

She still had to keep her real identity, though. In case of "emergencies". She did not expect to get close with Harry Potter and the Weasleys – it just happened. When Voldemort had come back, Victoria and Andre had lied and said that Hermione had died by a sickness that her twin Theo did not get. The Nott family joined the dark side and since Voldemort was too proud of them, he did not bother to make a double check. Andre was a very successful man, he was a great leader to his workers in their potions lab and Victoria was very, very smart and wise. Since Voldemort was too proud, he had not known that some of his "followers" were actually spies for the Order – the Malfoys, Parkinsons, Zabinis and last but not the least, the Notts.

Even in the Order, the Nott family was so used to hiding Hermione as their daughter, they had not made a point during a busy time to introduce themselves as a family. This year though, things will change. They will now introduce Hermione as Hermione Vianca Nott, twin sister of Theodore Adiel Nott and daughter of Andre and Victoria Nott.

A/N: I'm sorry if the spaces are messed up. I did this in my dad's small laptop and sent it to my e-mail then I copy pasted it to MS Word here in my dad's bigger laptop and I think it got messed up. So, I don't know how this'll look like when I upload.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter, though. =( I hope you din't get confused!