YAAAAY its another horrifying fic? this ones on the fluffier, not horrifying side XD so, no worries!...i think. i havent got much planned out passed this or the next chapter, so there could be bad stuff maybe. not likely.
warnings: angst, AU, OOC? shounen ai, spoilers if you havent read past faust's fight, aaaand maybe even beyond that.
inspiration: "star struck" by lady gaga, and "sen no yoru woe koete" by aqua timez.
reasons: i just adore this pairing and i really wanna write a chapter fic based on this idea suddenly.
rating: T or more, prolly just T.
pairing: yoh/manta (or either way, manta/yoh, whichever)
summary: what if manta HAD left for america? what would have happened? and, why does he have these feelings that confuse him suddenly?
disclaimer: noooot mine~ it wouldnt be passed book 1 if i owned it, i'm so lazy!
erm, enjoy? i hope so anyway. also, as much of a nitpick as I am, my version isnt exactly spot on with quotes or actions...so, please forgive that. ALSO, this is based on the mangaverse, so it'll differ from the anime more than likely. just so you know!!
Light taps echoed the down the hallway, one of the few noises to be heard in the quiet hospital wing. Holding the can of soda in a subdued manner, Manta frowned deeply as he made his way down the hall. The events of the day ran through his mind, sharp and stinging like the slight bruise on his cheek. Leaving to America...just like that? Narrowing his eyes a little, he sighed. Its not like he hadn't known it was coming...but he had been so wrapped up in the last year with Yoh that he hadn't really paid it much attention. Speaking of Yoh...
"Spring break is almost out, and he hasn't even visited me yet...he didn't even tell me how the battle went." he mumbled to himself, closing his eyes in disappointment. He could end up moving, and he'd never be able to tell Yoh if he didn't visit soon. The pang of worry that shot through his stomach made his frown deepen, and he glanced up at the walls, searching out his own room number.
As the numbers passed by, he mumbled softly, "Thats ru-" he froze, nearly falling flat on his face the soda dropping to the tiled floor with a loud clang.
Eyes wide, the blond felt like kicking himself. "Of course he cant visit me, HE'S in the hospital!!" he cried, screwing up his hair.
Suddenly, his stomach dropped and he felt numb. Briefly, Manta thought, how was Yoh? How did the battle go? It couldn't have gone well if Yoh was in the hospital. Manta himself only remembered bits and pieces after Faust had sliced him open, fear and pain having control of his mind for most of that battle. All he really remembered was Anna showing up, and Yoh trying desperately to get to him.
A gnawing fear began to worm itself into Manta's throat as well, making his words quake a little. "Wait...how did that battle go?!"
He had to know!
Yoh wasn't in the least surprised to see Manta's tiny frame burst through the closed hospital door, as he had heard his loud self-musings before hand. However, a nervousness had began to make him think twice. Think thrice even. Did he have the heart to lie like this? Anna saw the expression in her fiancé's eyes the moment that the tiny blond teenager's voice echoed loudly in the hallway, and resisted the urge to say anything. She knew why Yoh was doing this, and she wouldn't stop him.
Peeling an apple carefully and seemingly calmly with a small knife, as she had every day, Anna glanced up at Manta's disgruntled form then back at the apple, uncaring. Amidamaru did as Anna had, glancing up at Manta, then away. The atmosphere was tense with apprehension, and the looming question in the trio's mind as Manta began to pick up on the vibes they sent out. Could Yoh do it?
Eyes narrowing and hardening, like the expressions Anna knew well from the teenager's younger years, Yoh glowered at Manta. Almost flinching back, the tiny blond smiled awkwardly.
"Y-Yoh!" then to Anna and Amidamaru, "Why the long faces...? How did the fight go...?" he asked, eyes hopeful as he watched his friend.
Yoh almost slipped from character, Anna noticed, at the mention of Faust's victory. "I lost Manta. Faust moved onto the second round, he had two wins." the brunette bit out.
This time Manta DID flinch back. "O-Oh..." he knew it. Guilt flooded his chest, and he couldn't meet the bitter expression. What would he say to that? He knew why the other lost. Biting his lip and resting a hand over his chest, Manta closed his eyes. "I...I'm sorry. Its my fault...if I hadn't run..." he said, sincere.
Focus turned to the boy in the bed, who wavered a moment, thankful that Manta's eyes were closed. Anna narrowed her eyes, wondering what would happen. Yoh winced, and, with as much coldness as he could muster, replied, "Yup. I couldn't agree more."
Something snapped suddenly, and Manta looked up at Yoh, eyes wide. Had he really just said that? Yoh had never been that cold. Sure, he seemed disappointed with his friend sometimes, but he had never...never so outwardly said something like this. Manta wasn't sure how to take this. "W-What!?" the word fell from his mouth, making him feel stupid.
