I would like to say thank you to the following people: Sakura2010-shs, Teacup: P, Snow-December, Sheiri, nightsky321, HANYAxtaiga, Ojou-sama, D R A G O N L I L I E S, Narutofang91, Llyssa-maiden, HappinessPeonyBlossoms, waterstar (I don't expect a lot of review but the more the happier I feel, so thanks :) thanks I really mean it!), Saint Sky (THANKIES I LOVE YOU TO DEATH! My awesome beta! XD), xRukiaxx, Icicleriver22, Ican'tDenyYou, ;), /HitsuRuki-Lover/, roaring star, Seliu, Maii04. Thank you for all your support and everything!

I do not own songs, characters, things, clothing, and stuff in the story…BUT I do own the plot =D

LOTS of LOVE to my beta! Saint Sky~ Thanks for sticking with me for this long…however long that was… =D

ALSO I MUST APOLIGISE FOR THE EXTREME LATENESS OF THIS CHAPTER. I won't give you all the usual excuses but just so you know school is a pain, no matter how good it is for us.

An event can bring many things and changes, whether it is a change in perspective, attitude or feeling, it still makes an impact; sometimes for the better…and sometimes for the worst.

Chapter 4

Saturday September 30, 20XX

When you enter a hospital on a normal day you'll see the hospital full of conversations and such from chatty nurses and surgeons, but again this is a hospital so there were sometimes the sober look from visitors and doctors. But most of the time it's a happy place.

But today if you walked down a hallway, heck any hall way, you would see doctors and nurses fidgeting and looking back to one specific hallway located in the intensive care unit. For on this day a tragedy occurred. So if you walked down that specific hallway, you would notice that the atmosphere if possible would feel even gloomier, and if you continued to walk down you would notice a group of doctors and nurse and even the occasional patient crowded around one window, where a certain patient lay and was operated on.

The atmosphere was bleak as a group of people waited by a room. Each person waiting was anxious, as they cast small, concerned and sad peaks at the door. To them the door was imposing, it was the door that could decide the fate of that patient. And so each person hoped that it would open soon with good news.

Hoping, or praying.

But yet the door did not open, instead it stoop giant and looked like it would never open, but not only that. Right next to the door was a clock. In which it ticked on and on. The clock was the only item that made sound other than the almost silent hum of the lights and the frequent clicks heard from the room. The ticks went on and on, seeming to get slower and slower. The seconds seemed like minutes, then hours.

After a waiting to what seemed like eternity, the long awaited moment came. Very quietly the door was opened by the tired arms of a nurse as Toushirou and Ichigo, who were very weary and tired by this point, wheeled out Rangiku, who was covered in bandages. The group of the waiting personages swarmed the bed ridden Rangiku who was still asleep. Or so it seemed.

"Is she ok?"

"The surgery was successful, right?"

"When will she wake up?"

"Oi! Everyone move out of the way!" Ichigo yelled as he grew irritated. Then Toushirou sighed.

"Give it up. They are all as worried as we are. Nurses take her to the recovery room." Toushirou said, his voice sounding so tired and so much older than his appearance, but it was still commanding.

And so the two nurses slowly wheeled Rangiku's body down the hall and into a recovery room, as people parted before them like the Red Sea before Moses. But of course those very people started following them into the room; all but one.

With her black hair covering her deep and dark purple eyes, now red from crying, Rukia stayed behind with Ichigo and Toushirou.

"Tell me what happened."

Ichigo looked over at Rukia, while Toushirou sighed yet again. They looked at her. Rukia was looking very bad. It was the day after Rangiku got hit, around 1AM in the morning, and it clearly looked like Rukia did not get any sleep at all, not to say Toushirou and Ichigo got any either.

Toushirou grabbed Rukia's hand, "Come on, me' n' Ichigo will explain in the cafeteria. We all need a cup of coffee." He said as he started walking into the direction on the cafeteria, as Ichigo started to follow.

