Hey everyone, sorry for the wait; I'm working twelves again. Anyway, please enjoy!
-ciao for now


Chapter: 5

Sakura stood at her counter of tools with a splitting headache. Why did she always drown her problems with alcohol? Oh yes, because her old mentor encouraged heavy drinking at any occasion, including parties, funerals, the buying of a new kunai set, and the ever popular 'I just gave up a night with the devil-slash-potential sex-god and I'm dejected'.

Sakura sighed and rubbed her forehead, trying to ease the ache with some soothing chakra but it was in vain; she never healed herself well during a hangover. God she needed to get out more…

She was considering popping a pill when she felt a presence from behind. She whirled, then regretted the sudden action when splitting pain erupted through her head. "God dammit!" she cried and cradled her forehead.

Sasuke was watching her, sporting dark spots under his eyes that gave even Sakura's a run for her money. She also noticed his obsidian eyes were bloodshot.

"Did you not sleep last night?" she asked bluntly, then instantly regretted it. Oh god, say he waited for me…

He merely looked at her for a time before answering. "You look the same. You busy like the others too?"

She blushed crimson and frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"How was it sleeping with Sai? I assumed you did because you went to Tsuande for all that alcohol. Was he so much better a choice than me that you even chose to mull your mind with sake for him?"

Sakura nearly growled and advanced upon the Uchiha. "What in the fuck is your problem? Spying on me? And no! For your fucking need to know information I did not sleep with Sai!"

Sasuke moved then, his arms lifting up to cage her in. She blushed and tried to keep her steady gaze upon his, but she felt very warm and feminine with his slim, muscular build towering over her petite one. When she could glare at him no longer and she looked down to the tools on the nearby stand, he ruthlessly brought her face back to his.

"Sasuke!" she gasped just before his mouth captured her own. She gave in easily, succumbing to the sensation of his rough hands upon her neck and over her back. He pulled away suddenly and rested his head upon the wall behind her.

"Sakura, you can't keep me fucking wondering about us…" his warm breath on her ear spiked the heat of her blood, forcing a moan from her throat. Sasuke smirked then, and gave into his secret. "I was up all night, hoping you weren't going to go get knocked up with that fucker, Sai. Tell me you won't. Promise you'll choose me."

Sakura blinked and looked up, seeing his serious and hopeful eyes staring into her own. "I can't promise you anything. But I won't choose anyone for several months, so you don't have to worry."

"Why?" he growled out angrily and she felt shivers of pleasure run over her skin. "Why not now?"

"I want to be the one to deliver the children of my friends and more importantly, Tsunade will need all of my help because starting nine months from now at least twenty women will all be giving birth around the same time."

Sasuke frowned at his misfortune, but he saw the logic in her words. "When?" he snapped, as if his sanity hung by her very words.

She frowned and folded her arms over her chest. "About two or three months, just to be sure."

"Two." Sasuke groaned as he looked down at her breasts while she had boosted them up from pouting. He pulled her close, his hands clasping her waist to roam over her curves.

"Sasuke! Didn't you hear me?"

"That gives me plenty of time to convince you that I will give you a child."

Sakura ignored the fluttering in her belly, and she blushed for the second time that day. "God you're annoying."

His low chuckle sent another set of chills over her ultra sensitive skin and she moaned when his hands came to rest on her ass. "Hn…I think I might enjoy these next few months."

"Oh God, just shut up and sit on the table!"

Sakura was at Choji's room when she heard voices, one of whose was most definitely Ino's. The rosette smiled slyly, and knocked very loudly to alert the two. She heard rustling and bumps and she imagined Ino leg banging into the bed from a curse that followed.

Sakura opened the door with a sunny look and she instantly looked over to her friends. Ino was bedraggled and standing by the window, desperately trying to look nonplused, while Choji sat looking better than ever.

"You're early today Ino." The rosette said, not being able to contain herself. "Visiting hours are not until─"

"Oh, shut it forehead! You know we slept together."

"Ino, calm down." Choji said softly, as if trying to tame a wildcat, and he truly was.

"Sorry, just had to," Sakura replied. "I really am glad for the two of you."

Tears suddenly sprung into the blonde's eyes and she ruthlessly blinked them away. "We're all really going to have children. It's so great, so many babies and we'll each have one."

Sakura smiled softly, an image of a little ebony-haired baby with green eyes appeared in her mind, but she frowned when she saw the Mangekyou. "I know. I can't wait to see them all. So Choji, I am here to give you the final checkup before you're discharged from the hospital. I know Ino will be glad of that."

The blonde grinned and looked pointedly at her friend. "So…who did you shack up with? I've been hearing rumors around this place that Sasuke's been here to see you every day. Eh? So is mister broody your man?"

Sakura looked up to Choji and companionably rolled her eyes. "No, Ino. I just heal his eyes, though it's clearly and uphill battle."

"What? Then who are sleeping with?!"

"No one yet. I'm going to deliver your baby, and everyone else's long before my own child will be due. I don't want to go into labor while I am delivering the others you know. Tsunade will have her hands full as it is."