Yoh had closed his eyes, and if anyone in the room had been able to see them, his act would have been shattered immediately. Opening them with a shrug, he narrowed them, trying hard to mimic the way Anna looked when he hadn't cleaned the house entirely. He briefly wondered if his eyes words and eyes reflected what he had said. "I told you not to run, but you panicked. Because of you, my dream was almost lost."
No, take it back...! It didn't matter if it was true! It didn't even matter if he didn't mean it! His heart sank when Manta's eyes began to light up with understanding and denial.
"But I...I didn't mean to. T-This is for real...? You're serious?" Manta choked out. Take it back...! He smiled purely out of nervousness.
I cant, Yoh told himself, then forced a look of utter hate. "Go away. We're not friends anymore."
As if struck, the blond went still, flinching back moments after. Mouth opening and closing wordlessly for a second, Manta struggled to get passed the declaration. "W-Why....why're you saying this?" he asked shakily, voice low. "My parents told me not to hang out with you! They want me to move to America!" he cried, the telltale tingles of tears working their way from his eyes. "But I was ready to defy them! Because you were my friend! I...I thought we shared a bond, because I could see ghosts!" I thought you...he began to think, but forced down. Tears began to flow, and even though he utterly loathed crying in front of his friend, Manta didn't care. Not when said friend had just told him he was nothing to him. Not when his world had just shattered.
"But I was WRONG! You're a jerk!!" he yelled, eyes closing, unable to see the way his own cries had affected the brunette.
As Manta turned and ran, Yoh caught himself before he could reach out for him, to tell his first living friend to stay. As the words finally sunk in, Yoh's eyes widened. Moving...? Before he could think much further, everything seemed to shatter with Manta's departing wails.
Everything stopped. Somewhere along the line, the steadily forming crack had burst apart, and the fragments were too sharp to touch now. Listening to the fading echoes of Manta's slippers slap the tiled floors, Anna took a bite from the recently peeled apple. She had been quietly watching the exchange, and now she felt something akin to sympathy for the teen who had run out.
"Wow, you made him cry." she said calmly, as if she hadn't just watched two of her friend's just break off their friendship. "I didn't know you could be so cruel." she added, sighing a little.
Behind her, Amidamaru was a little more considerate of his master's feelings. Looking at him helplessly, hoping against hope, the samurai asked, "A-Are you sure about this master Yoh?" he was ready to launch after the long gone Manta at any moment.
Refraining from telling his partner to do so, Yoh whispered, "I'm sure. Manta got hurt because of me. He'll be safer far from the fights...if he stayed, he might get hurt again...or worse." the way his voice cracked with the admission, told the occupants of the room that Yoh had thought this through and through. After all, he had had nothing but time to think while he waited for Manta's arrival. He wasn't doing this for himself, because the last thing he wanted was to send away his first friend. After everything that had happened, after everything they'd been through together, the last thing Yoh wanted was for Manta to leave.
But..."I'll have to fight someone far worse than Faust next. And I'd have to fight Faust again anyway eventually..." leaning forward to pull his legs closer to his chest, the brunette's lips dipped into a sad frown. The memory of Ren's sudden appearance, saving Yoh and showing off his new Oversoul, had given the young shaman a glimpse at what was in store for himself, and what he could lose if he wasn't careful. Faust's story of his wife had reminded Yoh too much of what HE had almost lost.
"I...don't want to put Manta through that again." he murmured.
Silence followed his explanation, in which Amidamaru sniffled to himself. "And after you had just found a friend..." he wept, truly touched by the strength Yoh had displayed today.
However, Anna found herself less sympathetic, and more irritated at her lack of words. She couldn't really think of what to say, for she knew no words could help her fiancé right now. She also knew that even though she hadn't been keen on Yoh's decision, she had agreed to it. It made her feel like a criminal, and she knew her agreement had settled Yoh's mind that night two months ago. She did the only thing she could do. She changed the subject.
"Thats all well and nice, but what are you going to do NOW? You cant afford to screw up again." she said, and though it sounded cold, Yoh appreciated her gesture.
A silence followed only for a moment, before Yoh announced the unspoken plan he had decided on only last month. "I'm going home to Izumo." he declared, voice stronger than it had been before.
Anna turned, eyes wide. "To...Izumo?" she said, mainly to herself.
Yoh nodded, eyes determined. He leaned his chin on his knees, eyes glazing up with unshed tears and unspoken thoughts. "Yeah. I'll work my butt off and get strong..." he replied, a deep frown curving onto his lips. The next sentence was quiet, meant only to solidify his own vows, yet it carried more meaning than anyone in that room could really understand just then. "And then someday, I'll bring back Manta."
