Disclaimer; I do not own Bleach.


This is a ridiculous story that should not be viewed by serious readers. It is all that is insanity, and might make you giggle.

Los Noches

"BATSBATSBATSBATS!!" screeched Ulquiorra, running down the corridors of Las Noches with no clothes on.

Grimmjow tail-gated the agitated man, who was slamming into walls with extreme force.

"Ulquiorra!! What the fuck is this all about? COME BACK AND FIGHT ME!" he screamed, pelting after the Cuarto Espada.

Meanwhile, Szayel was in his room, contemplating his newest experiment.

Lifting the burning, feathered ball off of his table, a look of disgust registered across his face.

"Nnoitra!!!!" he screamed in his highly pitched feminine voice.

Nnoitra burst into the room, setting everything on fire.

"I'm here to save you, my lover boy!!" he screamed un-characteristically as he swooped Szayel into his arms, whereupon the two of them flew to the moon.

Aaroniero was sipping tea on one of the various towers atop of Los Noches.

"Dear Diary. Today, I woke up with a pleasant feeling that it would be a good day. I looked into the shining sun; well, moon, rather, and I was delighted to find that FingPickle the leprechaun had accepted my invitation to the tea party we will be holding on this weening moon's night- Euuughghgghghhhhaaaaaahh!!!!!" Aaronieo screamed, falling through the air as the tower he sat upon promptly exploded.

"We're going to the moon, BRB!" screamed Szayel as he and Nnoitra escaped into the skies.

Aaroniero lay on the ground, his tea strewn all over his white robe, and sobbed.

"Dear Diary. This is the third time this week. The third. Fucking. Time."

And we trail away from the bitchy whinings of Aaroniero as we cross over to Yammy, who is still as stupid as a brain damaged dog shit.

"Durrgh... well, umm, how was it like being like an owl... like duurgh."

Yammy drooled all over Zommari's robe, much to the Espada's disgust.

"Would you PLEASE refrain from touching me? Look, I know I'm supposed to be this refrained, awesome Espada guy that fears nothing except bitchy Byakuya's zanpaktou, but come on! Can't you just annoy someone else?" Zommari lisped, palming Yammy away from him.

"Durrg.. I love you."

Zommari's head promptly exploded into a million cats.

Across two more buildings, Halibel was having a huge motherfucking bitchfit.

"I am so SICK of you sluts using my makeup!" she screamed, kicking her Fraccion across the room, whereupon they all died.

"Ugh! Where the fuck is Stark??"

Flying out of her room, she crashed into the next tower, where Stark was lying in his bed, playing a Nintendo Wii.

"Fucking hell Stark; I am like, totally annoyed! Them bitches are using up all my make- hey, are you playing Wii Tennis?" asked Halibel, looking incrediously at the lazy Espada.

He sighed and turned his head, the result of which caused a huge kink in it to crack.

"Yes, you whore face. Let's team up."

The rest of the day was spent on the two of them raging at each other when someone missed the ball, and huge cheers when they won.

Meanwhile, Barracan stood outside the door of Starks room, grumbling angrily and taking down notes.

"How dare they have fun in my prescence! Why, when I was a young lad..."

The old man talked himself silly, and was found later on twitching repulsively and frothing at the mouth.

Ulquiorra and Grimmjow had formulated an evil, diabolical plan, in which they planned to take over Los Noches.

Creeping up to Aizen's room, they opened the door a crack to hear loud arse snoring.

"He's asleep! EXCELLENT!! BWAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAAA!!" roared Ulquiorra, shaking the building with his voice.

Grimmjow slapped him across the face.

"Shut the fuck up! You'll wake him up you fuckpot!" he hissed.

The two snuck stealthily in the room; or rather, as stealthily as they could.

Ulquiorra tripped over a bucket, a rake, and set off a bomb that brought half the roof down on top of them.

"Don't worry, I don't think he heard." he whispered confidently as Grimmjow facepalmed himself.

Producing a bowl of warm water, the duo rested it on Aizen's bedside table, and slowly put his hand in the water.

A huge waterfall of urine erputed from Aizen's pants, and he screamed and jumped up.

Grimmjow and Ulquiorra ran from the room, giggling wickedly as Aizen's screams of trauma followed them down the hall.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Aaroneiro was walking down the halls in a dejected manner, when he picked up a faint, roaring sound.

"What on earth is that?" he thought, rounding the corner.

A wall of pee knocked him down and carried the shrieking Espada throughout the halls of Los Noches.

Zommari's body flailed next to Aaroneiro's own, causing him to screech louder.

Then Yammy jumped out of nowhere and crushed them.

"The moon is lovely and all, but shouldn't we get back to Los Noches?" asked Szayel, battering his eyelashes at Nnoitra, who drooled.

"I suppose so. LET'S GO!"

With that, the two of them jumped off the moon and fell to the earth, flailing and singing Spice Girls, "Spice Up Your Life".

Tousen and Gin walked hand in hand across the desert.


Tousen knelt down on one knee, and Gin gasped.

"Will you... become my-"

The two were crushed by Nnoitra and Szayel, and the group decided to have a bone breaking orgy.

Meanwhile, Ulquiorra flew out of Los Noches with Grimmjow humping his leg.

"GET OFF ME! I LIKE FLOWERS!! WHERE ARE MY DRUGS?! I AM BATMAN!!!" the now sufficiently insane Espada declared.

Grimmjow giggled like a sissy little school girl and ate Ulquiorra's shoe.

In a different tower, Halibel and Stark stared with bloodshot eyes at the television.

"Round the corner, no two! TWO!" shrieked Halibel, whipping her Wii control out and hitting Stark in the side of the head, concussing him.

Aizen burst into the room, and kicked Stark out the window.

"HALIBEL! I WET MY PANTS AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!" shrieked Aizen, shaking Halibel by the shoulders until her boobs flew off and smacked him in the face.

Everyone in Hueco Mundo similtainiously went insane and started having a huge mother fucking party in Aizen's meeting room.

"RAVE! RAVE!! PARTAAAAAY!!!" screamed Aizen, jumping into the crowd on a surfboard.

Ulquiorra pimpslapped Nnoitra, causing a huge arsed fight to break out, and Halibel sat under a table, jumping out at people and screaming before retreating back underneath.

Old man Barracan was seizuring in the middle of the dance floor, and Szayel was whoring it up with some random Shinigami who appeared.

Aaroniero, Yammy and Zommari were somewhere on Mars, and Stark was outside on the compost heap, dead.

Aizen whipped out a button and pressed it, and the room promptly exploded, giving everyone anal rash.


A/N; ....
