Rose's scream was so loud and piercing that everyone froze. The newborns didn't move off Jacob but they paused in attacking him. Jacob could've used this opportunity to get them off but he was so shocked at Rose's scream that the thought literally slipped his mind. The three newborns and Jacob turned to look at Rose. Her eyes were focused on Jacob and yet she didn't appear to actually be seeing him. Her soft, pale green eyes had turned a shining, golden orange colour. The expression on her face suggested she was in a lot of pain. She appeared to be close to tears and Jacob wanted nothing more than to be able to help her, yet something told him not to move. Something told him that Rose wasn't in need of any help, if anything she was going to help.

'This has to stop' Rose's voice matched her expression; full of pain. 'Death. There is always so much death. Wars, pointless wars. Attacks. Illness. Never ending death. Always the wrong people. Innocent people caught up in battle they shouldn't be fighting.' A tear ran down Rose's face and the four watching her noticed that it wasn't just her eyes that were shining, there seemed to be a golden orange glow all round Rose. 'This ends now. Jacob Black will not die here today' her eyes fixed on each of the vampires in turn and as before she didn't appear to actually see them. 'You will' she had the most serious expression. Jacob thought about Alice's vision and corrected guessed what was coming next. 'I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I alone have the power to control life and death. I alone can bring life. I alone can remove life as easily'

Rose slowly raised both of her arms, her hands flat, palms up. As she raised her arms she closed her eyes as though she didn't want to watch the destruction she was causing. As she raised her arms the new born vampires who was attacking Jacob were turned into atoms, and the atoms turned into nothing. Leaving no trace that they'd even been there. Leaving nothing but a stunned werewolf. Once the Vampires were gone, Rose's arms dropped back to her sides loosely. She swayed slightly as though losing consciousness and Jacob ran behind her, so when she did fall so had the soft landing of his fur.


'Honestly, Rose, your parents are going to think extremely badly of me if they find out that you've fallen unconscious twice since you've been here in America' Jacob joked as Rose came around. He was back to human form and he had brought Rose inside and laid him on his couch.

Rose said up slowly, her head thumping, and looking at Jacob. 'W-what?' she said, stuttering in confusion. 'what happened?'

She listened without interrupting as Jacob explained about the newborns being killed as "you went all Bad Wolf on us" as Jacob put it. She thought about it as he explained it.

Jacob laughed once he got to the end 'Vampires thought they had Wolf problems with us lot, but they never counted on you did they'

'Yeah…' Rose said. 'So you're saying you were in danger? Serious danger?'

Jacob nodded. 'I hate to admit it but I probably wouldn't have got out of that fight if it hadn't been for you'

'Right' Rose said, somewhat distantly. 'Your welcome, by the way' she added with a slight smile. 'This Bad Wolf thing, I can't control it. I don't know it's going to happened. It's only happened once before, when I looked into the TARDIS. The Doctor thought he had pulled all the energy out of me with that kiss' she was too busy explaining this and too determined to get to her point that she didn't let herself get distracted by memories of the Doctor and that kiss. 'He thought it was all over then. And it appeared to be, no signs that I still had it in me were shown. Until I was in this world' Rose barely paused for breath. 'I had dreams about the Doctor sometimes that weren't memories, but they didn't feel like just dreams. I dreamt about a dark skinned girl called Martha travelling with him. I think that was real. And then there was you. You're…'

'Rose please breathe' Jacob told her. 'You've only just woke up after falling unconscious, do you really want to go back there through lack of oxygen.' he laughed slightly 'I'm sure you can explain all this while breathing can't you?'

'Probably' Rose also laughed. When she continued she spoke at a more understandable speed and remembered to pause to breathe. 'You're the best friend I've had since the Doctor. You're the only person I've been able to talk about everything and anything about. The only person I'm trusted completely and unconditionally. The only person I feel completely protective of-'

'Not that I mind all the complements' Jacob half-joked 'but is this going anywhere?'

'Give a girl a chance' Rose replied. 'The Doctor I love with all my heart, and you I love like a brother. I think the Bad Wolf response to danger. When someone I care that deeply for is in danger the Bad Wolf automatically does whatever is necessary to protect them. It makes sense really'

'It does' Jacob agreed and nodded. 'It wasn't just the three newborns attacking me that were destroyed though, Rose, it was all of them. All the newborns that was in and around Forks was destroyed and disappeared in the moment you got rid of the ones attacking me'

'More could've came after you' Rose shrugged. 'I can't see anything else that it could be. It feels like it's this.' Before Rose or Jacob had a chance to say anything else Rose's phone rang. 'Hey Dad' she said as she lifted it to her ear. After a pause which was obviously Pete speaking Rose's eyes lit up and a truly happy smile spread over her face. 'That's fantastic.' Another pause for Pete's speech. 'Yeah, no, of course, I get that. I'll be home as soon as possible. I'll see you soon. Love you, bye'

Jacob looked at her questioningly as she put the phone down.

'I have to go back to England' Rose said. 'Torchwood's succeeded in creating the dimension canon.' Jacob looked blank. 'A means to travel across universes' Rose elaborated. 'I'm getting the Doctor back'

The End

A/N: If it seems like an ambiguous ending, it's not really, because it fits back into series 4 of Doctor Who. Rose'll go home, and cross the universe and bam you have Turn Left. Thanks to everyone who's R&R'd