Disclaimer : Transformers © Hasbro/Takara. I only own my OCs Silverstream, Redstar, Darkwind, Amberjewel, Lightcloud and Swiftstrike.

A/N:The traitors will be dealt with in this chapter. Still heavily angsty and dark, don't read if you don't like it.

What Tomorrow Holds

Epilogue: Reunions

Starscream's spark was floating in a white, bright and warm place. There neither time nor space here, and he felt better than he had in a long time. It was comfortable, and it made you wish you could stay there forever. And he let himself float aimlessly for an unknown amount of time, oblivious of everything but the warm, loving light engulfing his spark, soothing his wounds and healing his broken spirit.

But after what felt like an eternity, he could feel that someone else was there with him. A presence, overwhelming and powerful, and he felt a deep, sacred fear. A fear linked to the very spark of all Cybertronian facing death and about to face their Creator.

And then he saw it.

Tall, white and silver with wide, sleek and beautiful feater-like wings, the image of the perfect Cybertronian, neither mech nor femme, and neither ground pounder nor flyer, but an harmonious melt of all of those things.

The epitome of the Cybertronian race incarnated.


And Starscream cowered in fear, trying to hide from those intense, burning optics because he felt unworthy to be in the presence of such a powerful entity. He felt filthy and ugly, the ugliest of all being… Like all the sins, the ill deeds he does in his life were painted on his naked spark, showing like rusted Plague and making him looks horrible.

He felt like dying all over again and disappears into nothingness.

But soon, he felt the sheer goodness and infinite love of the God, and he was attracted by this beacon of warmth, of caring and soothing feelings like a butterfly is attracted, hypnotized by a naked flame. And soon huge ands cupped him and he curled again, the fear coming back, until he felt like a gentle caress on his very spark. His disembodied spark uncurled and he looked into the face of his Creator for the first time.

And was awed by his sheer beauty. It was not mere physical beauty, no. it was a beauty that was running deeper than this. To the very core of the God, and painted openly on his perfect features. This being could not be evil, nor do anything evil, because evilness was unknown to Him. Evilness was the realm of His brother, ruler of the Pit and devourer of Cybertronian Sparks. No, He was completely, totally Good. He was Goodness incarnated. Starscream understood it immediately when he saw this face looking down at him so kindly as He was holding him.

He was in Primus's hands and felt loved to the very core of his spark. He curled again, but this times to feel more of those wonderful feelings and drank from them, bath into them and be at peace at last.

Until the God spoke. His voice was as beautiful and overwhelming as His spirit and features.

"Starscream… My creation… Your time to join with the matrix as not come yet. You must return to your family and loved ones. You were not meant to die so soon."

For a long time, Starscream had trouble understanding what Primus told him. He was dead, wasn't he? His body was torn and his spark wrenched out of his lifeless shell… How could he come back? He had no body to return to anymore! His old one was a lifeless shell in a coffin! All the important pieces had been removed to be used for transplantation as quoted in his Last Will. He looked up at Primus's face and said, humble and a little afraid.

I don't understand… I have no body to return to. How could I come back? I… I feel at peace for the first time in a long while… I don't want to return there… Please, Primus! I… I want to stay here…

Primus chuckled and Starscream felt a wonderful tingle at this sound. It was beautiful, the most melodic music he ever heard. He felt that Primus was amused and he spoke again. Starscream understood that he was being selfish and felt guilty about it.

"You can't stay here, Starscream. Your place is somewhere else, with your family. They miss you a lot. I promise you will come back here some day. Are you ready to go back to the ones who love you the most?"

Starscream was speechless for a long time again. He looked up as Primus and couldn't say anything. He was given a second chance… He couldn't refuse it! As good and at peace as he felt there, he missed his family terribly. His spark ached at the idea of seeing them again soon. He wanted them to know he was alright and to se his sparklings grow up to become mechs and femmes.

I am ready…

He didn't have time to say anything else when he felt something strange. Like he was pulled down fast, and soon he could see Cybertron again. It was a beautiful sight. The planet was completely rebuilt and at peace, and the Golden Age was back now. How long was he gone? It had felt very long but something was telling him that it had not been as long as he thought…

After a while, he felt the ground beneath his heels and feelings rushed throughout his body. Wait a minute! His body! It was back! He had a body again! Starscream was lying on a hard and cold surface and he groaned, sitting up slowly. He looked around and saw that he was on a hallway, between two large buildings, and as he could feel, back on his old self.

"I am alive… I AM ALIIIIIVE!!! Ho Primus THANK YOU!"

He looked around and then ran out of the dark, dank hallway. He could see that he was on Iacon, not much had changed since he last saw the place, but something felt… odd. Out of place. He frowned and then took the direction of the Lord Protector's Estate. He remembered quite well where it was.


