
Hello again.

I'm thinking of discontinuing Banana Chocolate.

Or maybe editing it. Since it doesn't seem to be very popular. )":

Ahhh. Why does everyone like the ANGSTY Roxas.

)); I think he's very /adorable/ inside.

Anyways. While you guys decide for me, (Please, please PM me or tell me whether I should continue it)

I have another idea, hopefully better this time.

Begin .

Rated M for safety.


))": NICELY.

And review. Reviews are the things that add to Writers' fuel .

This is VERY inspired by my real life. I do not own Kingdom Hearts, sadly D: .

Tao, Taiki and Ronno are all after my real life friends.

Chapter 1 .

Beginnings were never this simple.

Sora was always wondering if he should have been born as a girl.

He was also always wondering if it was healthy to have an obsession with gay porn.

Not exactly porn, no. He didn't appreciate that.

He appreciated the fact that people could come up with such lovely ideas in Yaoi manga.

It was so sweet, too sweet.

He a word, addicted.

So when he started secondary school, he wasn't exactly feeling very in place.

And it wasn't just any school.

Destiny Keys Academy.

It was the In school, the It school.

So of course, the little brunette was very, very scared.

Scared that people would find out about his fetish, scared he wouldn't fit in, just basically scared.

But he needn't have worried.

On Orientation Day, he found his class, and made friends with Kairi and Namine.

"Hey, what do they mean by 'How many siblings do you have and which one are you' ?"

Sora was startled for a moment. Usually he was the friendliest around. The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes seemed kind though, so he smiled back and started talking. Yak yak yak. Yes, he was happy. He found out that her name was Namine, (Na-me-nay) .

Then later, he made friends with Kairi, they were already good friends, having been neighbours since they were born.

And so, that was how his days at the Destiny Keys Academy started.

Never did he expect, there was someone always watching him.

Watching and waiting.

Always waiting.

Two Months Later.

"And, the results you're all waiting for....!"

Sora chewed on his bottom lip. The Common Tests weren't easy, not at all. He managed to fail Science, (which, in fact wasn't a really big deal. His parents understood that he was stuck with a Gay Pathetic Jerk of a Science teacher. Mr. Marluxia. I mean, how could someone with PINK HAIR teach Science!?)

"Its okay Sora. Calm down! I'm sure you topped English. You always do. Well, that's what you told me. You topped English all the time at your Primary school, right?"

Ah Yuffie. The little aspiring Ninja girl with her short choppy hair. Well, it was short. Yuffie was starting to grow it out. Quoting "NARUTOOO SAKURA HARUNO!" as her reason, her hair became longer and longer by the day. She also sported a pair of glasses now, her reason being "HARRY POTTERRRR!" Sora really didn't want to ask too many questions. Everything that Yuffie saw usually became an obsession with her.

Sora smiled weakly at her. "I hope so. I mean, Geography... "

"You topped it! GEEZ, stop worrying so much! I did so much worse than you," She said with exasperation, emphasising on the 'worse' . "You're some bloody professional at everything you do!"

"Oh stop it! You KNOW that...that Roxas got the same marks as me or something! And I can't stand Roxas! He's so...GRRNGHH." The conflict between the two had started ever since...well, ever since they met each other. Sora originally had nothing against Roxas. He was kinda cute, plus, he was another whiz/genius. According to Tidus, (Who was the class' most well behaved student surprisingly, coming at 6:45AM in the morning just to clean the classroom walls of dirty footprints left behind by their seniors.) But Roxas, Roxas just had to go ahead and show how irritating/perverted/weird he was.

Sora didn't speak to many people at first, but he warmed up. Everyone liked him for his easy going fun personality, and of course, his discipline towards his class. Certainly , he could pack a punch for such a girly boy. Alot of people were scared of him as well as taken in by him. It was enchanting though. He could be moody and then suddenly brighten up for no reason. He really didn't talk to Roxas, but Roxas...for some reason just wanted, wanted to get on Soras' nerves.

It all started with Keybook. It was the latest craze, beating Palster along the way. MyHeart was also over shadowed by the latest social networking website. Kairi and Namine introduced him to it, and then pushed him INTO it. It was fun though. Really, really fun. iPETzCiTY was one of those applications which let Sora waste away his time by playing with his pet, which he named Khchiie (Kay-h-chi), after his favourite Playstation game. So that was that, he added his classmates, his old friends, his relatives and just about anybody.