"Well get Choji all checked up. I'm making him barbeque after this!"

"Really? Ino I love you!"

It was when Ino left the room to allow Choji privacy to change from the hospital gown that she confided in Sakura a secret. "You know, my mother gave me a recipe for tofu barbeque that looks and tastes like the real thing."

"Oh, Ino, that's dirty play! You're putting him on a diet?"

"Well, he's really muscular now, but his belly is too round. He's gonna be even sexier than before when I'm done with him!"

"You're going to hell, Ino. What makes you think he won't realize the taste difference?" Sakura retorted as she finished signing the release forms for Choji.

"You'll see, forehead." Ino said with a smile. "You'll see. I have a way of erotically…distracting him."

"Geez, pig, Virgin ears!"

Hinata lied in the bed with her lover, lazing away the day. She giggled aloud at the word lover; it was so new and amazing to her.

She looked over to the man that was hers, one who looked adorable while he slept. The hyperness and life mellowed while he was in slumber, and she had the opportunity to look closely at his features.

"I love you, Naruto." She whispered and his ice blue eyes opened slowly, trapping her within his gaze.

"Hinata…I love you." He said and pulled her closer, molding their bodies together. "Mm! You're so warm, like fresh ramen."

She smiled as she closed her eyes, snuggling closer to his embrace before she became rigid. Her eyes snapped open and she looked down below his waist. "N-Naruto! H-how did you get like th-that?"

"Hm?" he looked down and smirked. "Oh! Well there's a saying for this, and it's called morning wood. You must wake that part of me wake up early!"

It was safe to say she wasn't fully devirginized, because she flushed redder than a radish.

Sakura walked into the hospital five weeks later at seven in the morning on the dot. She was so glad the Sasuke had been sent away on a mission for the past three days. He was scheduled to be back to New Konoha the following day, but she had a sneaking feeling that he was going to be early.

She was both relieved and lonely without him near. Relieved, because she would not remain a virgin for long if she didn't get a break from his rough and searing advances, but lonely because she had no one to look forward to healing at noon every day. And boy did she love when that big hand hit the twelve.

Sakura began to openly grin when she remembered his departure, promising he would make up for the time they were apart. After her face flushed a bit, she looked up and stopped dead in her tracks.

There was a long, long line of jittery hormonal women waiting impatiently at the reception desk, and this was just the beginning.

Taking a deep breath and gripping her extra large mug of coffee, Sakura forced a huge smile and stepped forward. "Morning ladies!"

"Oh, Dr. Sakura!"

"Haruno you have give me a check up!"

"God, I think I'm pregnant, you've got to help!"

Sakura frowned and nodded to all the inquiries and whines. "I have to get clocked in and then I will take the first patient. Please speak to the receptionist to set up an appointment and I will see you all in order."

She managed to pull herself away from them and lean against the door in the break room. "Jeez…never mess with a horde of hormonal women."

"Hello, Sakura-san."

The rosette looked up to see a glowing Hinata, just pulling on her lab coat over the doctor's uniform of slim black pants and white button-up shirt.

Sakura smiled right back and stepped up to her own locker. "Did you see them all!?"

"Yes, they all crowded around me asking for help."

"Me too. Practically jumped me."

"Well, I am going out first. Pray for me, my dearest friend."

"I will post a prayer for your safety at the shrine on my first snack break!" Sakura said, melodramatically and she clapped her hands together.

"I thank you very much, Sakura-san!" Hinata said with an escaped giggle.

Sasuke walked into the Hospital during a lull and still there were woman filling the waiting room. He frowned and continued on through the hallway he usually took daily towards Sakura's office.

He passed several rooms and stopped when he heard a cry from a nearby door. "I am pregnant!"

Sasuke did not know whether to smile or to growl in irritation. His own girl should be pregnant, but she was as stubborn as they came and she could not be pushed from his advances.

"Annoying woman." He snarled and entered Sakura's office without knocking. The first thing his eyes met with was a fine backside, straining against tight black pants as she leaned over the sink to wash her face.

Sasuke smirked and stepped forward, swiftly cloaking his chakra. Just when she shut off the water and wiped excess droplets from her chin, he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her back into him.

The shock of pleasure both shocked and delighted her, but she told herself to calm down. "Sasuke, how are you feeling?"

"Very good, now that you are against me where you belong." He growled against her neck as she straightened and leaned against his chest.

"Anything you wanna tell me?" she asked sweetly, though it was a sickening kind of sweet. The kind akin to the night of Halloween when you wanted to horde your candy away from your siblings so badly you just ate it all selfishly…that kind of sickeningly sweet.

Sasuke frowned and nearly took a step back. "Nothing that comes to mind."

"I happened to have a patient today, just a few minutes ago. Her fiance burst into the room, excited as they all are to see the ultrasounds. But you know what was so familiar about this man?"

Sasuke groaned and laid his chin on top of her head. "Kakashi."

