The past 3 days where literally hell for the blonde; not eating was one of the hardest things Deidara had ever done in his life. But after much agony, he had managed to keep away from eating.

"DEIDARA!" Sasori yelled trying to get Deidaras attention.

"Huh? Oh, Sasori Danna what is it un?"

"You've been dazing off ever since you got in today. Didn't get enough sleep?"

"Uh I just have a lot on my mind un. Nothing to worry about."

"Uh okay, well as I was saying…You have a charity concert today." Deidara nodded.

"Will I be dancing un?" Sasori shook his head.

"No, actually you are going to be performing with two other new artists. All profits you make are going to the Kids with Cancer foundation." Deidara nodded understanding what his manager was saying.

"Sounds like a good cause un."

"It is here are the songs you will be singing." Sasori handed Deidara a sheet of paper with a bunch of information scrabbled down. His eyes scrolled down until he saw his name and a few songs. He stared at one of the songs on the list.

"Danna, I can't sing this song without Chihiro un. She is the only one who knows the acoustics." Deidara said pointing to the paper.

"Well Deidara, it's a good thing that she will be performing with you then." Sasori said very casually like it was nothing. It took a couple minutes to process with the blonde until he finally realized what Sasori had said. When he finally recognized what was said he glomped his manager.

"DANNA! YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING PERSON IN THE WORLD UN!!" Deidara had glomped Sasori so hard that he ended up knocking the both of them over. Sasori was on his back while Deidara lay on top of him with a loud THUD.

"Ouch, dammit brat! If I knew you would act like that I would have never done it!" Sasori raised his head, brushing his nose against Sasori's.

"I'm sorry Sasori Danna." Deidara said in his sweetest tone. Sasori locked his eyes with Deidaras, causing the redhead to blush. Sasori rolled on his side in attempt to hide the blush and pushing the blonde off him.

"Just get ready brat."


A few hours later, Deidara had arrived to a big open area with a stage accompied with instruments and a microphone. Immediately, he was ushered out of the car and taken behind the stage to get his makeup preparations done.

"You have the most beautiful hair!" A woman brushing Deidaras hair complimented.

"Thank you un, it took me a long time to grow out. Can you leave my fringe the way it is un? It's kind of a signature thing."

"No problem!" She continued to brush away. Just then Deidaras stomached growled. The lady laughed lightly. "Would you like something to eat Mr. Iowa?"

"Uhh no, I just ate before I came. Its probably digesting the food un. And call me Deidara."

"Okay Deidara!" She finished the blondes' hair, leaving his fringe alone, and began to work his makeup. After finishing that, Sasori came to get the blonde with 3 people following him. Two of them where male and one was female. The female had pink hair while the other two had blonde and black.

"Deidara, since you are becoming more popular, I have decided to hire you some personal body guards." Sasori ushered towards the three people behind him. "This is Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. They are going to be your personal body guards." Deidara nodded.

"Nice to meet you all, I leave my safety in your hands." Deidara said bowing to the three body guards.

"No problem Mr. Iwa! We are here to serve you! Plus, I am a really big fan!" The blonde haired boy, Naruto, said.

"Will you zip it!" The pink haired girl said smacking the Naruto. "Please excuse him Mr. Iwa, he isn't all quite there." She said smiling at Deidara.

"Uhh don't sweat it, I am a normal person too you know. And call me Deidara un."

"HE IS SO COOL!" Naruto and Sakura said at the same time while Sasuke just kept his cool.

"Deidara, you must be getting to stage. You are the opening song after all." Sasori said to Deidara who nodded. He made his way over to the stage, listening to the announcer finish his speech.

"Deidara." Somebody whispered hugging the blonde. Deidara looked down to see a small blonde girl hugging him.

"Chihiro!" He said getting hushed while hugging the girl. Though they lived together, they hardly saw each other due to Deidaras new schedule. Deidara was really excited, he missed playing with his sister so much. She was the one who encouraged him to become a singer and give him hope, if it wasn't for her he would have never been where he was today.

"Please welcome our first singer, DEIDARA IWA!" The announcer said causing the crowd to cheer extremely loud. Deidara released his grip from his sister and took a deep breathe. He walked out on stage causing the crowd to go wild. To Deidara, it looked like a zoo had been let loose. There had been so many people cheering and screaming for him. He couldn't help but let a smile grace his lips. He stepped up to the microphone, letting everyone else settle in.

"Thank you all very much for coming out today and supporting the kids with cancer foundation. I am very honored that I can come out and play for it and I hope you enjoy the show un." The crowd cheered louder.

"Now un, I want you all to quiet down and takes these lyrics I am going to sing in a second to heart. This song is very close to my heart."

Deidara looked over at Chihiro who was set up on the guitar. He gave her a little nod and she nodded back. Softly, she bang to glide her hands over the instrument making beautiful noise. Deidara closed his eyes, and began to sing.

Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy.
One look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around.
I see what's going down.

Cover up with make-up in the mirror.
Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again.
You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.

Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's goin' to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wait around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down.

I see the way you go and say your right again,
say your right again
hear my lecture

Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down a new life she has found.

Face down in the dirt she says, this doesn't hurt she said I finally had enough.

Face down in the dirt she says, this doesn't hurt she said I finally had enough.

One day she will tell you that she has had enough, its coming round again.

Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?

Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

Face down in the dirt she says, this doesn't hurt she says I finally had enough.

By the end of the song Deidara was nearly to tears but he held them back and continued on with his next song.

Hopefully this chapter is better than the last :] If you want me to add characters or have plans for any of them let me know. I only have plan development on Deidara and Sasori, no one else. I wanted to update ealier but my computer crashed and that set me back...

Please review and let me know what you think. BY THE WAY the song is The Acoustic version of Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Also I want to rename this story, but I don't know what to name it so let me know if you have any ideas! I really need them!!

Ja ne!