Once each member of the trio was seated, Ichigo with plain black coffee, Toushirou with hot chocolate with colourful marshmallows and Rukia with camomile tea in a Chappy the Bunny cup; each gazed awkwardly at their drink, not knowing when to begin or what to begin with.

"Ahem." Rukia coughed out, trying to start the conversation, "So how is Rangiku's condition?"

"Well, the surgery went through without a problem but…"Toushirou began to say, "But…"

"But there is no guarantee is she will wake up, it's all up to her if she wants to live or die." Ichigo said straight out, seeing as is Toushirou could get the words out.

"Oh…" Rukia said as she stared in shock at Ichigo's face.

"But! We expect that she will wake up soon. She just needs some rest." Toushirou quickly said, as he secretly hoped that it would slightly lighten the mood.

At that Rukia did feel much better, as she snapped her head to look in Toushirou's direction, "Really?! That's great!!" With a smile on her face she dipped her head for a sip of her tea.

"So know that's out of the way, let's all get home and get some shut eye!" Ichigo rasped out, while yawned and stretched, "It's so late it's early!"

Tuesday October 8th, 20XX

"Rukia! Rukia!" Isane yelled as she ran down an office hallway, "Rukia!"

"Over here Isane." Said a voice from behind Isane. Isane slid to a stop. "You know you aren't supposed to run is a hospital." The voice chided as Isane turned around, to spot the rather small in stature, doctor.

"Oh Rukia! Thank God! Rangiku woke up!" Isane blurted out between gasps for breath.

Rukia most calm and collected face broke out into a face cracking grin as she turned on her heal away from Isane and started to walk briskly towards Rangiku's room. "See Isane, even I'm not running!" she said as she was about to turn around a corner.

In a few minutes, after navigating through the many halls of the hospital, Rukia finally arrived at Recovery Room 2. Without a second thought Rukia burst into the room only to bang into the solid body of another person.

"Midget! I guess you heard the news!" said the deep baritone voice of the one and only carrot top named Ichigo.

"Ichigo! You are not going to ruin my mood now!" Rukia said as she grinned up at him, before resuming her trek towards Rangiku's bed.

"Yah yah. Just remember not you push her to hard, you know she just woke up." He replied before he silently slipped out of the room.

Rukia crept silently towards the bed and was quickly greeted with a hug and "RUKIA!" and a pull towards the bed. For the next minute or so, the air was filled with silent cries coming from the two women now both sitting on the bed.

After the whole hysteria, Rukia pulled back to get the first good look at her close friend. Rangiku just positively glowed and her eyes sparkled with mischief seeing as she just woke up. "How are you feeling?" Rukia asked as she patted Rangiku's hand which was now located in her lap.

"Quite fine actually! I don't feel anything except the chocolate deprivation, which I have endured." Rangiku replied as she placed her hand on her forehead in a dramatic manner. "Oh the horror! No chocolate!" She then collapsed in a mock faint, "Everything is going blurry!"

This sent Rukia into a flurry of giggles, and you know what they say giggles are contagious, and soon Rangiku began giggling. "Oh jeez Rangiku! It's great to have you back!" Rukia said once she had gotten over her fit of giggles.

Soon the sound of footsteps seeped into their hearing range as they turned around to see an angry Toushirou walking towards them. "Keep it down why don't you!" He barked at them, "There are other patients." He finished as he gave them a glare.

"Toushirou aren't you glad Rangiku's back?" Rukia asked as she stood up from Rangiku's sick bed.

"Sure whatever, now get back to work and Rangiku go sleep." He ordered sending Rangiku into another fit of giggles.

"Yes taichou!" Rangiku said with a mock salute, "See you later Rukia!"

With a wave Rukia began to walk about of Recovery Room 2 with Toushirou as they began their path towards the staffroom. "Hey what day is it?" Toushirou asked of the blue as they turned a corner.

