Chapter 1

Rosalie P.O.V

My eyes flickered open and I looked up at the white ceiling. I sighed and moved my limbs around gingerly. Ouch, I shouldn't have done that. Every inch of me hurt, most significantly my legs. I scrunched my eyes tightly and tried my best to bock out the memories from last night, they upset me. He is supposed to be my dad, how could he do those things to me? And Jasper, darling Jasper, trying to help me. But he doesn't understand, no one can help me. I glanced over at the clock on my bed-side table, 5.59, Jasper would be up in a minute. I turned off my alarm, no point in it going off I was already wide awake. It was a bad habit now, waking up early. I could never get a good nights sleep anymore, In fact I wasn't sure what that consisted of. I climbed out of bed slowly, trying to avoid anymore pain. Of course I wasn't successful. Ever step burned, my back and neck hurt from the awkward positions I had been in, I wished I had never awoken. I shuffled quietly out of my bedroom and knocked on Jasper's bedroom door,

"Come in, Rose." I heard him whisper. I silently opened the door and let myself in, shutting the door behind me,

"Morning Jazz, I just wanted to check you were up." I whispered as I sat down beside him,

"Sadly, I am," He sighed,

"I know it sucks Jazz, but we have to get things sorted. I am just going to cook his breakfast. Can you tidy the living room? He left it in quite a mess." I frowned. I spent so much time tidying up after my father. But somehow it seemed to get messier and messier,

"Sure I will Rose. How bad is it?" He stood and walked over to his wardrobe, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and slipping then on,

"I think you should see for yourself." I sighed standing up and quietly leaving his room. He followed me. We crept slowly down the stairs and I pursed my lips looking around at the disaster zone,

"Oh my god." Jasper whispered as we walked into the room more, fully assessing the mess. 15 empty cans of beer were strewn around the room, there was vomit all over the coffee table and smashed glass everywhere. I would have to remind Jasper not to get glass bottles. I went into the kitchen and took various things out of cupboards. Jasper entered to get some cleaning products I guessed. I got started on his breakfast, just as I was frying eggs, sausage, bacon and hash browns, Jasper stood up from searching in the cleaning cupboard,

"Rose, where are the old towels? I need quite a lot for the table…" He asked me in a disgusted tone,

"Oh use the towels in the bottom drawer. Just dump them after you've used them. Don't forget a trash bag Jasper!" He quickly grabbed the towels and a trash bag and started cleaning. I left the frying pan to go and pour a glass of orange juice and leave it in the fridge. I then turned to sausages and set the timer on the coffee machine so there would be coffee ready for him. Jasper came back into the kitchen and placed everything back in the cupboard,

"That was disgusting." He said as I grabbing some strawberry pop-tarts from the cupboard and placing them in the toaster,

"I know, I would have done it myself but I really had to make the breakfast for him." I said anxiously, I didn't want to upset my father because I knew he would hurt me more than he already does,

"It's okay Rose, I don't think it's fair if you do everything. We have to share chores." The pop-tarts popped up and he handed one to me, I bit into it slowly. I wasn't hungry but I knew I had to eat. I put it down on the counter as I served his breakfast and put it into the oven to keep it warm until he awoke. I picked it up again and began eating slowly again. I walked to the fridge and poured us each a glass of milk. I sipped mine, watching Jasper gulp his down. Must have burnt his tongue again or something,

"Do you want the shower first?" He asked me between gulps,

"No, you go first I think I will be a while in the shower." I said sadly, I knew he understood,

"Rose, I tried to stop him. I am so sorry, did he hurt you bad?" My eyes watered,

"Just some scratches and bruises, nothing I can't cover up." I said quietly,

"I wish it could have been me…" he told me, anger bubbled in my stomach,

"No Jasper! I hate seeing you get hurt. Go for you're shower! I need to start getting ready." he nodded and left to go to the bathroom. I washed our glasses slowly, using scolding hot water. It took a while for my skin to register the heat, but I liked it, it made me feel alive again. I walked up the stairs and waited for Jasper to get out of the shower. I took my clothes into the bathroom with me, to avoid him seeing me if he left his room. I turned the water on and stepped in, first using the hot water to burn me, so I wouldn't think of the pain. I methodically scrubbed myself, opening a few of my cuts. I stood, fascinated, watching the ruby red blood drip down my skin and wash away with the water. I must be insane. I washed my hair and made sure that there was no trace of his scent on me before I switched the water to freezing cold. I waited underneath the icy stream until I was completely numb. Then I turned off the shower and dried myself carefully. Dabbing the sorer parts of my body. Today was my first day of school in Forks and I like to make a good impression. I dressed into tight black skinny jeans and a plain v-neck. I added some carefully chosen accessories and styled my hair. Poker straight, very edgy. I was conscious of time so I went to hurry Jasper up. Late on the first never looked good,

"Jasper, Hurry up! We are going to be late!" I hissed from behind his door. I heard a lot of shuffling around and some light banging before he emerged from his room,