"Kakashi." She cooed and rubbed against her man slowly, as if rewarding him. But as much as Sasuke wanted to succumb to her soft female body, he knew she was only tricking him.

"Can you guess what he told me about your mission?"

"We were successful, I am sure that is what he told you."

"Wrong!" Sakura snapped and spun in Sasuke's arms to look up into his eyes. Her own widened in shock and she nearly hauled back and punched him square in the nose. "You used the Mangekyou! How could you?" she barely caught herself from releasing a hick from an oncoming sob, but she swallowed it down and continued to glare.

"I had too, they were dangerous shinobi out for Konoha women." He replied calmly. "I would do anything, even risk blindness, to keep this village safe. I want what makes you happy."

"What would make me happy is to have my man remain healthy and not go blind!" she barked and crossed her arms over her chest to turn around and walk to a window.

"Wait," she heard him say, "Your man?"

She spun around, eyes wide with her own boo-boo, and she smiled sheepishly. "Ah…no?"

"Sakura," He said and moved forward. "You are my woman so don't be embarrassed about it."

Sakura became pissed again though. "Stop trying to distract me! You lied to me! The last time you were with me, you promised me you wouldn't use your Mangekyou, it drains your sight the most and does the worst damage!"


"No!" she hissed and pulled herself out of his reach. "Leave me alone. If you are going to keep things from me, I don't want you."

The silence that surrounded her for a full minute finally had her looking up to look at his eyes, but he was gone. "S-Sasuke?" she whispered and noticed that there was a tiny box on the dresser near the doorway.

She felt miserable as she made the walk to her home near the outskirts of Konoha. She's asked Yamato to build her a little house near the trees, and he had obliged her and built a very nice home. It was like her sanctuary.

But tonight, it was the last place she wanted to be. When Sasuke had left, he'd taken her fire and happiness of the day which left her numb and frozen. She was unable to think about anything but him, so here she was, walking aimlessly towards the forest, when her house was somewhere nearby.

Her inability to focus on the now however, was what probably fucked her over in the long run.

She was walking like a zombie in the night one minute, and forcefully on her back in the gravel another. Her shocked cry rang out through the night, but her attacker slammed her head back into the dirt once more, throwing her sight and lucidity into blurs.

"Bitch, I can read everyone's chakra here in Konoha, and all the women are either knocked up or willing to be." His sinister laughter made her nauseous but her attacker continued speaking. "But you…you bitch are prissy and virgin. Are you too good for all the other whores here? Your nothing but a slut!"

His slap stung and bit into her nerves, causing her to hiss with anger. "Ooh, maybe you do wanna get knocked up, eh? Well come on, baby."

She felt the man pull her closer to his legs, and his filthy hands gripped her thighs, pulling them apart. She tried to summon the chakra necessary to kick the bastard into the next century, but she could not reach into her cache and use it.

"Sorry, bitch, but I can control your chakra for a bit. Just long enough to fuck you and leave."

With a long shaky breath, she screamed the name of the one person she wanted most in the world.


"Who's that baby? You're boyfriend? Well he's not gonna mind if I go ahead and fuck you. Saves him the trouble of being good to you your first time."

"Actually, I do mind."

Before the rogue could process the information, he was punted across the road and slammed head first into a tree. Sakura heard the sickening crack and she rolled a bit to look over at the splinted and gory remains of her would-be rapist.

Warm hands touched her arms and she flinched involuntarily, but Sasuke didn't seem to mind. He rolled her enough to look upon her face, and lift her upper body into his chest.

When she could find the energy to open her blurry eyes, they took a moment to focus, but they finally settled on Sasuke's vein-streaked Sharingan eyes and pale skin stained from his own tears of blood.

"I…Sasuke you're bleeding."

"Shut up, Sakura." He hissed and lifted her shaking body with ease, clutching her close to his chest. "He was one of the bastards I was sent to kill with Kakashi. One of the group of men who heard of Konoha's repopulation mission. They wanted in on it."

Sakura lifted her hand and set it on his cheek, her nails becoming stained with his blood. "Does it hurt when you bleed like this?"


"Don't bleed for me." She said as they made it to her front door. "Please, Sasuke…I don't want you hurting at all."

"No…I will bleed only for you, Sakura, and I cannot promise- even to you- not use all my power to keep my woman safe." He said lowered his face to kiss her ready lips.

"S-Sasuke, I want you tonight. I won't make you wait any longer." She said softly, and he knew she truely meant it. However, he was not a total card; he would not bed a woman just barely escaped from a nightmare.

"As much as you tempt me, I cannot take you tonight. I want you rested for when I make love to you?" He said as he easily found her bed to lay her down slowly, so not to jar her probably aching body.

"Then, please sleep here with me. I don't want to be alone. I really...need you." Wordlessly he obeyed and wrapped his warm arms around her exhausted form and they both fell asleep to the beating of one another's heart.


So, what did you all think? I hope I did not make you all wait too long, but I am glad to put this out. Thank you for reading and drop me a message or review to tell how you like this or dont like this. Thanks!
