I know it's been a long time since I've updated, but honestly people, I am getting very few reviews. It really puts me off writing, so please leave at least one.

I apologize in advance for the lack of Sparrabeth in this chapter.



Chapter 3

It went quite without saying that Jack and Elizabeth's tryst down in the rum cellar nearly caused Joshamee Gibbs to suffer a heart attack when he stumbled across them that evening. It also went without saying that neither party were happy about it, and Elizabeth wanted to crawl into a corner and never re-emerge when Gibbs sought her out a little while later.

"Miss Elizabeth," he started, shifting between his feet uncomfortably, "I realise that this isn't really my business, but I think ye be makin' a mistake with Jack."

Elizabeth gritted her teeth, and stared at Gibbs defiantly. "I agree that what I do with Jack isn't your business, and so I would appreciate it if you kept your thoughts to yourself on the matter."

Gibbs sighed. "Aye, miss Elizabeth, but Master Turner -"

"Master Turner is not on this voyage," Elizabeth snapped, her nostrils flaring dangerously, "and I will deal with him when it comes to that. He need never know."

"Well, that be yer choice, miss, but I've known Jack fer a long time. I've never seen him act like he has since he met ye."

Elizabeth smiled in amusement. "Are you trying to suggest that Jack Sparrow might be in love with me?"

"I'm not suggestin' anythin'," he replied quickly, and Elizabeth's smile faltered a bit. "All I'm sayin' is, don't let him fall in love with ye, if ye plan on leavin' him."

With that, he bowed his head slightly and walked past her, leaving her alone by the rail of the deck. She turned around and stared down into the ocean, wondering for the first time in a while where her fiancé might be…whether he was OK…whether he was even alive by this point.

"Guess who," a sultry voice whispered hotly into her ear. Despite herself, she grinned and reclined her head back into the crevice of Jack's neck.

"I'm at a loss, Captain," she replied, shivering unconsciously as strong arms wound themselves around her small waist. His lips caressed her neck and under her earlobe, causing her eyes to close in pleasure, and a tiny whisper of his name to escape her parted lips.

"Apparently not, it seems, love," she felt and heard his smile against her skin. "But I could always enlighten ye in me cabin…several times…on the bed, the floor…the desk -"

A playful slap against his hand cut him off, and in response he spun Elizabeth round in his arms with alarming speed. Feeling his body pressing hers tightly against the railing sent chills down her spine, as their eyes locked together. She grinned mischievously when she noticed his eyes were a shade darker.

"I do not appreciate such vulgar suggestions, Captain," she smiled, wrapping her own arms around his waist.

"Ye weren't complainin' earlier, love," he retorted, nibbling lightly on her earlobe. "An' I doubt ye'll be complainin' later either."

"Oh? And what makes you think that there will be another time?" she asked, faking a tone of seriousness. He lifted his head and stared at her right in the eye, a frown replacing his usual enchanting smile. His eyes searched hers, and he lifted a hand to cup the side of her face.

The grin returned quickly, however, and he replied, "Because ye can't resist me, love. Ye can't stand the curiosity, as earlier demonstrated."

He wiggled his eyebrows at that, making her giggle. He leaned in, brushing his lips lightly against hers.

"Seriously love, don't say that again," he whispered, surprising her.

The vulnerability in his tone made her tighten her arms around him absent-mindedly, and she rested her head against his chest. She got the sudden feeling that she didn't know what she'd do if she ever lost this man, which surprised her, and made her simultaneously wonder if he felt the same about her.

When he lifted up her head, the mischievous grin still remained on his face, and he leant down to capture her lips in between his. Unfortunately, a cough interrupted them, causing them to break apart regretfully, and to look at the offending Gibbs with annoyance. He raised his eyebrow at Elizabeth pointedly before turning to address his Captain.

"Cap'n, we be needin' ye at the helm; Cotton's feelin' faint again," he announced, trying to keep the disapproval out of his voice and in his head. He nodded to Jack before turning to leave. Jack growled and kissed Elizabeth quickly, squeezing her hand lightly at the same time, before following Gibbs.

Once again, Elizabeth was left alone, wondering how the whole thing might affect her future.


The journey to Isla Cruces, one that would take about three weeks, was quite uneventful, considering the kraken that was currently chasing the ship. About a week and a half until their destination was reached, Jack had wondered briefly when it would be that his sheer luck would finally run out. Fortunately, his gloomy thoughts were interrupted by his first mate announcing another ship on the waters.


Gibbs gave him a decidedly indecipherable look. "She isn't flyin' any, sir."