For a long time after the executions, Megatron had locked himself in the house and refused to go out and see the world. He thought than executing the traitors will at least gve him some measure of peace, but he was wrong. It did nothing at all. It even worsens his state of depression and pulled him deeper in his self-loathing. He was blaming himself for everything… Even if it wasn't his fault at all, he was too slagged to care.

He had delegated his work to his new Lieutenant, Prowl, and the mech was efficient and quick at the task. And then, two Vorns goes by before he managed to find the strength to come out of his shell and get to work again. Optimus and Starscream's triplet brothers, Skywarp and TC, did their best to pull him out of the depression he sank in.

But one thing Megatron NEVER did, even in the deepest of the Pits, was indulge in the highgrade. He remembered quite well what it did to Starscream a while before, after he loose the capability of carrying when he gave birth to Amberjewel, and he didn't wanted to ends up even worst then him. He didn't have a kind, loving bondmate to pull him out of this…

The best thing was that his sparklings were very helpful. They were what made him hold on and keep going, because without them, he would've preferred to follow his beloved mate into oblivion a long time ago… The triplets were now 10 Vorns old and little balls of energy. And very skilful and imaginative when it came to pranks and finding way to make their father laughs or at least crack a smile. Slipstream was completely healed from his wounds in the explosion that cost Starscream his life, and he was the more curious, mischievious of the trio. Redstar was a little shy and introverted youngling, liking to read and study when the two others were wrecking havoc. They had to drag him to have him join them in their games and pranks. Darkwing was making it clear that he had natural Leadership qualities and he was usually the one leading the two others. He was going to be Trine leader when they were older. He was level-headed and calculating. He was a lot from his father and his uncle TC.

The oldest femme, Amberjewel, was 8 vorns old now, and she was growing in beauty and grace. She was taller then her older brother already because of her shuttle built, but she was sleek and slender, long limbs and large wings adorning her back. She was Daddy's Little Princess, and Megatron took every occasion to spend time with her and take her shopping or playing. She was his pride and joy, the most precious thing in his life. Her features were a feminine version or Starscream, dark faceplates and perfect traits. Every time he looks at her he sees his lost bondmate and it was hurtful and wonderful at the same time. She was going to be a gorgeous femme when she gets her adult upgrades. Her character was a little harsh and incisive, cutting like a blade, and she had a well sharpens glossa. Some would tell she was spoiled, but she was only strong willed and headstrong, like her mother.

The last sparklings, the Twins, were 6 Vorns old and didn't remembered their daddy well. They were too young when he died but Megatron show them pictures, holovids and tell them about him. There was something special with those two, because he carried them and gave them birth. Swiftstrike, the little femme, was a splitting image of her mother. She was going to be a gunformer when upgraded into an adult and an alt-mode like Megatron as well. She already had the barely visible formations of the claps were the fusion canon would be installed if needed, in her right arm. She was tall and large in built, even if sleeker then Megatron was at this age. A though femme she will be. And her temper was matching her built. She was the kind to throw tantrums for nothing and scream at the top of her vocals when things weren't going the way she wanted them to go. And she was an expert in manipulating the adult to get what she wanted. Her brother was matching her in every way possible in the temper department, so that made a duo of difficult and terrible sparklings to raise. The seekerlet was a splitting image of Starscream in built and color scheme. Small, sleek, and obnoxious.

The six sparklings put together were making life a lot more interesting at the Lord protector estate!


The day Starscream came back, the triplets were alone at home. Redstar was reading and doing homework, Silverstream was trying to new game he just got, and Darkwing was watching the holovid because his favourite series was playing.

The red and blue youngling was the closer to the door when the door bell rang, and he ran to open.

"I'm on it!" he shouted and bolted for the door.

He opened and froze into place. For the longest time, the two mech looked at each others, Starscream with a warm smile, radiating joy and happiness, and Redstar with wide and disbelieving optics.

"Mommy?..." he finally asked and then, without warning, he screamed and ran away, bolting into the living room, darting for the stairs and then locking himself into the room he shared with his brothers, shooting all the way. "A GHOST! RUUUUUUN!"

Silverstream and Darkwind shared a 'is he finally gone insane?' look and the former, curious as ever, got to the door. And the two younglings froze just like Redstar did a moment before, awed and completely dumbstruck.

Starscream had a little frown when Redstar ran away like the Pit just opened in front of his pedes but he smiled again when Silverstream and Darkwind made their appearance. He had come in and closed the door, and then he slowly, a little uncertainly, walked to them.

