Fox didn't try to fight the despair. No, he gave into it gladly, surrendering his mind to the torrential flow of sorrow, self-pity and hate- not at her, but at him. Everyday he berated himself about his foolish decision. Why…oh why did he send her away? Everyday he sobbed into his pillow, clutching the precious photo of him and her, perched on a single chair, arms wrapped around each other. How close they looked, how happy, how…in love. But he had shattered it; smashed it completely. One sentence. Just one measly sentence and it was all gone. You're not safe here; you need to leave Krystal. Everyday was a living hell. That's what led him to do what he did. Looking back now he didn't regret it.

Fox tried his hardest to ignore the cold metal of a gun pressed against his head. The coolness, the way it seemed to penetrate his fur, without the trigger even being touched. The unnerving way in which his captor lounged lazily against the sleek metal walls of her ship was starting to get to him.

"What happened Krystal…we could have been…we could have had so much…I loved you…I still love you!" he burst out suddenly, no longer able to keep his emotions pent up inside.

"Its Kursed now, Foxy," she stated coldly. She examined her claws casually, tutting absently as she found a scratch "Fitting hm? It's what you made me into…I am cursed I've decided, kicked off my home by the man I love, under the pretence of my safety. I'm sure you and your new girlfriend are perfectly fine off without me. So why'd you come Fox. Why?" he could see the strain this was putting her under. "WHY?" she cried again, her cold façade slipping. Then, as quickly as the old Krystal had come she was suppressed by Kursed. "Why?" she finished quietly, wiping the previously unnoticed tears from her cold eyes.

"Krystal" he started. He wouldn't call the woman he loved by a damn alias to save his life! "I sent you away to keep you safe. Every mission, every dogfight, I wasn't at my best. Every time an enemy fired their lasers, I'd scream through the intercom and boost over to block the shot. I'm sure you remember. I was going crazy. I had to send you away."

"Then why did you come back? Why now?" she said quietly.

"Because I'm going insane without you." He replied. "I love you Krystal; through thick and thin. I always will." He sighed and collapsed against the chair to which he was bound. He bowed his head. "That's all I wanted to say. You can kill me now," He closed his eyes, preparing for the pain. But it never came. Instead there was pure bliss. He felt full cool lips on his, sweet and soft. His eyes opened and he let out a cry of muted surprise. She was kissing him. Her elegant strong hands grabbed his neck and pulled him closer. Her tongue ran along his lower lip, demanding entrance which he granted happily. Then her tongue was wrapping around his own, his strong arms clutched her to his chest, the way not too long ago, he had held her picture, and all coherent thought was lost. When the couple finally broke apart Fox spoke.

"Why?" he asked simply. Krystal grinned and ran a seductive finger down his chest. He shivered pleasurably at her suggestive touch and edged towards her.

"Because you're mine." She replied. "And you better not forget it," Then her lips claimed his once more.