Title: Mom Is Coming To Visit
Author's Notes: This ficlet came about because of a comment made by tejas about what would happen if one of Tony's StepMoms stopped by NCIS, so I blame her.
Like Tony and Tim had told Ziva during their first case working together odd things and cases seemed to pop up a great deal when working for NCIS and Gibbs. For Tony though they had always been work related somehow, the true weirdness had never been just personal. Even being framed for murder (three times!) was a side effect of his job.
This time it was all personal though, and personal of the type that he really, truly preferred to ignore.
"And you are?" Tony asked the gorgeous twenty something redhead standing in front of his desk.
"I'm your mother!" She whined, stamping her foot like the nineteen year old cheerleader Tony had dated a few years back was wont to do when she didn't get her way.
Tony slowly blinked at this pronouncement before carefully saying "Considering I went to her funeral when I was ten and even then she was older than you I don't think you are."
The redhead just stared at Tony in confusion, who was himself staring at her more than a little lost, and not all that eager to become un-lost actually because he was sure that bemusement was preferable to knowing what was going on.
Of course it was just then that Ziva and Abby walked in off the elevator and made their way over.
"Hello," Ziva said "Can I help you miss?"
"Hi, I'm Mrs. DiNozzo" the bubbly redhead said sticking her hand out toward Ziva, who just stared at it like it was a venomous snake that would bite her.
Ziva slowly turned to face Tony and asked in a low, shocked voice "Tony when did you get married?"
And it was at this question that Abby began yelling about how could Tony get married and not invite her.
Unable to help himself Tony laidd his head down and buried his head in his arms, but not before
he saw Probie trying not to die at his desk.
On the floor above Director Vance stared at the loud scene unfolding and wondered when he had became the director of a daycare facility instead of a Federal Law Enforcement Agency.
The End