"Um… It's October the 8th, I think." Rukia replied as she glanced towards her bright blue watch that had Chappy in the center of it. She was responded with a startled splutter as the man standing beside her began to chock on his own spit.

"October the 8th! Damn. Rukia you go back to your surgery, I meet you up later." He said recovering himself as he speed up his pace into a brisk walk towards the staffroom, leaving poor Rukia standing clueless of the date October 8th.


"Ichigo, Orihime. Today he's coming back." Toushirou spoke, his voice tight, quiet, and cold as steel, as he entered the staffroom, causing many heads to turn into his direction.

"WHAT?!" yelled the all the people in the room. In seconds the majority of the room cleared out leaving Toushirou himself, Ichigo, Orihime and a slim young woman who had green-ish hair, and very colourless eyes.


Name: Sun-Sun

Age: 31

Job: An oncologist*

Info: Classified


"I don't see what this whole fuss is about." Sun-Sun spoke up, from the corner of a mahogany table located near the window, as she sipped her green tea from a Japanese cup. This caused Ichigo to raise an eyebrow.

"The fuss? Come on! His whole obsession and his stupid attitude and appearance! That whole fuss!" He shouted, as he turned to glare at her, then he added in a smaller tone of voice, "Besides it's not like he even bothers you. He treats you like a friend not like the rest of us."

"It seems someone is jealous!" Orihime said between fits of giggles. Her statement even got Toshirou who was silent and Sun-Sun to smirk at the angry and embarrassed orange haired male.

Ichigo sat back down into a green cushioned chair silently cursing at everyone in the room. "But did he tell you when he is coming back, Sun-Sun?" Toushirou spoke out as he walked over to a vending machine and purchased a bottle of fresh spring water.

"I think…he should be coming," Sun-Sun began as she glanced at her watch, "He should be coming in an hour. Or now…"

Suddenly the staffroom door was thrown open and everyone in the room turned to the door. At one glance, everyone but Sun-Sun let out a sigh of relief.

"Yo midget." Ichigo called to a tired Rukia who just entered the room, causing her to sigh.

"Hey everyone." She said as she plopped herself down onto a purple cushioned chair next to Sun-Sun, "Hey Sun-Sun."

"What's wrong?" Sun-Sun asked as she raised a perfect eyebrow.

"Oh nothing…just an idiot of a patient, and the fact that Toushirou left me in the halls-" Rukia was interrupted with a "Sorry, I said sorry already." from Toushirou. Orihime began to giggle as she walked to the door, "I'm going back on duty! See you all later!" Once she had left the room, the room slipped into a uneasy silence.

"So will anyone tell who he is?" Rukia asked.

"Oh him! He is-" Ichigo began before he was interrupted by the singing of a certain fellow.

"I feel pretty, oh so pretty

I feel pretty, and witty and bright

And I pity any girl who isn't me tonight

I feel charming, oh so charming

It's alarming how charming I feel

And so pretty that I hardly can believe I'm real."

A man sang as threw open the door to the staff room once again. "YOU!" yelled Toushirou and Ichigo as they stared at the man's face.

"See the pretty girl in that mirror there?

Who can that attractive girl be?

Such a pretty face, such a pretty dress

Such a pretty smile, such a pretty me!

I feel stunning and entrancing

Feel like running and dancing for joy

For I'm loved by a pretty, wonderful boy!

"Yes~ it is me!" the man said as he flipped his hair. "Your favourite plastic surgeon is back!"


Name: Ayasegawa Yumichika

Age: 32

Job: Plastic surgeon

Info: Classified



And that is it for this chapter~ I couldn't think of anything else to put and I wanted to get this up to you all ASAP!

* Oncologist is a person who studies oncology. Oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of malignant tumours.

I will do my best to get the next chapter out to you all and feel free to send chapter ideas! If you didn't know I need them!

PLEASE REVIEW!! Reviews are reminders to me, to KEEP WRITING! =D I usually forget, because of homework overload.