Then for some reason Roxas added him. It popped up unexpected, 'Roxas Strife has added you as a friend on Keybook. Do you accept, or ignore?" Since he didn't think it would affect him at all, he clicked accept, unaware of the trouble he had brought upon himself. After a while, there became a sudden craze in their class about 'spamming' people on Keybook. Sora thought it would never hit him. After all, he had proved his fierceness and his attitude a while back. Plus, he wasn't a girl. No one would dare spam him, right? So he listened to Kairi, Namine, Yuffie and the rest complained about the spamming from irritating idiots like Seifer, Wakka, Riku, Tao, Taiki, Ronno and the rest.

Then, one fine day during the Computer Skills lesson in school, Roxas' name popped up in the chat box.

And, Sora opened it.

He died after 54 clicks of making the chat box close from Roxas' 'Haha' repetitive spams.

From that day on, Sora called him the 'Haha Maniac', and Roxas would always laugh and run away from the brunette.

It happened so many times, that Sora lost count of it.

That, was the irritating part.

The perverted part, was when Ronno was holding a plastic bag in class, while packing his bag. After he had packed it, Ronno shook the seemingly empty plastic bag up and down before tying it up and putting it on the table. Roxas, of course, saw. "I know, what's inside, that bag, Ronno." A sly smile graced his face as Sora looked on in amusement. "What?! What's in it?!" Ronno looked at Roxas, unsure of what Roxas was planning. "I know, I know you do that one, and you go to the adult shops, and inside that bag, are condoms."

Sora spit the water from his mouth all on the floor, much to Ronno's disgust in both situations he was in. The brunette let out peals of laughter, just looking at the charcoal coloured hair boy.

Ronno stared at Roxas.


Roxas sighed, and then repeated himself, in a much way.

"I know, you already had Sex, you go to Sex shops to buy Toys to play with and, inside that bag, are Condoms, because you're gay."

The blonde laughed as he watched the 2 shocked figures in front of him fall to the floor with a loud 'Thud' .

The weird part...

Well. There was nothing else to explain was there?

Except... After the whole 'Ronno Incident', as the class dubbed it, Sora thought that everything went back to normal.

How wrong he was.

Roxas came up to him, silently. Sora, being the blur lil dainty looking maiden he was, said a simple 'Hi!' before returning to his book on his desk. Of course, the blonde wasn't going to take this. Heaven knows what he was planning.

"Oh Soraaaa."

"Hmm? Roxas?"

Roxas poked Sora in the side of his stomach playfully, causing Sora to get a full blown blush on his face. "ROXAS!" Roxas chuckled before running to his chair for safety.

The day ended with another chase around the class with Sora yelling at Roxas, and Roxas chuckling in merriment. Things were looking up for the blonde. And maybe, the brunette.


Suddenly jolted from the past by the excited screams of Yuffie, and the whole class' stares, Sora wasn't exactly in the best of moods. He replied back in a blunt tone.


"You topped the class! You topped the class in English, the only one with 'A'! And also Geography! I don't know what you did, but you got 82%!"


Amidst the many 'Congrats Sora!' from his classmates, and hi-fiving with Tidus due to their exact same marks in Mathematics. Ronno's yells of complaints of jealousy, and Yuffie, Kairi, Namine and the rests' screaming over their test results, either in happiness or disappointment.

But at the corner of his eye, Sora saw something totally unexpected, something...adorable.

Roxas' genuine smile, advancing towards him.

"Congratulations, Sora."

Sora looked up, returning the smile.

"Thank you."

Their relief teacher watched this with amusement.

Picking up the phone, he dialed their Form Teachers' number.

"May I speak to Ms Gainsborough? Thank you."

"Hello?" The dainty flowery voice flowed through the phone.

"Aerith, its Sephiroth."

"Hahaha. Hey, what can I do for you? I'm sorry I called you in to replace me today. I'm not feeling very well."

"Its okay. I called to ask for a favour."

"Anything, Sephi."

His eyes narrowed with slight embarrassment at being called his pet name.

"I need you to make Sora and Roxas sit near each other."

There was a silence, then a peal of laughter errupted from the female on the line.

"There's something between them isn't there? I always thought so."

"Correct, my dear Aeri," He twisted the phone cord around his fingers. "And its going to be juicy."

The woman laughed again. "When did YOU start saying juicy?"

"...Since I tasted your lemonade. With milk."

They both errupted into laughter, blending in with the excited screams of the students in the background.


That turned out pretty good, didn't it? :D.

Please review, no flaming.

I love this story, I guess its because its kinda like what happened to me.

Of course there are many different parts, but still.


ily all!

-Lait. :D .