Authors Note: I had meant to post this after I finished my Ethics paper, but it is almost 2:00 am, and I just realized that I still have one more page to write, and I need a distraction, so I am going to post this now :) This is the sequel to Red Memories, and picks up where it left off. If you have not read it, STOP NOW, and go and read it. This will make very little sense if you do not read Red Memories first. A big thanks to every one who read Red Memories, and didn't hunt me down to post a sequel right away. And as always to Ebony10 for being my beta, and for suggesting the title to this one.

Disclaimer: If they were mine, I wouldn't be writing an ethics paper at almost 2:00 a.m. would I? I don't think so, I would be asleep.

The ride back to CBI head quarters was done in silence. It seemed that neither of them wanted to admit what had happened back in the words. Lisbon for her part was slightly embarrassed that she let herself get so carried away. And now that she had, she had to go back to work and pretend that nothing had changed, that nothing had happened.

They pulled into the yard at the CBI headquarters, where Lisbon parked the car. They sat for a few minutes with the silence stretching, neither wanting to go inside. They knew that the second they stepped out of the car things would have to go back to the way they were before Jane's accident, before they had admitted how much they really cared for each other.

"We should go inside. I'm sure the team will want to know that you have your memory back." Lisbon said with a sigh, turning to open her door.

"Teresa, wait." Jane said, placing a hand on her leg to stop her.

"Jane, you know you can't call me that anymore. Please, just...please, Jane." He could hear the despair in her voice, but knew that what he needed to say was important.

"Just because we are going to go in there and pretend that nothing happened doesn't mean that nothing did. You know I'll always care about you no matter what happens, right?" He desperately needed her assurance. He didn't know why—just that he did.

"Yes, Patrick." She didn't think she would ever get used to hearing his name come out of her mouth that way. "I do." She reached down and gave the hand that was still on her leg a squeeze. Then they both got out of the car and went inside of the building.

Lisbon was not surprised to see Minelli standing in the bullpen with the rest of the team when they walked in.

"Well, look how finally decided to join us!" He exclaimed, turning towards them. "We have a crazy serial killer on the loose, threatening my employees, and you two are off on a field trip." He was pacing slightly, clearly agitated.

"Sorry, sir." Lisbon said before launching into the explanation of why they had left. "We had to make sure that Jane remembered everything that had gone one before we told him about the letter. I figured it would be easier to show him the letter if he remembered something about Red John first."

"And did it work?" Minelli was getting impatient. Despite his tough exterior, he really did care about the people who were under him—not that he would ever tell them that.

"Yes, it did, Virgil. I remembered everything. No worries there." Jane answered him this time. He had gone over to his sofa to sit while Minelli had been talking.

"Great!" he said, turning to Lisbon. "I expect you to fix this. Can't have members of the CBI's best team being threatened by serial killers." He said before walking away.

Lisbon covered her face with her hands and groaned. This was not going to be easy.

"What are we going to do now?" Asked Van Pelt, clearly concerned about her boss and the consultant.

"Why don't we write Red John a letter? Tell him Jane remembers and to leave Lisbon alone." Said Cho, completely serious.

"Yeah, we're just going to write Red John a letter because we know where he lives so it'll be no problem getting it delivered." Rigsby scoffed back at him. "I think we need to get Jane out in the field with him acting like his normal self, not like the jerk he was 15 years ago." He sat back in his chair like that was the solution to all of the problems.

Lisbon just looked at the team and shook her head. Without saying anything she turned and walked to her office. The needed to figure out a way to keep Red John away from both her and Jane, but they could do that later. Right now she just wanted to forget that there was a problem. She sat at her desk and laid her head in her arms on top of the desk. It was going to be a long day.