Disclaimer : I do not own Twilight or it's characters, they all belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer.
Summary: Edward is tired of being the only Cullen without a mate. Bella is a star how fall from the sky. So when Edward is in his meadow one cold evening, he see's what appears to be a falling star. But when it crash landed about a mile away from his meadow, he goes an investigates it. What will happen when he get there, will he finally fins his soulmate, or is there another fate destined for them both
I walked though the forest, letting the cold air blow in my face. I was on my way to my meadow, where I could have some peace and be away from the thoughts of my family and of the humans around me. No one knew about my meadow, except for maybe Alice. My meadow was my sanctuary and even though it was the middle of winter, it was still beautiful.
I loved going there, the only thing that bothered me was that I had no one to share it with me, I mean of course I could share it with my family but I want to share it with someone who I loved and they loved me in return, my soulmate. Evenyone around me had there soulmate's and I was the only Cullen yet to have one and besides Carlisle I am the second oldest, it was really sad. Of course I had females that were willing but none of them really ever caught my eye.
I finally made it to my meadow and walked to the center and laid down. The cold ground did not effect my cold, hard body, and so I was rather comfortable. I looked up at the night sky and was taken back at how beautiful it was. Living out in the woods really had it's benefits because you could see every star and constalation out here, it was remarkable.
I continued to stare out into the midnight, suddenly there was a bright flash, so bright the my vampire sight was effected. I had to squint my eyes to see what it was. When my eyes adjusted to the light I saw what looked like a shooting star falling towards earth, it was moving at a very fast pace. I watched it fly over me and crash into the ground about a mile away. My curiousity got the better of me and I ran as fast as I could to where the star had fallen.
When I got to the sight, the bright light was gone but left in it's wake was a giant hole. I stared at the hole in amazement, the thing was freaking huge. My family must have heard it as well because I could hear their thoughts as they ran to where I was. When they got there, Carlisle was the first to reach me " Edward are you all right " he asked liking a caring father should. I shook my head yes and explained what happen. After I explained what happen, my family was in awe, none of them had ever seen anything like this, even though some of them have been around for awhile. As we chatted and looked around at the massive hole, I heard what sounded like groaning. I shushed everyone to listen more closely where the noise was coming from. My family had also heard it because they were trying to find the sound as well. I let my ears carry me to the sound, they lead me into the center of the cavern.
When I was almost there I saw movement, my automatic response was to tense and prepare for a fight, my family as well saw the movement and was ready to back me up. As we looked towards the center, I saw what appeared to be sliver liquid just laying there twitching every now and then. I heard the groaning again, and was actually kind of freaked out, which was werid because I was a vampire. I started making my way over to the silver pool with my family in tow, I raised my hand and told them to stay behind, they obliged. I slowly walked towards the silver pool, hoping to god it was not an alien or something of that nature.
When I was about a two feet away from the pool, I noticed that it was not a pool, to my surprise it was a really long dress that was silver. What was even more a shocker was that at the bottom of the dress, I saw barefeet poking their way out. I followed the feet up long legs and over a flat stomach and up to a face, but what I saw there took my breath away. The face was heart-shaped that had pouty lips and the nose and chin looked like they were made to fit onto the face. I couldn't see the eyes for they were closed, all of this beauty was framed by a mass of brown hair, that was fanned out behind the creature's head, this creature was the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen.
I was so transfixed that I didn't notice the creature had opened her eyes. I was brought out of my stare by a voice that sounded like bells.
" What happen " the creature said weakly and softly to herself, apparently she has not seen me yet. When I took a step toward's here, she saw me then because she jumped to her feet so fast, that even I didn't catch it, but as soon as she was on her feet, she feel back down towards the ground with an agonized scream, I immediatly ran over to her to help her.
" Are you allright " I asked. She looked up at me, and what I saw were deep brown eyes starring back at me.
" I'm fine " she said trying to stand again, but fell back to the earth with another cry.
" Sure doesn't look like it " I said sarcastically, she gave me an evil look and pushed me away from her.
" What do you want from me and who are you " she asked
" My name is Edward and I was in my meadow when you crash landed into earth so I followed it, you, to see what happen and here I am now "
She just scowled at me and started to looking at what appeared to be a broken leg.
" What are you " I asked before I thought about it. She looked up at me with a " are you serious " look and snorted when she saw the confusion on my face.
" You think you would know what a star is when you see one " she said, rubbing here injured leg. I stared opened mouth at her, a star, she was a star, incredible. I was brought out of my astonishment when I heard her make a pained cry and I saw start to flatter. I got to her just in time before the her head hit the ground. She must be in alot of pain to pass out. I picked her up gently and carried her back to my awaiting family. When I got there they were all staring in amazement. Alice was the first to speak.
" Edward what is that " she pointed to the girl in my arms.
" A star " I said just a plainly as if I saw a star everyday.
There was a chorus of gasps and then they were all talking and asking questions. Carlisle got even one calmed down and continued to talked to me.
" I have heard of such a thing like this but it only happens like every thousand years or so, vampires are the only ones to see this type of thing because they are around for so long. When a star falls, there is always a reason for it happening, but the reasons are never good, we should take her back to the house and keep an eye on her until she wakes up then we can ask the questions" Carlisle said in a serious tone.
" Carlisle, I think her leg is broken and she might have other injuries as well,because she passed out " I said to Carlisle in a worried tone. He simply nodded his head and said " I will take a look at her when we get home, but we must hurry ".
Everyone began to run at vampire speed back to the house, me with the girl in my arms. We reached the house fairly quickly and I dashed upstairs and into my room and put the star onto my bed, I would have to find a name out soon, because I could not keep calling her star. Carlisle checked her leg, it indeed was broken, so he set it back in place and put a cast around around to brace it so it would heal correctly. After he checked out to see if there were any other injuries, which there was nothing besides the broken leg, he left with everyone and left me there. I decided to stay, so when she woke up atleast she would see a familiar face and not get freaked out. The first question I would ask when she woke up was her name.
Well what do you think. The movie Stardust was really good and it is one of my favorite movie, so why not combine my favorite book characters with a good movie. If you think I need to change something let me know, and I will. Please read and rate.