Inspired by the song " Past the Point of No Return." from The Phantom of the Opera.

I do not own Gravitaition, I just wish I did!!!

Italics are song.


Past the point of no return, the final threshold.

Our games of make believe are at an end.

Past all thought of "if" or "when," no use resisting.

Abandon thought and let the dream descend.

Shuichi had barely come home and taken off his shoes, when a flash of gold hair came and scooped him up in his arms. Lips were already pressed to his with a hungry sort of passion. Fire coursed through each others veins as they devoured each other. After a month of not seeing each other, the burning feeling intensified to the point where each could have sworn that they had spontaniously combusted.

What raging fire shall flood the soul?

What rich desire unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction lies before us?

Past the point of no return, the final threshold.

What warm unspoken secrets will we learn?

Beyond the point of no return.

Shuichi was not at all unfamiliar with this sort of behavior. It always happened when they were seperated for a long time. And Shuichi wondered if Yuki loved him or if was just using him. But nevertheless, Shuichi welcomed the affections all the same. He couldn't help but relish in the feelings and let himself drown in the river of flames that made up his blood stream.

You have brought me to that moment where words run dry.

To that moment where speech disappears in to silence, silence.

I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why.

In my mind I already imagine, our bodies entwining,

Defenseless and silent, and now am here with you.

No second thoughts, I've decided, decided.

These moments were the reason Shuichi never left Yuki. He felt so trapped in Yuki's arms, and yet he wished to never escape. It was his own sort of haven even if it could only be for a while. It was a dark warm haven where only he and Yuki existed. Together in the darkness of thier bedroom where they could worship each other. It was this that he could only anticipate when they returned to each other.

When will the blood begin to race?

The sleeping bud burst into bloom?

When will the flames, at last, consume us?

They would spend hours remembering every detail of each other. Yuki would pay Shuichi's neck special attention and litter it with kisses and bites that would leave small bruises. 'Mine!' was what Yuki thought of every time he would bite. Meanwhile, Shuichi would cling to Yuki as if he would fall off the face of the earth if he didn't. Each touch that Yuki administered to Shuichi would make him melt and practically beg for more. Whatever they had to say to each other could wait until later. Each passing minute would bring them closer to thier own release.

Past the point of no return, the final threshold.

The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn.

We've past the point of no return.

After the flame died down, each of thier appetites for each other sated, they would hold each other to regain some sort balance. They would lay there and watch each other as if they had never seen each other. Shuichi would always become so disoriented (or as Yuki would delicatly put it "fucked senseless.") after these sessions that he couldn't function. Everything was topsy-turvy for him. He always wondered how Yuki could recooperate so quickly. It took him at least an hour or so to make sense of anything.

'God my ass hurts!' Shuichi thought about an hour later when Yuki finally got up to light a cigarette. 'I swear I'm not going to walk for a week.' With that last thought Shuichi rolled over and fell into a blissful sleep.