Ummm, as you can tell (if you read the category) this is about +anima. Duh! Lolz!

Chapter One

Cooro, Husky, Nana, and Senri were sitting on the ground, watching the sunset on the horizon.

Cooro gazed at the orange sun, "this is so beautiful, it's like another wonder of the world!"

Husky laid back, "I wish this could last a lifetime."

Nana followed in suit, "I agree, this is the most wonderful sight I ever saw!"

Senri, surprisingly, said, "Very pretty."

They gazed at the ball of fire dropping below the horizon.

"aww man, it went away," Cooro frowned, looking at the others.

"What a shame," Nana said sitting up, "it was so beautiful."

They sat in silence for what seemed to be hours but the dwindling sunlight was still showing across the treetops. There was a zwoom sound then a crash. The gang all jerked their heads to the right, were the noise came from. Cooro, of course, was already up and running toward the sound, while the rest were following.

Cooro exclaimed, "Come on guys! There's something here!"

They reached their destination, gasping for air. In front of the four were two people. A boy and a girl; the boy had orange spiked hair with green eyes. He also had an orange t-shirt with a green long sleeve shirt underneath it. He had green jeans on and tennis shoes. The girl was wearing a pink t-shirt with a purple zip-up jacket and denim jeans with a pair of sandals. She also wore a shoulder purse. Her eyes were blue and her hair was black.

The gang stood in silence. They all thought, what are they wearing?

Nana was the fist to speak, "what are you wearing?"

The girl frowned, "what are you wearing? Who wears a skirt in winter?"

Nana glanced to her friends then looked back, "um, it's the middle of summer. And you're the one with weird clothes. May I ask your name?"

The girl stood up, dusting of her jeans, "the name's Honako, this is my brother, Taro."

Taro stood up and mumbled, "Sis, I don't think were in Texas anymore. Did something happen?" he glanced around nervously.

Husky eyed the both of them, "what's Texas? And why are you here, this is the middle of the forest?"

Honako glared at Husky, "well it's a state in the U.S. and I'm- we're here for some reason that we don't know. Could you tell us were we are?"

Cooro smiled happily, "you're in the country of Astaria! Or more easily understood as, you're in a forest."

Nana tugged on Cooro's arm, "Cooro, I don't think that was necessary."

Taro glanced at each of their faces, "um, I hope you don't mind but what are you guy's names?"

Husky sighed, "I'm Husky, that's Nana" he pointed at Nana, "that's Cooro," he gestured at him, "and that's Senri."

Honako suddenly realized Senri had gray eyes, "what the heck is wrong with his eyes?"

Cooro looked to were she was pointing and said, "it's his eye color, is that wrong? You have blue eyes."

She gasped, "And she has blue hair!"

Nana furrowed her brow, "I don't have blue hair."

Honako shook her head, "no, no, no. I meant her!" she said pointing at Husky.

"Who are you calling a girl?" Husky exclaimed stepping forward, holding his fist up.

Taro giggled, "Sis you're such a ditz. He's clearly a guy!" he pointed at Husky's chest, "he would have boobs if he was!"

Honako grabbed her brother by the shoulders, "Taro, we're surrounded by freaks! How can you crack jokes now?"

Everyone was taken aback by that comment. Nana started to cry and Cooro frowned.

Husky yelled, "Well to us, you're the freaks. 'cause in this world, you don't shoot off other people. You, you aliens!"

Taro faced Husky tears in his eyes, "if that's how you roll then why are you doing it to us? We have feelings too. You don't understand what it feels like to be shunned by everyone that comes near you!"

Honako picked up, "we have to live with being called freaks of nature! And even in this world we're freaks!" they started to break down.

Cooro squatted down so they were at eye level, "we do know what's it like." They shifted their eyes up. "We are being shunned by the society, and we are called freaks of nature. Personally, I'm called the messenger of death, while Husky's called a mermaid princess, and Nana's called a thief, plus Senri's even shunned by his friend! We understand your pain."

Taro dried his eyes, "but, um, why are you called those things?"

"We're +anima," Husky admitted. "Beings who posses animal-like powers."

Nana joined in the explanation, "like Cooro's a crow, Husky's a fish, and Senri's a bear."

Honako sniffed, "what are you?"

"I'm a bat," she looked down.

Taro smiled, "well let's not grieve on this, Honako, we have new lives now! We can start anew!"

Honako smiled like her brother, "yeah!" she turned her head toward the group, "can we be with you guys until we get to a city?"

Cooro looked at Honako, "the nearest city is Astar, but there are towns close by."

"Chose your poison." Honako mumbled.

"Thanks for letting us with you guys!" Taro said with his hand held out.

Hmm, this was emotional. If you don't understand, it's ok! I don't either!

I know that sounded weird…




maybe I'm just bored.