I am majorly sorry for the slow update! My schedule is madness! You have all means to hate me right now. I am super sorry! I am mentally kicking myself right now.

The last line of the site that Chad was on was inspired by b-Kaz.

Anyways, here is chapter 8.

Chad's POV

I found a site with a list of ways to make a girl realize you love her and they all sucked. Badly. Just tell her you love her, yeah right! Send her flowers, Sonny is too special for that. There was nothing good! I read the last line of the list: You must be pretty desperate to go on google to find ways to make a girl realize you love her. Just do something you know she'll love, you know how to do, and will make you look less stupid then you do now.

A light bulb lit out over my head as a perfect idea formed in my head. A huge smile spread across my beautiful face and I began to work on my fool-proof plan.

Sonny's POV

Today we were going to start shooting the movie. Every cast member who needed to be on set – Chad and I – was in position. Kelly sat the directors chair with the camera men at her side.

"Okay! Action!" Kelly yelled and we all got into character.

"Lora, I'm sorry!" Sam called out to me. The set was on the beach and I was in a simple white dress and Sam was dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt.

"Sam," I turned around sharply. "You don't get it, do you? It takes more then saying your sorry!"

I turned around but Sam grabbed my hand, turning me back around. He stared me in the eyes.

"Then I hope this will help you forgive me." He tilted my head back and slowly leaned towards my face…

"I can't do this," I pulled away from Chad and ran off set, leaving behind a stunned cast. I just couldn't kiss him. I just couldn't. Kelly got out of her chair, astounded, Chad stared after me, shocked, and John looked after me, annoyed.

I ran down the hall, to my Summer Nights dressing room. The walls were painted bright yellow and the furniture was pink. I sat down on my pink couch and pulled my knees up to my chest. I felt stupid for running off, but I knew I would break down if I kissed him.

I looked around the room and my eyes suddenly landed on a folded up piece of paper. I slowly picked it up and read the confusing note.

The note said: Jag älskar dig.

I had absolutely no idea what that meant. I threw it on the couch and got back up when I heard a knock on the door. I went to go to see who it was and was shocked to find Kelly standing there.

"Hey Sonny," Kelly smiled. "Can I come in?"

I just stared for a second before answering with a quick, "Yes, of course."

We both went over to the couch and sat down.

"Sonny," Kelly started, "Why wouldn't you kiss Chad out there? Is there something wrong?"

"Uh, it's just…" I trailed off. "I was just hoping we could postpone that scene for another day. I'm, uh, sick." I fake coughed and looked at her sheepishly, hoping she believed it.

"Ok, we will postpone it, for next week. I hope you feel better Sonny." With that, Kelly got up, and left the room.

Okay, so I had a week to get over Chad. Fun.

This whole week, we filmed every scene except the kiss, and I wasn't one bit over Chad. Also that week I got more strange letters but they came differently. Here is a list of what they said and how they came.

Обичам те – on a card, attached to flowers.

Volim te – Attached to my script.

Jeg elsker dig – Written in the sand, outside my window.

Minä rakastan sinua – Written in whip-cream on my dressing room mirror.

Je t'aime – spelled out in chocolate kisses.

Every single note, or message left, I didn't know what any of them meant or who wrote them. It was a little creepy.

Right now I was leaving the set and headed to my dressing room. I noticed a small note attached to my door with a red ribbon on the corner. I peeled the note off the door and opened it.

Follow the red ribbons down the hall.

Sincerely, someone you know.

P.s. remember, Miluji tě.

"What red ribbons?" I looked up and saw ribbons on the walls, leading somewhere.

"Why not," I shrugged and followed the ribbons. What I didn't notice before was that there were small pieces of paper hanging from each ribbons. I read them as I walked.

Обичам те

Volim te

Jeg elsker dig

Minä rakastan sinua

Je t'aime

Miluji tě

I was at the back door of the studio and I read the first note that actually made a little sense to me.

Te amo

I took Spanish back in Wisconsin and I knew amo meant love. Love what? I opened the back doors of the studio and saw something I would have never guessed.

Chad Dylan Cooper stood under my apple tree on the hill, holding a big white sign that read "I love you". The apple tree had a giant red ribbon rapped around it that matched the color of the apples.

I suddenly realized that all of those letters and weird messages were "I love you" in different languages, sent by Chad. Something struck me like lightning at the moment:

Chad Dylan Cooper loved me.

Like it? Hate it? Review it! Also, Chad doing something with the apple tree was also b-Kaz's idea. Remember, if you review more, I will review faster. Again, sorry for the slow update!!!!!!