Jack grinned fleetingly. "Pirates. Continue on as normal."

Gibbs hesitated. "Are ye sure, Cap'n? I mean, it could be anybody on tha' ship, and she does look a mite familiar to me…"

Jack raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? An' how would it be that this non-colour-flyin' floating vessel is familiar to ye, an' yet I've ne'er laid eyes on it?"

"Well, sir, after I left Lieutenant Norrington's ship, I jumped about a bit, tryin' to find a nice ship with a good Cap'n. Hard to find in them days, they were. Tha' there, if 'm not mistaken, is The Hurricane, and 'er Cap'n be a not so nice man from Spain. He's called Miguel Ricardo, an' he was one of the filthiest scallywags I e'er laid eyes on."

Jack cast his gaze back to the approaching ship, taking in as many details as he could from where he was standing. "Mr. Gibbs. Would ye say this Ricardo man is dangerous?"

"Oh aye, Cap'n. One o' the fiercest I've e'er come across. Not one blasted soul would even think of mutiny on that ship, 'cause they'd likely find themselves at the bottom of the ocean with a bullet in their head. He certainly wouldn't hesitate."

He cringed; apparently that particular concept was not a guess. For once, Jack actually found himself quite uncertain as to what to do. On the one hand, they could attempt to sail past The Hurricane, but then they could find themselves facing an onslaught of cannon fire. This would mean putting his crew's lives, not to mention Elizabeth, in danger. However, on the other hand, they could be friendly with the other pirates and tell them what they wanted to hear, thus saving a few risky problems.

"What would ye advise, Gibbs?" he asked. Gibbs looked startled; Jack very rarely asked for help or advice, and only did so when it was an extremely serious matter.

"I would suggest tha' we just continue. He might not ask for permission to board, but if he does, I'd let him. Angerin' him would bring about no good."

Jack nodded, and told Gibbs to distribute the appropriate instructions, while he himself went to find Elizabeth below deck.


When he found her, she was lying asleep in Jack's bed, her hair splayed out across the pillow, and with her clothes still strewn about on the floor carelessly after the previous night. Jack had to repress a grin as he thought of it.

As much as it pained him to wake her up, he gently nudged and jostled her until her eyelids fluttered open sleepily. She gave him a half-annoyed, half-confused look, wondering why he'd awoken her, something he'd never done before.

"There's a ship approachin', love, an' according to Gibbs the man they call Captain isn't a very nice man at all. We're not certain that it's definitely that ship, but Gibbs has been me first mate for a long time, so I trust him."

Elizabeth listened intently, but when Jack paused briefly, she cut in. "What do you want me to do then?"

Jack grimaced; he knew she wouldn't like this. "I know yer not gonna like this, darlin', but it'd be best if ye stayed below deck until he's gone."

Her face immediately turned stony. "Jack! You don't even know if it's him, and I can take care of myself perfectly!"

He flinched. "I know, love, but -"

"No 'buts' Jack! You can't make me stay down here for God knows how long with no idea what's going on. For all I know, he could kill you or any of the crew members, and -"

"Elizabeth!" Jack snapped, his obsidian eyes flashing dangerously. "That man is someone who will show no mercy, someone who takes extreme pleasure in hurting people, especially women. If ye think I'm going to just stand by an' watch him think over how to kidnap or torture ye, ye'd better think again! I may not be yer fiancé, but I will never let any man do things like that on my watch."

When Jack had finished, his nostrils flaring angrily, Elizabeth sat speechless at his outburst. She wondered quite inappropriately if that could be an admission of love. Shaking off that thought, she sighed gently.

"Alright Jack. I'll stay down here, but more than half an hour and I'm at least going to have a look and make sure everything's alright."

Jack rolled his eyes; apparently that was the best he was going to get out of her. "Fine. But if he's still near, make sure he doesn't see ye."

He rubbed his temple tiredly before leaning in and capturing her lips, taking her by surprise. The kiss was firm, yet passionate, so she knew she'd been forgiven.

Without so much as another word, Jack left the cabin.


Emerging on deck, the first thing Jack encountered was a shifty-looking Gibbs. Immediately suspicious, he raised his eyebrow and demanded to know what was wrong.

"It's Ricardo, an' he wants to board," was all he replied with.

Jack donned a calculating expression, and hoped with all his might that either Elizabeth would stay below, or Ricardo would be gone after half an hour.


Hehehe. I suppose that could be a cliffhanger, albeit a crappy one.

Review please!
