Hey! Demeter here! This is the final chapter of Snowbound and sad that is! I want to think all of my fans and reviewers for all of your love and care you gave to me! So this chapter is for all of you!

" I know that Gohan, and I love you too." Videl smiled at him as his eyes lit up in happiness. She loved the way he smiled at her.

" I just wanted you to know that." He kissed her deeply...until Goten came running in and 'ewwed' at them.

" Gohan! Stop trying to eat her face and come play with me!"

" Goten," Gohan whined to his younger brother. " I'm a little busy right now. Can't we play later?"

Goten huffed, but nodded his little head and sat down at Gohan's desk. The teenagers stared at him in disbelief, but Videl scooped him up into her arms and kissed his cheek.

" Videl, are you going to play with us too?" goten asked as he stared at her with his best puppy eyes that broke her heart if she were to look at them for to long.

" Would you like me to?"

" Yeah! You are all he talks about so I know how nice you are! And I think Gohan would like to play with you too!" Goten smiled at Videl as he sat in her lap and waved his arms around in a excited manner.

Videl looked to Gohan, but he was too busy blushing and trying to hide it to look back. She smiled at Goten and sat him down.

" Goten, why don't you go play with your dad so Gohan and I can talk?" She ruffled his hair and he was on his way. Videl looked back to Gohan and kissed his cheek to get his attention. When he looked at her, smiled and began to continue kissing him again... but like father like youngest son; Goku walked in.

" Whoa! Did I come at a bad time?" He joked as he watched both teens turn away from one another blushing madly.

" Daaaaad! What are you doing!" Gohan whined; making him sound like a little kid again. Goku smiled and tilted his head upward.

" You know...this reminds me of the time you walked in when your mother and I were having sex. That was the most embarrassing thing ever! We were still doing it and all the sudden there you were, asking us what we were doing-!"

" DAD!" Gohan was redder then blood and was hot to the touch. Videl was laughing so hard she was crying and gasping for breath.

" Yes, for the love of Kami! No one wants to hear that when they're about to mate!"

Everyone turned to see Vegeta standing at the door way behind Goku. He had no expression on his face but his natural scowl and had his arms crossed in front of his chest. He pushed Goku aside and stared at the teens.

" You two are going to mate sooner or later right? So you better know the rules. I better not be able to hear or see you two animals going at it." When he said that, he stared at Gohan with a shine of mischief in his black orbs. " I use the term 'animals' because we all know that the quiet ones are always the kinky bastards."

Videl stared at Gohan who only looked away and blushed; clearing his throat for time to time. She knew since Gohan didn't try to make a comeback or some sort of denial that the statement might hold some ground.

" And another thing!" Vegeta growled at them. " You two better be ready for ruts and heat waves because once a sayian male begins having sex, they will start having their ruts once every year, or twice it all depends."

" Vegeta...What about...you know...kids." Goku whispered in his ear.

" Oh yes! And the brat's sperm will only be fertile when it is a full moon, so don't worry about mistakes and the like." Vegeta turned and left with Goku waving 'bye' to them as he locked and closed the door.

A long silence washed over the stunned teens before Videl broke it.

" They really sapped the mood out of it, didn't they?"

" Yeah...it was my dad that did it though." Gohan sighed as he stared at the door with bored, sagging eyes.

" ...did you really walk in to your parents doing it?" She whispered it to him like a secret.

" Yes....it was brain melting at the time...and then even more so when I came to realize that was the way I was created and came out of." Gohan sighed as he laid on his bed and closed his eyes. He heard Videl laugh, but chose to ignore it.

" Why don't we go play with the others?" She asked as he turned over on his side facing her.

" Not right now..." He lifted a massive arm and brought her down beside him. She wasn't facing him because she was pretending to pout, but that didn't stop Gohan from kissing and nipping at her neck.

She wanted to go all the way with him, but also wanted to wait so she could get to know him and not just his past. The way she saw it; they had plenty of time for love making. She wanted to get to know Goten and Goku; in fact, she wanted to get to know everyone.

Videl was torn from her thoughts when she felt him begin to spoon her. He felt bigger than he looked. She turned her face just enough to see his face and found him asleep. She smiled as she gazed among the relaxed features and was so surprised at how young he looked when he slept. Videl decided to sleep as well; or at least take a nap.

~~ ONE HOUR LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Oh! Here they are!" Bulma whispered in a loud hiss to the others. Chichi, Goku, and Vegeta walked into the room and stared at the sleeping couple.

" I thought they would move to a different room to do anything." Goku stated but took notice of their clothed bodies. " I also thought they would mate too."

" No one wants to mate after their father comes in and tells them how the son came in during his father's mating time!"Vegeta scolded at a grinning Goku.

" Well, at least they're spooning ." Chichi sighed as she wished for grandchildren. She wanted to care for another baby again; a being that needed her protection at all times. Her boys could defend themselves now and it made her feel proud, but sad too since they didn't come running to her for safety from a nightmare or so she could fix a boo-boo.