"Wow Rose, you look beautiful." He told me as we walked down the stairs,

"Thanks." I smiled a fake smile,

"So what car will we take?" He asked. I thought for a moment before answering,

"We will take you're car. I don't feel like driving." he nodded, grabbing his keys and opening the door for me. We jumped into his black Mercedes. Although my dad hated us both, he liked to keep up appearances so he treated us both to expensive, sleek cars. Jasper's was a sleek black Mercedes, Mine, a bright red Mercedes. The drive to Forks High School was silent. Jasper sighed as we pulled up. He got out of the car and walked quickly to open my door, as we walked to the office I noticed everyone staring at us. Great, news must travel fast in a small town. Jasper opened the door for me as we walked into the office. A small fat lady with bright red hair smiled warmly. We walked over to her,

"Hello," Jasper said sweetly, "I am Jasper Whitlock and this is my sister, Rosalie Hale. We need our schedules." As he was speaking I heard several loud boys come into the office, they stared hungrily at me, I gripped tightly to Jasper's arm. He looked at me before pulling me into my chest protectively,

"Ah, yes. Here are you're schedules and maps of the school," She said handing him four pieces of paper, "And these slips must be filled out by all of your teachers and handed in to me at the end of the day." She said handing him another two pieces of paper,

"Thank you." He smiled before turning, with me still clinging to him, and leaving the office. I heard the boys follow us, wolf-whistling. I looked up at Jasper with fear probably written all over my face,

"Hey, gorgeous, why don't you come over here and let me protect you?" one of the boys said loudly. I looked at him, he was huge. He had curly brown hair and gray eyes, I bit my lip and pulled myself together. They were only teenagers, they couldn't hurt me,

"I am okay, thank you." I replied nastily. I pulled out of Jasper's embrace and held onto his arm instead,

"Are you sure? I don't think lover-boy would be too happy though. Do you want me to sort him out?" He chuckled loudly, his friends behind him snickering,

"I am sure I would rather have hot needles stabbed into my eyes than go with you. And for your information, this is my BROTHER. You weirdo, leave me alone!" I hissed at him, Jasper laughed at my words,

"Oh you think that's funny do you, pretty boy, well I will sort that!" He said loudly walking over to Jasper. He pushed me gently away from him, ready to fight. they were about to throw punches when suddenly,

"EMMETT!" a high voice screeched from behind us. I turned to see the source of the interruption, I heard Jasper gasp. A pretty small girl was running towards us. She looked like a little doll with her short ebony hair,

"Emmett!" She shouted again going over to the huge boy, and hugging him, "You are such an idiot! Don't annoy the new kids, you're so mean!" She screamed. I tilted my head curiously at the scene before me,

"S-s-sorry!" He said to the small girl, judging from the look on his face, he meant what he said,

"Now go away." She smiled at him sweetly, "Go play football or something." She smiled again and he nodded, walking away, his friends following him. The small girl turned and looked at Jasper and I. I was now standing next to Jasper, twiddling my fingers nervously,

"Sorry about my brother's behaviour, he can be a little full of himself sometimes." She smiled at us, I smiled back. She had the most interesting eyes I had ever seen, bright violet, almost fluorescent. I noticed Jasper staring at her,

"Hi, I'm Alice Cullen." The small girl grinned,

"Hi Alice, I am Jasper Whitlock and this is my sister, Rosalie Hale." He gestured towards me; I looked up and smiled at Alice,

"Oh, I have never met twins with different surnames." She stated looking back and fourth between us,

"Oh no, we aren't twins. Rose is 18 and I am 17." Jasper laughed, Alice laughed with him. I blushed crimson,

"Sorry." Alice apologised,

"Jazz, I am going to head to class I don't want to be late…" I smiled at him,

"Okay Rose. I will see you at lunch." He hugged me tightly, I gritted my teeth as he hurt my bruises, and then I walked quickly away, using my map of the school to help me. I finally found my first class, history. I entered the room to find that most of the class was already there. To my horror, the big burly boy, Emmett, was in my class. He noticed me and we held eye contact momentarily,

"Ah, you must be Miss Hale?" I heard a woman asked. I broke eye contact with Emmett to look at her, I assumed she was the teacher,

"Yes," I said timidly,

"Well, welcome to history. If you would like to take a seat, we'll begin. There is an empty seat beside Emmett Cullen," she said kindly, pointing in his direction. I nodded, annoyed, and made my way to the seat. How typical the one person I don't want to be near in this school and I have to sit beside him!

"Hello," he said in a deep voice as I sat down,

"Hi," I said in an angry voice,

"I'm sorry about earlier, don't know what came over me," he grinned,

"It's okay, I suppose," I lied. It wasn't okay, he provoked Jasper,

"I meant what I said though, you are gorgeous," I giggled,

"Thanks," realising I was smiling I stopped everything. The teacher began the lesson but I wasn't paying attention. I hadn't smiled like that in a long time, maybe Emmett Cullen wasn't so bad after all. Though he did freak me out a little.

A/N: so as you can see, thanks to popular demand, I have written a sequel! I think I always knew I would write the story in Rosalie's P.O.V, but I wasn't 100% sure. As you can see, I have a winner of the title competition! Congratulations, trapezepixe, please contact me with your name and description and your character will be written in. So please review guys, I write for your pleasure, I want to know whether it is the story you want. Do you like the story in Rosalie's P.O.V? Do you think I should continue? I must admit that if I do update, then it will be very slow. I only have a few weeks of school left and then hopefully it will be updates by the day! Please follow me on twitter, click on the find people tab and type in KatKalamity. I give updates on my writing there, and you can talk to me there too. Also, if you like Emmett, then check out my profile as i have written a one shot about him. Take care,
