Hey there! I'm Kimi, aka Gama-Kiwi, and this is my first fanfic ever! So, hopefully, my lil story about Shin Sano falling in love will entertain you. If not...well, whatever! :P So enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hana Kimi. No matter how much I wish I did, it won't happen.

"Damn it," Shin whispered to himself as he trudged on the cracked sidewalk. He couldn't stop thinking about him. Well, he is actually a SHE, he thought. He sighed as he thought again about the bizarre turn of events that happened to him.

Mizuki Ashiya is actually a girl who somehow was able to go to Osaka High, an all boys school. Sure, "he" had feminine features, but Shin (and almost everyone else who came into contact with Mizuki) believed her to be male. Shin's brother, Izumi Sano, knew the truth though, and even though about three years passed since Mizuki left Osaka High, they are still very much in love with each other.

Mizuki moved back to Japan, and she, Sano, and a lot of old friends from high school go to the same college. Shin ended up following them a year later, so they hang out with each other most of the time.

…And even though its been a long time since it started, and that she belongs to my own brother, I still can't get over her! Shin thought angrily. Girls in his classes do stare at him a lot, and he does get many invites, but... It's hard to get over it when you catch her smiling and laughing in the way that leaves you longing…

Ugh! Whatever… Shin shook his head and began jogging. It doesn't matter that I still like her! I'm just going to the park to meet up with the rest of the gang and hang out. I can last a couple of hours without feeling stupid, right?


…What the hell was I thinking?

Shin glanced again at the happy couple. Mizuki was sitting next to his brother, caged lovingly in his one-armed embrace. Izumi had a huge smile on his face, and he laughed along with her as they listened to some joke a friend told them. You can just tell by the way they look that they love each other. Shin rolled his eyes.

What a stupid idea, to go to the park with these freaks. The blonde headed idiot was there, bouncing a soccer ball on his knee. Some girls are surprisingly following him around lately. I don't get what they find in that joker…The one with glasses, Sekime, is also here, laughing his head off with Noe. Other people were here, but did it matter? Nothing interested him, at least, nothing that isn't already taken…

"Shin? Hey, Shin! Stop daydreaming!"

"What?! What?!" Shin sat up straight with a jolt, causing Mizuki, Sano, and the rest to chuckle. Blushing, Shin mumbled, "Whaddyah want?"

Ashiya smiled broadly, making Shin blush even more. "I got you something!" she said as she pulled a small box from behind her. She opened the box, and Shin peered inside. It was filled with little sweet desserts. He felt his brother flinch at the sight of all the sweets.

"Heh heh, remember that café we went to before, during the networking event a few years ago? I passed by it earlier and I had to buy some for you!" she giggled some more. "Try the one with honey!"

"I still hate honey…" Shin grumbled, but he ate it anyway. He pretended to gag until Mizuki looked worried, then he smiled. "Thanks, Ashiya. Really." He let the others try some of the desserts as he thought, at least I can be her friend still.

But what if I'm not happy like that?

Sigh…I wish I could get over her…

I wish I could find someone to love…someone who would love me back…

"Sorry we're late. We found a ghost possessing a trash can a while back, so we had to fix that problem."

What the hell? Shin turned around and ended up face-to-face with Taiki Kayashima. His black eyes stared back at Shin.

"Kayashima!" "What's up?" "Hey there!" yelled the group. Nakatsu started chuckling. "What is it, Nakatsu?" Kayashima asked. "Your aura has a mixture of pride and jealousy" Shin unconsciously shivered. Of course, how could I forget. Kayashima is that freak who can read people's auras and sees ghosts and stuff. He glanced at Kayashima, who winked at him, startling Shin. Can he read my damn mind too?!

"Well, it's nothing, 'cept the fact that there's a girl standing beside you! Way to go, man! Introduce us to her! Come on, don't be shy!" Nakatsu screamed at him, jumping up and down. The rest laughed and nodded in agreement. Shin took another look at Kayashima. There's a girl next to him? I didn't notice that… Then he saw her.

She was only about 5'5 feet tall, with long jet black hair flowing down her back. She looked Japanese, but there was something about her that was different…it's probably the dark red highlights that shined in the sunlight, but there was more to it… Whatever it is, she's really pretty. Shin blushed at the thought, making the newcomer stare curiously at him.

"She's not my girlfriend, if that is what you're implying." Kayashima stated simply. Nakatsu rolled his eyes. "This is Nishi, my cousin. She's a year younger than us. Do you not see the resemblance?" This caused Shin to take another look at the pair. Hell, I didn't see it at first, but if you look closely…they do look like each other in a freaky sorta way…Except she has something different about her…and she's prettier…

Nishi nodded to the introductions of the rest of the gang, and took a seat next to Shin. He sat up a little straighter, cursing mentally at the way his heart started beating slightly faster. Nishi glanced at him.

"It's really interesting, to actually see you not so drowsy," she said, staring at Shin with a hint of a smile on her face.

"…Huh…?" Shin asked. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm in a couple of your classes. You're usually daydreaming during that math class I'm in with you. Your aura is completely different out here, though. It's more relaxed." Nishi smiled openly now. Everyone else laughed at the sudden blush that appeared on Shin's face. They all had the same thought, though: She's just like her cousin! Does this run in the family?!

"Uh…I didn't know you're in my classes…" Shin took a mental check of all his classes. Oh yeah…she IS in my math class…but I hate math so much that I'm not really paying attention to what's going on…oh, she's also has chemistry with me, too…but then again, it's the class that I do like, so I'm too focused to notice anything else…

"Hey, Shin. Do you need a tutor for calculus? I've heard that you're struggling." Kayashima said. Shin glared at him. "Yeah, so? What about it?" He ignored the burst of laughter from Nakatsu and the rest of them.

"Well, maybe Nishi can help you in it. She's one of the top students in your math class, or so the professor says. At least, she's better than you." Kayashima stated bluntly, making Shin intensify his glare. Nishi rolled her eyes. "What, so you're bragging about me now?" she murmured quietly. Shin heard her remark, which made him inwardly smile. She's not exactly like Taiki, she has a different personality.

Nishi turned to Shin. "Look, I don't mind helping you with math, just so long as it's quiet, there's snacks nearby, and that HE," she pointed accusingly to Taiki, who merely shrugged. "isn't there. Or his friends. I don't want any disturbances. And you can repay me by buying me dinner later. Deal?" Some of the guys gasped. Nakatsu pretended to faint, exclaiming "The horror! To pay the girl dinner just to copy notes!" Mizuki pushed him over.

"Umm…deal, I guess." Shin said. Mom would be happy to know that I'm being tutored…besides, it'll probably be easier to be tutored by her instead of some old geezer who would just bore me to death…

"Haha, alright. We can start on Saturday. We should leave now, though. Class starts in ten minutes." Nishi said as she got up. Shin looked at his clock. Holy crap, she's right. Agh, I can't be late for chemistry. After quick goodbyes to the rest of the gang, they both left to their class. And for the first time since the year began, Shin wasn't paying much attention in the class, as his mind was occupied with thinking about something else…or was it someone?

How is it? Is it good? Ahh! I spazz, I spazz. I'm really just writing because it makes me happy and stuff, but if I knew that people actually read this, I would be...I can't even think of a word that can describe how happy I would be. Ha. But while we're at it, if you do like my story, or want to comment on it or something, please write a review for me by clicking that little box under this. Thank you!

~ Kimi, Gama-Kiwi