" I say we wake them up and get to know Videl more." Bulma said as she tapped Videl on the shoulder lightly to stir her awake.

Videl opened her eyes slightly and then yawned. She went to get up, but Gohan held her down with more force. He was still asleep, but he was still so strong! " I'm sorry. I can't move."

She whispered to Bulma in a grunt.

" It's okay, we just want to get to know you." Bulma gave her a wink and introduced herself and Chichi. They talked for a minute, but Gohan decided to turn over; taking Videl with him and holder her tighter against himself.

" Gohan just doesn't want to let you go!" Goku laughed. Chichi smiled as she went on and on of how much Gohan must have loved her.

" He seems to be very possessive with you." Vegeta smirked as he stepped closer to them.

" Can you wiggle free?" Bulma asked.

Videl tried, but Gohan would hold her tighter and at one point she could feel him let loose a deep, rumbling growl. She stopped and decided to turn and face him. That within itself was hard to do, but Videl managed. She decide to try and push against his chest and hopefully he; in his sleep-state, would give up with the prolonged battle. She would push and push, but Gohan still held her strong.

" Help would be great guys." She growled to the adults that watched the pair when they weren't busy laughing.

" S-sorry Videl! But he has you trapped." Bulma snickered. Chichi had left a few minutes ago to begin cooking. Goku and Vegeta egged her on. They were impressed with her strength and will to fight on.

Videl growled, but then felt something furry run along her hand. She grabbed it and the laughter stopped. Videl moved the tail to her mouth and, with raging teeth, bit down on the harmless thing.

Gohan's eyes went wide with shock and his mouth dropped open. Videl quickly let go of the throbbing tail and gasped at how fast Gohan sat up and held his tail with great care. He was in so much pain that he could not speak, but could only rub the pain away.

" I didn't know it would hurt that much..." Videl whispered to Gohan as she took the tail from Gohan and began to stroke it gently and rub the pain to a dull throb. She knew what needed to be done to rid him of that horrible feeling.

" Why did you bite my tail?" He whined to her.

" You wouldn't let her go. She has been trying to get free from you for sometime now." Bulma explained.

" You even growled at me." Videl scolded as she stood up and then brought Gohan to his feet as well.

They all sat down in the living and talked for hours. They seemed like one, big happy family. Videl never really had this feeling before. It had just been her and her dad for so many years now; though most of the time it was just her and the maid due to Hercule's career. Goten sat on one knee and Trunks on the other. Gohan was at her side and Goku and Vegeta were on the couch.

The main subject of the conversation was about old battles they had fought or training methods. Videl noticed that Gohan didn't talk a whole bunch, but he talked some. He seemed to be looking around and studying the surroundings than paying attention to the others. Vegeta caught this and sighed.

" When are you going to start taking your training seriously, Gohan?"

" I do take it seriously, Vegeta, but I don't like fighting. I rather talk it out then kill the person." Gohan defended. It seemed that they had this talk before; neither backing down from their point.

" And what if they don't listen to you? Like Cell?" Vegeta growled.

Gohan glared at Vegeta with a penetrating look. " You are a broken record Vegeta, in actions and in logic. Cell wasn't going to listen; we know that, so I did what was needed."

" You have a weak heart. I can't believe you call yourself a fighter."

" I don't call myself a fighter, Vegeta and what makes you think I have a weak heart? Because I don't like to kill?! Well I'm so sorry for that, your Lowliness!" Gohan growled as he stood up to walk away.

Everyone gasped; even Vegeta was speechless for a few seconds. Was that really Gohan? Videl had never seen him act like that before. Vegeta growled and snorted.

" You choose a good mate after all, Woman."

" You started that fight to get him mad?!" Videl growled at Vegeta who growled back.

" My reasons are not your concern, Woman!"

" My name is Videl, Ass!"

" What did you call me?" Vegeta shot from his sit to his feet; ready to fight.

" I called you by your name!" Videl yelled at the standing man before her.

Before another action was thought of, Bulma and Chichi entered the room and with one swift swing from Bulma, Vegeta was on the floor with a new lump on the back of his head. As Bulma lectured Vegeta, Videl had noticed that everyone was doing their own thing: The kids were laughing at the fallen man, Goku was signing Chichi hidden messages as if practiced, and Videl was sitting there taking it all in.

She realized that this was how they went day in and day out. She realized that Vegeta respected Gohan for standing up for his actions and views and he respected Bulma for her strong will and hard work. So they weren't fighting because they hated one another, but because they respected one another.

Videl was startled when she felt someone sit beside her, though calming down after finding it was only Gohan. He watched the play before him and explained Vegeta's actions. He was laughing as he watched Videl just smile along with everyone.

" You'll fit in just fine." Gohan whispered as he waited for her to look at him before he began kissing her; though not for long.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The End-----------------

Yay! My story is finished at last! Sad though.... But do not fear! Another will appear! Thank you to all my fans and I do hope you enjoyed this story!