A/N: ok so this is my first Sonny with a Chance story. I've only watched the one episode, "Sonny with a Chance of Dating" but I totally fell in love with Chad and Sonny (: The First chapter was going to be longer but i decided i'd rather get it up. The entire story is kind of based on "star strukk" by 3oh!3 but it comes in later on. Read and review!! (:

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonny with a Chance, Star Strukk, etc.

Chapter 1

I sighed, looking around the luggage room, alone. The studio had said that they were sending someone over to pick me up. How was I supposed to know who they were, though? I knew this was a bad idea.

I reached into my bad, grabbing a twizzler and telling myself to calm down. Walking towards the exit, I finally saw some lady holding a sign with my name. She was wearing skinny jeans and a low cut tank top, and talking on her cell phone.

"Ok, so all I need to pick up is the dry cleaning, right? Of course, your driver is already arranged. Well, the party is supposed to start at 10, so I told him to be at your apartment by 10:30. No, I thought--ok, he'll be there at 11. Not a minute earlier. Do you need anything else? Ok bye," The girl rambled on nervously, talking on her cell phone to some demanding star.

I walked up to her when she put the phone away. "Hey," I said nervously. I don't like talking to strangers. "I'm Sonny Monroe."

The girl turned and looked at me. "Hey," she crooned back, her voice oozing fake sweetness. "The limo is just outside, and I'll take your luggage. If you need to stop--"

Wait, what? Luggage? "You don't need to take my luggage," I told her, defending my suitcase. "And why is there a limo?"

She was clearly taken aback. "Sweetie," she crooned. "You're a star now. Better get used to this type of treatment."

"And what if I don't want it?" I muttered under her breath, just loud enough so that I knew she could hear.

"Look," she said, grabbing my arm and ditching the sweet tone. "This is how the studio treats you, because they think for some reason actors and actresses deserve better, that maybe it'll help you somehow. All I can see it doing is transforming normal people into divas, but I'm not the one with all the cash."

"Sorry," I replied, scared by how much she obviously hated me. "But I'm not like them. I'm not going to be some diva," and I slid into the backseat.

"Whatever you say," she answered, sliding in right after me.

"Ok, so you have half an hour to get ready before having dinner with the director and executive producers of the show. After that, you have to go meet with cast for an hour before all heading over to the Teen Choice Awards after party," she said in monotone, apparently reading off my schedule. "Wait!" She exclaimed after opening some type of text. "Scratch the cast meeting. The kids all have to re tape a segment for the show. I guess you'll be at the party alone."

Alone? I thought in my head. Was she seriously telling me that I had to go to my first Hollywood party, today, alone?!

"And don't worry about the whole getting ready thing," she added as the car stopped, glancing over my outfit. "We'll send someone from hair and makeup over."

I paced back in forth in my room, hair rollers in my hair and my nails barely dried. I kept trying to call Meg, my best friend from Wisconsin, but she wouldn't pick up. I had to deal with voicemail.

"Ohmygod, Meg!" I screamed frantically. "So I just got off the plane and I have to go to some Teen Choice Award party thing tonight, all alone! I'm going to die! You know I don't do well with people. Just call me when you get this," I ended, shutting my phone and starting to hyperventilate.

"Doll," the hairdresser walked back into the room, grabbing my cheeks and pushing them together. "Stop freaking out. This party is a great opportunity for you. Get to know some people. Besides, with my help, you with look fabulous!"

"Hey Sonny, this is Meg. Sorry I couldn't answer your call, I was at dinner and you know how my mom is about dinner. Anyhoo, just stop freaking. Maybe this can help you, after all. I mean, you can 're-invent' yourself as some totally cool, outgoing comedy genius! Just swallow your fears and start talking to people there. Oh! Idea! Hook up with some totally hot actor guy. What about that guy on that show you love? McDermic Falls or something like that? He's gorgeous! And I no what your thinking, and by hook up, I mean make out. Get your head out of the gutter!"

I walked into the party at 11, and it was already in full swing. To enter, I had to walk down the red carpet. Standing there, all alone, was the most horrifying moment of my life, but I knew what lay inside was so much worse.

I stood on the carpet, just as the hair dresser had instructed me too. I smiled and placed my arm on my hip as I heard my name being shouted in all different directions, but I knew not to answer.

Soon enough, though, the papparazzi turned their attention away from me and onto the incoming limo. As I walked up the stairs to the party, I turned to see who was coming out. The blonde hair, the blue eyes. Chad Dylan Cooper.