Disclaimer: Harry potter and X-men are the property of their rightful owners. I make no profit from this in anyway. I am merely borrowing them for some fun.

Chapter 6: Eyes Wide Shut

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Cyclops couldn't help but blurt out as soon as Rogue had escorted Harry out the office and into the hall. The professor sighed and rubbed his forehead for a moment.

"The closest' thing I can compare it to is Multiple Personality Disorder. Though some of the things are wrong but that could just be apart of his mutation. After all the Phoenix knows who Jean is and vice versa" Logan looked on at the conversation in the corner….the corner closest to the door. His face its usual brooding mysteriousness that showed no hint of what the man was feeling. Except for maybe his eyes but only one who knew how to truly read those eyes would be able to decipher what they were saying and no one in the room held that knowledge.

"So basically follow protocol as in watch for triggers that might cause one personality to take over while trying to ascertain if either personality is dangerous to the students and to himself?' Cyclops stated tiredly.

"Yes," Xavier said nodding, "While also watching to see if he has anymore personalities that he may or may not know about." The dismissal was subtle but there and one by one they all got up and left. Logan going first his eyes clouded over and his knuckles suspiciously red. Storm being the last as she sat and thought about all that she had learned. It certainly fit she decided but she couldn't help but notice that no matter what personality he was under there was still the ever present fear, anger, and pain. The weather was a lot like emotions and being a manipulator of the weather Storm could sense a hurricane of emotions and conflictions within the man that called himself both Harry and Killian. With a quiet sigh she left the professor's study and returned to her gardens where she finally felt her mind settle slightly.

Rogue was walking Harry to the Mess Hall where the first early risers were coming entering and pouring their coffees, teas, sodas and any other morning beverage that would help them combat the morning tiredness. Harry was looking around with a slight smile on his face. His eyes curious as he noticed people he hadn't seen the day before.

"Do you know what time it is?" He asked Rogue who seemed shocked at hearing his polite tone.

"Its six o' clock" Harry nodded before motioning towards the stand that held the Coffee quick brew machine. Grabbing a cup from the stack he set it under the spout and pressed the button that would pour fresh, hopefully very strong, black coffee.

"I used to hate coffee thought it was to bitter and heavy on the tongue but I guess the longer Killian's been around I pick up some of his habits and grow likes to things I used to despise." The casual reference of Killian made Rogue look at him sharply before nodding not knowing quite what to say; though she felt a pang in her chest at the way he gave a nervous huff of a laugh.

"So how long have you been here if you don't mind me asking?" Harry asked quietly. It had been a long time since he had just talked to somebody with no strings attached. Talking for the hell of it was a rare gift not the commodity he always had thought it was before his life had blown up.

"A few years. I ran away from home and ended up in some back woods brawling bar where I met Logan and hitched a ride with him and to make a long story short we both ended up back here and I haven't left since." She sighed quietly as she finished her tale and Harry couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "What?" She asked confused as to what she had said that could have been even remotely funny.

"For such a short story you do leave enough vagueness on it for your audience to wonder about…which would undoubtedly lead to more conversation about said story making your previous comment about a 'long story short' of no consequence." He explained with a giggle…it felt good to giggle. Though the fact that he could without hearing the sarcastic comments of Killian reverberating around in his head reminded him that he still had not resurfaced from his self induced imprisonment and showed no signs of returning anytime soon.

"You are an odd little thing" She told him with a small smile on her face that she was unable to will away.

"I know." He simply said. There was no trace of a smile on his face but there was also no negative emotion portrayed on his face and so she said nothing about it.

Snik, Snik, Snik, Snik…..The repetitive sound of his Logan's 'claws' unsheathing and sheathing themselves out and back inside his hand was the only sound in the room. The faint rumblings of the other inhabitants in the mansion sounded like a distant echo in his ears. As he simply watched the blades slice through his skin only to heal as they disappeared back inside his hand. His knuckles were red and the skin raw but he couldn't stop the continuous motion just as he also had no idea how or why he had started in the first place.

