Okay! Here's the last chapter! I'm considering doing a sequel to this but it might be a while before I actually can start it! I hope you've liked the story so far, and I would adore reviews of it.

Anywho, enjoy!


Chapter 16

After two weeks, four days, sixteen hours and forty-three minutes of being a patient at St. David's Hospital, Cardiff Ianto Jones was finally discharged. As he walked through the automatic doors and out into the outside world he heaved a sigh of relief, 'really, really hate hospitals' and stepped up to the large, black SUV that was parked in the ambulance spot 'for pity's sake Jack! I've just been discharged and you're already trying to get tickets and fines!'.

Jack leapt out of the driver's seat as Tosh climbed out of the passenger seat with a smile on her face. Jack stood in front of him for a moment, just staring at him trying to take in every detail he could, before enveloping him in the best impression of a bear hug that Ianto had ever been on the receiving end of.

Tosh stayed beside the SUV as she watched Jack hold Ianto tightly in his embrace and as Ianto snuggled into it; both of them ignoring the looks they were getting from passers-by.'Sweet... they're so lucky to have each other... they just go so well together', she sighed as she thought about Owen and how badly enamoured she was with him.

Jack finally released his hold of Ianto just enough for Ianto to be able to reach the SUV and get in the now vacated passenger seat; Tosh slipped in the back and Jack let go of Ianto long enough to sprint around the SUV to the driver's side, hop in and start the engine before pulling away, gripping Ianto's left hand tightly as he pulled out of the hospital grounds and onto the main road.

There was silence in the SUV for the duration of the trip from the hospital to the Hub, each of them content to sit in silence as the cars on the roads and people on the side-walks flashed by in a blur. All too soon they were pulling into the underground parking lot of the Hub and exiting the SUV. Jack hesitated for a moment before following Tosh down to the Hub; Ianto waiting beside him, giving him silent support even though he'd just left the hospital 'always looking out for everyone except himself... especially me'. Ianto slipped his hand into Jack's and gave him a soft, reassuring smile and a gentle kiss on the lips before they entered the Hub and were greeted by a squawking Pterosaur, a doe-eyed Gwen and a grimacing (smiling?) Owen.

Within moments of stepping into the main area of the Hub, Ianto was dragged away by Owen for a check-up thus leaving Jack to deal with Gwen, Myfanwy and everything else.

Ianto rolled his eyes as Owen ordered him to remove his suit-jacket, tie, waistcoat and shirt before telling him to take a deep breath and... the orders go on. And on. And on. 'Yep! It's definitely back to business isn't it?' he thought as Owen prodded him in the side making him jump slightly and delivering a whithering glare at the supposed physician.

"Alright teaboy. You're fine. Now! Make me a coffee." 'Yeah... definitely back to business, if not to normal!'


Well! There you go! The last chapter! I hope you enjoyed the story and I do think I will do a sequel to this... after all, I've still got to cover a few things haven't I? I would like to know what you thought of this since I like to know of people's opinions – constructive criticism...

Thanks to everyone whose reviewed this and added it to their favourites!