"Silverstream, Darkwind… I am back… it's really me, your mother, Starscream! Please, believe me…" he pleaded with honest, sad and joyful optics.


SIlverstream was the first to break the silence. He looked at him and then walked towards him and lifted a hand to touch him. He felt warm, tangible metal under his digits and little tears came to his optics. He yelped in both joy and relief and threw himself at him.

"Mommy! You're back! How? You were dead! We saw your body put in that tomb!"

Darkwind was a little more suspicious and he stayed where he was, crossing his arms. He shot a disbelieving look at Starscream and said, in a commanding and hard tune.

"How would we believe you? Mo one ever comes back from the dead. What if you are an impostor?"

Starscream felt a jolt of hurt at those words, but many Vorns had pass since his death, apparently. The triplets were now younglings and had tempers to match their age. Which was alright, because he always taught them not to thrust strangers. And as hurtful as it was, he had become a stranger to them… the youngest will not even remembered him. They were too young when he died. He smiled gently and then saw little Redstar making a come as apparently now had been slaughter by a killing ghost yet.

"What can I do to make you believe me, hum? I am telling the thrut."

"Tell us something only our mommy and daddy knows." Darkwind ordered and e crossed his arms.

Silvertream reluctantly left Starscream's arms and got to wait at his brothers' side. He looked at Darkwing with a pout and huffed.

"Alright. I never told this to anyone apart from you three and your father. When you were born, Silvrstream wouldn't come out by himself, he was all tangled up in the energon line, and Hook had to make a C-Section to get him out. He was the tiniest, cutest thing I ever saw… Redstar was firstborn, and Darkwind the second to be birthed. But Silverstar was a little miracle, we almost lost him. He took many breems to finally breathe his first intake…."

The three shared a look and then after a breem seems to get to an understanding. And then they overwhelmed Starscream with enthusiasm, throwing themselves and shouting happily.

When the others came back, there wasn't easy to convince them he was the real Starscream sent back to them by Primus, but he managed. Once all the sparklings were acquainted with him and even the youngest were introduced to their father at last, after throwing a tantrum of biblical proportions because there was a stranger in their house, of course, Megatron and Starscream were alone at last…

And the Lord could finally throw himself into his mate's arms and sob openly in his neck, letting out everything and all that he endured during the time he was alone and hurting from his absence. He stayed like this for a long time, and Starscream stroke his back lovingly, shushing him and feeling complete and warm.

"S-Starscream… If you only knew how much I missed you… My beloved bondmate… I missed you to the point of wanting to join you into oblivion… But I didn't do it... For the sparklings sake."

The seeker felt a twinge of pain at those revelations. He never knew his death will sent Megatron in such a Pit of pain and depression… He always seems like the unbreakable kind to him. Tall and strong and unmovable. Like the stones.

"I'm back, my love… I'm here to stay. Primus gave me a second chance, I won,t waste it. I love you so much… I'm sorry I caused you such pain…"

After a while, they were in the room they had shared for a long time, and Megatron was feverishly kissing and caressing his mate's platings, exploring his body to the tiniest details, to make sure he was real and won't vanish in front of his optics. Soon he was kissing him and pushing him into the berth, wanting to take him hard, his want, NEED, so powerful it was overwhelming the most basics thoughts. Soon, they were tangled and Megatron was slowly and deeply thrusting into him, feeling every nook and crannies of his wings and body, and drowning in the feeling of the tight, hot port closing around him with every push in.

"Starscream… I will never let you go again… Mmmm… I love you…"

They let their chestplates parted and joined sparks , their essence merging and becoming one. Both cried as overload hit them hard, and the seeker felt the twinge, the wonderful twinge on his spark that told him he would carry again. Primus granted him a complete and totally functional body, and he would be able to carry again! Tears fell down his cheeks as he realised this and he buried his facepaltes in Megatron's neck.

"Thank you… Ho thanks you so much!"

He didn't know who he was thanking, but it was spark felt and deeply honest. Maybe Megatron for impregnating him again, or Primus for granting him a second chance in a new body. Whatever it was, he felt that he was blessed and that he will have all the time on the universe to get to know the sparklings that were way too young when he died and the new ones that were already coming.

It was on this thought than he fell into recharge, nestled deep into megatron's protective and warm embrace…


The next day...

Skywarp and thundercracker walked happily to the door of the Lord protector's Estate, chatting enthusiastically about some things or another. When they reached the door, Skywarp rang the doorbell and waited, still chatting with his brother. But said brother had suddenly fell silent, mouth agape, when the door was flown open. Skywarp narrowed his optics in surprise at this and asked, half-laughing.

