I was bored one day at College during my Pre-Calculus class that I didn't even take the notes for the class, instead for the whole hour and forty-five minutes I did nothing but write this story of mini-one-shots. I'm also in the process of having my English teacher read this for fun. (I was kinda forced into doing that by another one of my classmates, evil little man he is) Anyways I hope that you like this story and please feel free to critique it in any way you want.

Title: Nobody Knew
Rating: T to M
Author: Emily-Brat
Notes: Nobody knew, not even him until the inevitable happened. Numbers above the section indicate months.


She knew what was wrong with her; it didn't take rocket science to know what was happening in your own body. The thing was that she had to make sure just so that she would get her mind off of this. So now she sits on her toilet seat, leg bouncing up and down in a nervous way. She had to wait for the results, but she hated waiting on things, that was how she was, even when she was younger. Looking at her watch, she had exactly four minutes and ten seconds until the results became clearer.

She had to get her mind off things, but with her, once its there it won't leave. She had to get her mind off the man that she fell in love with, but didn't love her back-he was married after all. He was married to her best friends older sister, a caramel skinned, and brunette haired Cuban woman. A woman that she could not be, she was not caramel skinned toned, nor was she brunette, no she was none of those things, instead she was a pale skinned, blonde haired woman that had no life outside of work.

Three minutes and twenty-one seconds. Still too long for her to wait, but what was she going to do-no take that back- what is she going to do? Could her life turn anymore sideways then it already is? What about him? What would he say to her? Would he be mad? Sad? Happy? Oh God, she was in trouble!

Two minutes and ten seconds. Still too long, but it was closer to the results. Great! What would his wife say to her? She is going to lose her job for this if IAB finds out. This is a 50/50 win-lose situation and she knew right now that she was all alone.

One minute left. So close... She had to know the results now. What would her best friend think? Well never mind about that, she already knows what she would say, but what would the others say to her? Crap! What would the brother say?

Looking at her watch one more time- fifth actually- she counted the seconds down in her head. Beep..Beep..Beep went the alarm on her watch. Grabbing the object off her sink, she looked- looked to make sure she was right, looked for the little lines that were now appearing before her eyes. She cried when she found out, because this means that she was completely alone for the next eight months.

The results were in, the results that now have changed her life forever is there growing inside her stomach. Calleigh Duquesne-33 years old, a CSI, and a single woman-is pregnant. She is pregnant with a baby, a baby that now depends on her to live. A baby that also has DNA of the one and only Horatio Caine-her boss. Boy, is this going to be hard to tell everybody, including the father.

Please Review and tell me what you think!! Thanks!! The MORE REVIEWS that I have, the faster I update since I have the next four chapters already written.