Estelle: My first fanfiction so please read and review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Horton Hears a Who or any of the movie characters. They rightfully belong to Dr. Seuss.


"They should be here by now!" exclaimed Ned McDodd, the mayor of WhoVille, who was pacing on his fuchsia carpet in his lovely home in WhoVille.

"Well, maybe their flight was delayed." Comforted his wife, Sally McDodd.

"Flight?! What flight? WE'RE ON A FLOWER!" yelled Mayor McDodd on the top of his lungs.

"I meant, you know how Jerry loves to fly on his heliwhopter, maybe he just took a little longer flying it and just forgot the time." Said Sally, trying to reason with the mayor.

Then they heard a loud knocking sound against the door of their house. Ned got up and ran all the way downstairs to the door and opened it to be engulfed onto a large bear hug. "JERRY!!!" cried out Ned, glad that his best friend ever since his Groove phase was back and he gets to LIVE with them!

"Neddie!!!" exclaimed the big and burly who, Jeremiah or Jerry Whokavich.

"Now, you see, I should have my daughter around here somewhere, but I just can't seem to find her and well you know how she can be, wandering around and getting-,"

"Lost?" squeaked a tiny voice.

Everybody turned around a saw a very short Who girl with midnight blue hair that covers her right eye and the end of her bang turns to a little wave; her hair in the back also turns to little waves as well. She was wearing a brown trench coat top with a black pleated skirt. Her ebony eyes showed shy-ness and fear. "Aaahhh….there's my girl. See, she's all grown up now. She actually grew 2 inches already this year!" yelled Jerry, oblivious that his little 'girl' was embarrassed.

Her eyes widen and her face was flushed. "DAD!!" She squeaked, more fear than ever in her eyes.

"Huh? Oh, you want me to tell your name? OH RIGHT. Whoopsie-daisy, this is my shortie of a daughter, Jamie, remember?" queried Jerry.

"But you can call her Ellie." Jerry said.

"Well, don't be a stranger! Come in!" beckoned Sally, gesturing Jerry and Jamie to come in.


"It's an expression, daddy." Jamie told her dad.

Jerry blushed. "I-I-I knew that…"

Ned laughed. "Come on in guys!"

Once they all got in (with Jerry carrying all the luggage much to Jamie's protest), they all sat down to be introduced to ALL 96 children (with one missing from the bunch). "This here is my daughter…" droned Ned, until reaching the end of introducing his 95th daughter had he realized his son is missing! "Hey, where's Jojo?" He asked, looking around everywhere, searching for his only son, the heir to the Mayor of WhoVille.

"Here he is!" exclaimed Sally, towing along what Jamie may think is the most handsomest Who ever.

He wasn't much taller than Jamie and he had an apathetic face while being shoved in front of Jamie. Much to Jojo's surprise, he found her attractive. "Uh…my name's Jamie." Ellie squeaked looking around so as not to meet his eyes.

"Jojo." The handsome Who muttered, averting his brown eyes to the floor so as to not meet Jamie's beautiful ebony ones.

"Ellie? There's not much to see on the ceiling, left, or right." Said Jerry.

"Huh? Oh right." Chirped Jamie.

"Jojo." Jojo muttered, turned around and left the room.

Ned sighed. "Oh, don't mind him, he's just uh...silent all the time basically." He said.

"Aahh…well it's okay. Jamie here is pretty silent although she does chirp and squeak occasionally or when she has to." Jerry explained.

"Well, we did kind of force her to say hi even though she's uh…bashful." Sally said, picking up her teacup and taking a dainty sip.

"So, what school is she going to?" asked Ned.

"Hmm…I was wondering between WhoVille High or WhoVille's Creative Academy, as Jamie is a little artist." chuckled Jerry.

"Why not WhoVille High? Jojo goes to that school!" exclaimed Ned.

"What a delightful idea! Jamie, you're going to WhoVille High!" shouted Jerry, picking up Jamie and twirling her around.

"Daddy, please put me down." Jamie squeaked.

Once she was put down firmly on the ground, she turned to look at her Uncle Ned. "Where do I sleep?" she asked, about to carry her four suitcases.

"Go up and go to the door that has a sign with your name on the left." Sally said with a smile.

Jamie nodded and picked up her four suitcases (they were pretty light) and progressed up the stairs.

Author's Note: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Room description would be in the next chapter. :D