His mind was not on the pain that he was inflicting on his hands nor was it on the distant roar of the other people inside the mansion but on a boy who he wasn't sure what to call or what to think of all that had occurred since they had picked him up in the bar where he had almost killed everyone within mile or more including himself. There was no doubt he was attractive…a blind fool would have been able to tell that. There was something about him that Logan wanted to protect, claim, and give him anything and everything he had ever wanted or would want. While Logan also wanted to do the same for Killian, for he did not believe the situation was as simple as MPD, he wanted to make Killian submit. To willingly give himself over of course Logan knew that would be a fight within itself but he'd seen that despite Killian's show of bravado he was sub. A defensive and powerful sub but a sub nonetheless. A sub such as him would need someone more firm and challenging and Logan despite his best efforts found himself wanting more and more to be the dominant that gave both personalities what they wanted and more importantly what they needed.

With a sigh he shook his head trying to banish the thoughts that clouded his mind needlessly. Standing up he quickly and quietly made his way through the mansion and ended up in the garage. Staring at Cyclops's Motorcycle a wolfish grin erupted over his face. He knew there would be no better way at the moment to help calm his mind other than to ride and he figured that if he could piss off Cyclops while getting his head on straight then it was just an added bonus.

I'm doing what I must
Which is attempting to kill
The little boy inside
But as hard as I try...
The child will not die

It was dark within the recesses of their mind. He felt consciousness creep into him slowly like a snail. He was in no hurry to get back into full brain power he was still in to much pain. Memories he'd still had to relive long after Harry had woken up and yet through the replaying memories he saw as if in a dream the scene between Logan and Harry. He didn't know whether he should feel indignantly pissed about the situation or jealous that he hadn't been at full mental capacity to completely enjoy it. Though he would never admit that last thought even under torture. In the end he just decided to try and not feel anything.

That was impossible though because even though he had locked the memories away he could still think them. They were disturbing, sad, hate filled, and despair ridden. All of them were the moments he felt as if he had failed himself, the mission, and Harry. Failing to kill Harry not because Harry was so strong but because he, Killian, was to weak. He felt pity? Sympathy? He was sure the exact name of the emotion he had felt when he had managed to access Harry's memories. The way he had been used, manipulated, beaten, and in many ways broken by people whom he had saved time and again. It had come gradually the actual acceptance of Harry that was now the fondness for him. Again he wasn't sure if that was the right word but he was to tired to care. He felt darkness slipping in and consciousness slipping out of him.

He hoped Harry would behave himself and not get them into to much trouble because at the moment he could not find the strength to dredge himself back up out of the pain ridden and guilt infested darkness that coated him like a second layer of skin. Though he vowed that the next time awareness came to him he would make it back to the surface. Fore he had heard like distant echoes Harry's calls sliding throughout their mind. Harry was worried. Worried for him and about the situation he was now in by himself. He always felt oddly protective and oddly angry when Harry was worried. To Killian Harry should never have to worry. Worry was something Killian was more then willing to bear though he recognized he didn't know how to deal with worry other then to physically lash out. He gave a quiet mental sigh that he knew wouldn't be able to reach Harry as he gave up his nonexistent fight and slipped back into a blank abyss.

I will not be denied
I'm crawling my way to
the surface outside

A/N Hello everyone…I know I promised more updates then this during my summer break but alas it just hasn't happened that way. I will only say that I was given a lot of Summer work preparing for school when it starts back up again. I'm not even completely done with all of it yet. Other then that I have no excuses.

I've thought about it and decided that I am going to start writing short chapters instead of forcing myself to write 3k or 2k per chapter and instead just let the story flow how it wants and sadly like this chapter it comes out as being a lot less then that. Hopefully though this will allow me to update faster then I have been which I know has been about the pace of a snail.

The song is Lie by Black Light Burns

SO thanks to everyone who has stuck with me, who has reviewed, alerted, and added me to favorites it means so much! J