Ok thank you so much for reading this story. But I would like to get something out since someone so rudly started freaking out at me because of this.

I wrote this because it was reallly bugging me during class one day, because my sister's class was made to read this story. (she is in a higher grade)

And I wrote this after I thought back to a time when, something bad had happened to me. Not Rape, but something else.

But also my friend was. Ok? She told me, and I cried so hard. It was when I moved away it happened. But she is a close friend.

She didn't really tell me details. Just where and when. It happened to be near some woods, (note she was raped in the woods in the movie, and just off to the side of the party in some bushes in the book) so I started thinking. (name is sooooooo wicked changed BTW! for real) "What if Amy had the same feelings as Melinda?" So I started writing this. For her. When she read it she just cried nodding her head. So I knew something like that must of been what went in her mind. But this is also what I thought if I were being raped.

I'm sure some of you people have had dreams of being raped. I did once, so also like I said, its a mix of my, amy, and melinda's expeerinces and tvought. So think before you flip out on me. Please? Thank you.