AN: hey guys, so I'm writing this story from a request, I really love the story line, it's going to be fun to work with. It's an AU story to some extent. It's a first person narrative, but it will switch points of view, I'll always let you know who's talking though. This is for njferrell.

Warnings: AU, eventually Slash.

Disclaimer: This is not now nor will it ever be mine. Any songs, recognizable characters, places, or any combination of the 3, I can not lay claim too. Other than that, please sit back and enjoy.



Every choice has a consequence and even in knowing that I'd make the same choice a million times over.

Let's start with the basics. My names Ryan Wolfe and currently I'm a CSI in the Miami Dade Crime Lab. Well, to be honest, currently I'm thinking about quitting the Miami Dade Crime Lab. These, and I quote, "sweet and fun-loving people" my brother told me about are about as sweet as a lemon and fun-loving as the corpses there standing over. I blame Tim; I really shouldn't listen to him.

You're lost? That's alright, I guess I'll have to bring you up to Speed—let me reword that—I'll catch you up.


I've always been well off; my grandfather was a multimillionaire for things I never questioned. The money went to my mother, his only child, when he passed on. My dad wasn't from money, he was frugal and our fortune was becoming larger by the day. I didn't know how well off we really were until I was in the 5th grade. I was about 10 when tragedy struck.

Dad was hit head on by a drunk driver on his way home from work one night. Sure they put the guy away for sometime but that didn't bring my dad back.

That was when mom sat me down and explained that they worked by choice only and that the money we had was more than enough to live off of if we weren't too extravagant. I barely understood at that point.

Now my mother was still young and shortly after my 15th birthday announced she wanted to get married again. I'd met her boyfriend, one Darren Speedle, he was involved in some kind of computer investment and his wife had passed from cancer 6 years prior. But boy was he rich, even by my standards.


In the weeks before the wedding mom and I moved into the Speedle home. Darren had 1 son, Timothy, but everyone called him Tim, he was 18 when our mom and dad got married, finishing high school and attending school for forensics. All I really cared about was that I had an older brother who was usually nice to me and once I was old enough to ride, occasionally let me borrow on of his motorcycles.

It was a nice family, we all got along pretty well and I idolized Tim. He taught me a lot; it was almost as if we were brothers our whole lives.


AN: I don't even pretend to know there parent's actual names. But, this could get interesting now that we've got the whole history thing in place. Let me know what you think, good or bad.