Hey guys! I've gone back and started editing this whole story! So hopefully you enjoy the new and improved version!

New readers: Just a warning that I wrote this story before the third Gallagher Girl book was published so this is my version of how it would have gone!

Disclaimer: Ally Carter owns the characters, I'm just playing with them for fun.


Chapter 1: Welcome Home

I was back from summer break. I was at home, well I was at Gallagher Academy for Exceptional young women: home, but really it's spy school- although you could never prove it from the outside. I was sitting on the windowsill in a passage way that I had discovered during my seventh year as I listened to all the arriving girls talking excitingly about what they had done that summer. I sighed. I would make up my story.

Not that my summer wasn't fun, it was, but scaling fish in Nebraska isn't something I necessarily want to tell all the other girls here: they went to Milan or Italy for their summer break. I knew Macey was already here on account of her parents were driving her insane. She usually gets back first ever since she started coming here. I heard an 'oopsie daisy' coming from the hall. I got up and went to check on my friend Liz. Out of all of the languages and curse words she could have used. She always used the simple 'oopsie daisy'. She had a knack for being clumsy.

"Liz!" I shrieked when I saw her. I got up and hugged her tightly. It was so good for school to be starting again, but I would miss the Blackthorne boys. Well, one in particular. The one who had kissed me and then left.

"Cammie, it's so good to see you. I missed you," Liz replied, hugging me just as tightly back. I heard a noise behind us. I looked up to see Bex. She looked good with her tan skin and dark straight hair.

"Can't I be in the group hug?" she asked her English accent thick. I smiled and we all stood hugging.

"Ah, it's good to be back. I wonder what it's going to be in Sub level 2," Bex said looking at me. Sadly, Liz wouldn't be coming with us for the second time. We all went into our room and Bex and Liz started unpacking. Since Macey and I already finished unpacking we just stood and caught up.

"I am finally advancing into my own grade! Can't wait to hear my parents when they see the straight A's I am going to get," Macey told me happily while she clapped her hands. I laughed. Macey's parents couldn't believe that she was getting A's and B's since she had gotten kicked out of every other school. Macey liked to make her parents mad. When Liz and Bex were finished we went down to the Grand Hall. I looked up even though I knew that we would be speaking English. I was relieved to see it anyways. We went in and took our usual seats. All the teachers were seated, and my mom or Headmistress Morgan was standing at the podium.

"Women of Gallagher Academy, who comes here?" my mom asked.

Just then every girl replied in unison, "We are the sisters of Gillian."

"Why do you come here?" she asked.

"To learn her skills. Honor her sword. And keep her secrets."

"To what end do you work?"

"To the cause of justice and light."

"How long will you strive?"

"For all the days of our lives." We finished and waited patiently for my mom to make a speech.

"Welcome back for a new year. I have an announcement to make. I realized during the summer that our Academy doesn't teach you girls all that you need to know. So from this year forward, all the students who are juniors and up will be attending Roseville high school for one semester. We are part of a new exchange student program.

Some of the families of Roseville have been kind enough to provide living arrangements for the semester. Those of you who take CoveOps will get your legends then. Those of you training for desk work will get your legends another time. Just because you do not take CoveOps does not mean you don't need to do this. I would also like to tell you that the Blackthorne school for boys is also doing the exchange. After this meal you will need to pack.

The day after tomorrow you will be going to a normal high school," my mom said, finishing her long speech.

She said a lot. Some girls sat with their mouths open. I wanted to scream, but of course I didn't. I sat there looking calm, when actually I was freaking out inside. How could this be happening? First there was my ex-boyfriend Josh, and I would undoubtedly run into him. But on top of that, the Blackthorne boys would also be there. Maybe if it was only one of the guys I could deal. But both of them? After the shock wore off there was a lot of whispering. Bex looked directly at me with a grin.

A/N: Thanks for giving this story a chance & making it better because of all of the interest in it. You fans help keep it alive! :)