The airport was crowded and loud, like a miniature city had been crammed into a building. The black board that hung high above the waiting area displayed city names in green and red, changing with every plane that took off and landed. Families crowded the chairs, and couples said their goodbyes at the terminals. Manta averted his eyes, a sudden hate swelling up in his chest. He wasn't sure why, but the sorrow filled couples only reminded him further of Yoh, and his own departure.
Next to him, his younger sister Mannoko was whining loudly. "Why does Manta get to go by himself, thats not FAIR!"
His mother ignored the girl with the skill of a woman who ignores all. "I'm so glad you agreed to go...everything will be much easier, ne? I wish I could go to." she sighed dreamily. Something about his mother made Manta want to take off running. He let out a quiet sigh at the thought. As if he could. Not only did he no longer have anyone to turn to if he DID run away, but his father would find him. And then he'd be in real trouble.
Glancing towards the massive glass windows that showed the planes taking off and landing, Manta felt something like a bubble begin to fill his chest. It grew and grew, and cut off his oxygen supply for what felt like years as he listened to the voice over the intercom announce his flight. Standing up rigidly, the blond began to walk towards the terminal, each step making the bubble swell more and more.
Behind him, his mother babbled on to fill the silence, everything she said, every pseudo phrase of love and care, making the bubble grow. His sister sensed the mood, and even through her immature whining, she knew her brother didn't want to go. She also had a vague feeling that he didn't want to stay either. Her whining died down a bit, but Mannoko's pout didn't go away. She still wanted to go to the states by herself to...
Manta stopped when the lady asked for his ticket, and he offered it, glancing back to see the place he'd more than likely, never see again. He noticed a crowd making noise, and heard a familiar deep laugh, and his chest tightened. Not far from his left, in another terminal, he saw a couple kiss and hug and say things he couldn't hear. "I love you"s and whispers of farewell, "I'll call"s and "we'll see each other again"s and soft expressions and lingering touches. They weren't cold eyes and teary betrayed sobs, and they more than certainly entailed long promises to meet again.
Turning quickly, the blond took off down the terminal, unable to stand the sight. The peach colored wallpaper of the terminal seemed too fake, and seemed to go on for forever. Even quickening his pace, when Manta had finally met the line between him and the plane, he found it hard to wait. The bubble in his throat and chest got bigger and bigger with every second, and he could still see that couple and hear those familiar laughs. By the time he had gotten to the plane, it felt as if he had run a marathon with the world outside, and Manta was relieved to be seated and leaving.
Glancing out the window, the familiar trees and mountains, the houses and the sky, they all seemed to run at him, slamming into the teen, who felt like he might suffocate at any moment now. It felt as if time was frozen and that every memory he had of Funbari was trying to pull him back, take back his course and lead him somewheres else. Squeezing his eyes shut, and tuning out the flight attendant, the small blond tried hard to ignore everything around him. He cracked an eye open and saw his mother and sister watching from the window, saw Ryu and his gang waltz behind them towards their own flight, and felt as if something was about to shatter.
The vibration of the plane startled the frantic teen from his musings, and though he had ridden planes before and knew there was nothing to fear, something shouted at him to stop the plane, stop the ride because it looked much scarier once he was on it. The bubble inflated even further, and if Manta didn't know any better, he'd say it was really there.
But it was too late to yell "stop the ride!" now. He was already going up the inclined part of the roller coaster, and he was going to drop soon, and nothing could stop him now. Teetering on that edge, backwards or forwards, he had to decide. And he had. As the plane began to lift off, and the land began to grow smaller and smaller, and water began to take up more and more of his window view, Manta felt that bubble pop at last. But because of the size, and the pressure within it, the explosion was huge, and agonizing. The ride down that incline, coupled with the explosion, nearly sent him flying from the ride.
Everything began to shatter around him again, and everything finally sunk in. The words, the cold looks, the couples, the exploding feeling he felt inside, it all overwhelmed him at once, yet it was simple and numb, leaving one thought to linger before the others swamped him. He was leaving behind Yoh, his first friend, and no one but himself would ever care.
The world took on a new meaning, and suddenly, the ride froze in place halfway down the incline.
Then, before he could blink, time restarted, and it was all over. When it was all said and done, he was alone now, and when he glanced around, it was only him, and a view of the bleak outside. It felt as if nothing changed and the year with Yoh and Anna and Amidamaru had never occurred to begin with. Or rather, everything all erased itself from his mind, save for a warm smile, that he finally understood. And seconds later, he understood he'd never see it again.
Never again...
(heavy breath of relief!!!) Dx manta's part was........erm, odd. probably very fragmented, but that was paaaartly the point. and i know, by taking this part out, a lot of the show will change, let alone the manga! i'm sorta unsure of how to proceed with that, but i'm sure i'll think of something x..x;; yes, there will be a plot, and no, this wont be the last time yoh or manta meet. i wont get to big on my plans, but i assure you, it'll go on, with hopefully just as much interest as this chapter might hold. thank you for reading!!