A/n: This is my first story. Please be nice.


Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts.

Organization XIII Goes to the Petting Zoo

Chapter 1

Ahhhhh….Ahhhhhhh…..Axel yawned as he walk down to meeting room.

"What?" Larxene screamed as Axel entered the room.

"Who made Larxene scream this early? I think it's a new record." Axel asked walking into the room.

"I did." Xemnas said glaring at Larxene.

"Do I even want to know?" Axel asked cocking his head.

"Probably not, but we're……No, no, no, and ummmm NO," Xemnas said being cut in by Larxene.

"Shutup Larxene! Do you think you could be quiet for ten seconds? Thank you. Now Xemnas why was Larxene screaming?" Axel asked with curiosity.

"Well, through the night I had the idea of going to the petting zoo."

"Petting Zoo! Petting Zoo! Petting Zoooooooo! Were going to the petting. Were going to the petting," Demyx said dancing around in a circle.

"Demyx, Shutup," Axel yelled

"But I love the petting zoo," Demyx said sounding as innocent as he could.

"I don't care now shut your yap or I'll do it for ya," Axel screamed at top of his lungs glaring at Demyx.

"No," Demyx said putting his hands on his hips.

"Do you really want to find out what happens when you backtalk me? Well do ya?" Axel asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yes." Demyx said sounding excited.

Ten Minutes Latter

"All of you stop fighting. I am trying to read my book. Plus Demyx has a black eye and his nose is bleeding. Everyone in this organization is an idiot. Besides me. Were is the Superior?" Zexion said closing his eyes and rubbing his head.

"I'm right here. Why?" Xemnas entered the room with cup of ice cream.

"……Why, ohhhhh just forget it." Zexion said staring at him blankly.

Xemnas shrugged and took a large mouthful of ice cream and said, "get everyone and meet me in the meeting room."

Everyone sighed and nodded.

"Oh and Demyx?"

"Yes Superior?"

"Get some ice on that nose."

Demyx nodded. "Yes Superior."

A/n: That's all for my first chapter of my first story. Hope you liked it. Bye! Please review!