"What? You look like you saw..." He had turned to face the door as he spoke and his mouth flew open as well as his optics widened and he managed to finish, awe and shock and disbelief lining his tune. "...A ghost."

Starscream was standing there. Their Starscream, handsome, tall, thin and apparently quite tangible. And he had a large smile on his dark faceplates, looking happy to see them. But Skywarp and TC had trouble processing what their optics were telling them. Starscream was there like if nothing ever happen, like he hadn't been dead for Vorns, like they had not had to burry him in the old Crypts in a coffin. And Skywarp was the first to show another reaction than disbelieving shock.

He screamed and passed out on the spot. Thundercracker was wrenched from his trance by this and he finally shook himself, and then let out some almost incoherent blabbers before managing to let out more understandable words.

"How?... When?... Why?... Hunn..." And then he followed his brother in the realm of unconsciousness, the shock being too much for both their processors.

Starscream knew that they could react badly and he called Megatron to help him drag their sorry aft inside and settle them down until they woke up. They had both froze their processor when they saw him... Megatron couldn't help but laugh at that. The seekers were always very unpredictable creatures, and they could have had the opposite reaction, and punch or hug Starscream. After maybe ten breems, Skywarp came out of it a little groggily and then his optics fell on Starscream again and he frowned, and then his expression brightens.

"You're real! You're not a ghost or a Zombie, are you, Screamer?" He asked a bit suspiciously and touched his ceek and chest to make sure. "Nope, you seem tangible enough... But how? I don't understand... You were dead, weren't you? Dead bots don't just come back from the dead..."

TC let out a throaty grunt and came out of stasis lock himself then and saw Starscream as well, and then he smiled, knowing that he had not been hallucinating and that the seeker was real. One way or another, their brother was back with us! That was a miracle of Primus...

"Star, you're here! For real... I can feel that you're not a ghost or a hallucination! How did you do it?"

Starscream looked at the both of them and crossed his arms over his chest as he sat beside them, Megatron staying up and watching.

"It's a long story... But yes, I was dead, as dead as they come, but I was given a second chance by Primus. He said it wasn't my time to die yet, and he sent me back in a new, repaired and fully functional body. Don't ask me to explain further because I'm not sure I understand it myself... All I know..." he said and put a servo on his still flat belly with a large, happy smile. "...Is that I can carry again, and last night... Well, the reunion with Megatron was more than wonderful, I can tell you. You'll have a new nephew or niece soon!"

After that, the two seekers were all over Starscream, asking a lot of questions and prodding him on every seams and angles to see if he was really all the same as before. It was a very nice reunion and then, after a while, the doorbell rang again and Megatorn got up to answer. This time, it was Optimus that had come, with his habitual box of energon goodies for the sparklings, and a kind smile on his features.

"Good morning, brother! May I come in?"

He then heard the voices from the living area and frowned a bit when a high-pitched, highly recognizable voice rose. He walked quickly towards the source of the sound, disbelieving but deeply hopeful at the same time, and stopped in the doorway.

"Starscream? So I felt it right... You ARE back..."

Megatron, whom had followed him to the living room, lifted an optic ridge at the last comment and asked, curious.

"You FELT it? How?"

"The Matrix I carry is in direct link with some... higher forces, brother. Primus himself created this artefact when he created the Cybertronian race as well, and all and every of it's bearer are, in a way, the High Priests of Primus, linked directly to him. So, when he sent Starscream back, I felt it through the Matrix... it's complicated, but I'm glad that he's back..."

he put his box down on a table and Skywarp eyed the goodies with greedy optics, then picked some, munching a handful of those and making a big mess on his own faceplates. Optimus rolled his optics at this but then he came to Starscream and put both servos on his shoulders.

"You have been blessed above all by Primus today, Starscream. Make yourself worthy of the gift that was given to you and make the better use of the new life you had been given. Second chances are a rarity, and even more your kind of second chance. I only heard of one other case of resurrection in my time as a Prime..."

Starscream took on a solemn expression and slowly nodded, understanding quite well that he could not mess up the chance he was given. He lifted an optic ridge at Optimus's words, he never knew the Primes were High Priests of Primus as well... But the Matrix was indeed a powerful artefact. It makes the Primes something a little more then the other Cybertronians. Megatron looked in his brother when he let go of Starscream,s shoulders to turn to him.

"Make good use of this blessing, brother, and be happy at last. The threats of the pas are now gone and a new future is opening in front of us all. I can't tell it will always be bright and shiny and happy, but as long as you have each others and your family, then happiness is at hands."

He smiled and then took a goodie for himself before Skywarp finish the entire box, laughing.

All was good that ends good... or was it? In a far corner of the Universe, a dark force was stirring, waiting to wake and brig chaos all over the Universe...
